
Naruto : I'am The Tsuchikage

Arano Haishōri is now the Tsuchikage, how will he lead Iwagakure?(Hidden Stone Village). Finally Arano attained the position of Tsuchikage , but it is not the end of his struggle as new problems appear , will he get corrupt from all this power ? Will he sacrifice himself for the village or will he sacrifice the village for him? WHAT TO EXPECT -FIGHT -DEATH -POLITICS -ANTIHERO MC -BACKSTABBING -A BIG CAT ON MY PROFILE PICTURE :D *I added new characters so their might be some change in the timeline also not everything is cannon to the story. *I'm rewriting some chapters if needed -English is not my first language ( so there might be some errors ) -if you have some suggestion write them down in the comment. Note : i don't own naruto , and i don't own the cover of my book.

CHUNKYCAT · Anime & Comics
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Meanwhile when the group of the Tsuchikage traveled to the Land of Fire , Han and his team were looking for Sesaki, a missing ninja from their village.

The first step towards finding him was to question everyone who knew him. Han didn't have much faith in it, but it had to be done.

And, as predicted, interviewing those who knew Sesaki produced no results, so their next step was to look through all small Village and City that are close to Iwa to see if they could detect Sesaki chakra, a small trace of chakra left anywhere would also suffice.

Yusu, check the north, Azora, check the west, and I, as i'm the fastest i will investigate the east and south; if you discover any sign of Sesaki, you are free to pursue him; as all of you are stronger than him, everything should be good. Remember that if any of you discover him or any evidence of him, you must notify the rest of the team by sending a sealed scroll to the rest of the squad throw a summoned pet.

Han and his team dispersed themselves in different directions after Han gave his order, the first place that Han will check will be a small village in the south of Iwa, after finishing his inspection he will go to the east, and of course along the way he will check every town, and village that he is going to come across. They also determined before leaving that if they found nothing after checking every town and village, they would return to Iwa to think about their next move.

In another place

Tsuchikage and the rest of the group have finished their two-day stay at the city near the Land of Waterfalls and are currently going across the Land of Waterfalls. But why were they traveling through the Land of Waterfalls when they could have traveled through the Land of Grass or the Land of Rain? The answer was simple: the Chunin exam would be held in the north of the Land of Fire, possibly because the Hokage didn't like what happened last time in his Village between the Tsuchikage and the Raikage and decided that it would be better to hold the Chunin exam somewhere far away from Konoha.

Anyway, it didn't matter where the Chunin examine was conducted; the important thing was to demonstrate to the other Hidden Villages that Iwa was stronger.

But there were no guarantees that the teams sent by Iwa would win the Chunin exam. Kumogakure would undoubtedly want to win the Chunin exam to demonstrate that they are the strongest, and Konohagakure, as the strongest ninja Village, would undoubtedly want to demonstrate that even after the Second Great Ninja War, they are still the strongest elemental nation. All of this just indicated that the upcoming exam would undoubtedly be difficult for all genin taking part in it, since no one wanted to shame their Village.

Day passed rapidly , and in the blink of an eye the now group of 10 was close to the border between the Land of Waterfalls and the Land of Fire , the only thing that they had to do was to pass close to one of the border patrol , so that Konoha know that they are present in their territories , after which they may send a squad of ninja to escorte them , in fact it didn't really matter if they sent a squad or not as Arano already knew were the Chunin exam would be held.

They had noticed several konoha ninja spying on them from distance after crossing the border, however they weren't thinking anything of it because it was common to spy on ninja who crossed the border, and they would undoubtedly report this to the Hokage, or maybe they already know that the Tsuchikage is coming.

In either case, it made little difference to them as they resumed their journey into the deep forest of the Land of Fire. They still had to travel for a few days before getting at the location where the stated exam would be held, yet Arano was very skilled at organizing , so they would be on time for the exam.

Finally, after a relatively short journey (even if it took a few days) through various forests, they arrived at the Chunin exam location. At first glance, they could see a few structures, and some ninja from different villages. As they continued advancing, a team of Konoha ninja stopped them, and informed them that the Tsuchikage and his men would have to follow them, while the genin would be escorted by the instructor to the place where the Chunin exam would be held. After two weeks of travel, the party were split in this manner.

some info about Land of Fire ( from wiki )

The Land of Fire is one of the largest and most powerful countries seen, and is the home of the main characters of the series. Its government leader is the Fire Daimyō. The Land of Fire was the first country to adopt a ninja village, Konohagakure, a custom other countries would soon adopt. The Land of Fire is appropriately oriented towards the element of fire, typically having very bright and warm weather. While not the physically largest country, it has the largest hidden village.

The Land of Fire has been involved in wars with the Land of Lightning, the Land of Earth, and the Land of Wind. In the quiet years that followed, the Land of Fire slowly recovered, and became accustomed to peace. This was seen as a weakness by other countries, which had been working to increase their military power, and is one of the factors that brought about the Konoha Crush by Otogakure and Sunagakure.

On the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Sound sits the Valley of the End, a large rift formed shortly after the founding of Konohagakure by the First Hokage and Madara Uchiha.

Autor note :


Rate my fanfic plz :d

so other people can see how much stars it has.

oh and positive review = more chapters

This chapter is smaller than the other because i didn't have that much inspiration for another chapter about travel.