
Naruto : I'am The Tsuchikage

Arano Haishōri is now the Tsuchikage, how will he lead Iwagakure?(Hidden Stone Village). Finally Arano attained the position of Tsuchikage , but it is not the end of his struggle as new problems appear , will he get corrupt from all this power ? Will he sacrifice himself for the village or will he sacrifice the village for him? WHAT TO EXPECT -FIGHT -DEATH -POLITICS -ANTIHERO MC -BACKSTABBING -A BIG CAT ON MY PROFILE PICTURE :D *I added new characters so their might be some change in the timeline also not everything is cannon to the story. *I'm rewriting some chapters if needed -English is not my first language ( so there might be some errors ) -if you have some suggestion write them down in the comment. Note : i don't own naruto , and i don't own the cover of my book.

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41 Chs


-Inside the Hidden Stone Village.

-Arano pov : 

Currently i'm walking down a long corridor within the Tsuchikage mansion, I've planned a meeting with Onoki and the Commanders of the Anbu.

I didn't have to walk for a long time since in front of me is present a standard wooden door, i opened the door and entered the room, inside all of the people that I was expecting were already waiting for me.

I thank all of you for coming to the meeting, I truly appreciate this. As you are undoubtedly aware, everyone in this room is a person of trust, which is why I will tell you openly why I have called this meeting and what you will have to do.

As you are aware, a meeting will be held in Konoha in two weeks, all Kage are asked to attend. Although the Hokage stated that the gathering is about peace, I do not believe that he will be able to create it.

But it doesn't matter , i will still go this meeting , peace will undoubtedly not be the only topic we will discuss. Even if we don't gain anything during the meeting, it doesn't matter because what we want is to ensure peace for several years to rebuild the Village.

The discussion still did not resolve one problem: I will have to leave the Village for several weeks ,during this time Onoki will have to take my responsibility.

During my travel, I will have team AB-1 and AB-2 with me , apart from this two teams Onoki will lead the rest of the Anbu.

As for the other AB squad commanders, I want you to continue your mission as usual, but if I die you must obey Onoki and make him the new Tsuchikage.


-Later At Night

On the wall that surround all of Iwagakure, 9 individuals were standing, 8 wearing Anbu masks and the Tsuchikage dressed in his ordinary attire; during an earlier discussion, it was determined that it is better to depart from the Village at night.

The plan of travel was simple: they would travel directly to Kannabi Bridge, then across the Land of Grass, and lastly into the Land of Fire.

Despite the lengthy journey, the team of 9 was not worried , it would be suicidal to attack a team of 8 elite Jonin and a Kage, no one would probably dare to attack them.

Even though their squad was quite strong, they still had to be cautious , if another hidden Village try something against them it might be dangerous.

The Tsuchikage was confident in his power , he still managed to win a fight against 2 of the 3 Legendary Sannin , this greatly improved his reputation in the Village .

It was finally time to depart, the group of nine people leap from their positions and began sprinting at a high speed.

-Time passed

The Land of Earth is a large country, which is why it took some time , to arrive at the Kannabi Bridge; the good news is that nothing happened throughout the journey.

Even though they spotted sometime some rogue ninja, they posed little threat, and the Tsuchikage just needed to use one of his attacks to kill them.

The party of nine opted to spend the night inside the of Land of Earth; the next day, they crossed the Kannabi Bridge and found themselves in territory controlled by the Village Hidden in the Grass.

Because the Hidden Village in the Grass did not hold vast territory, it did not take long for the group to leave it's territory.

When they approached the border of the Land of Fire, some Jonin that were patrolling the border recognized them and told them that the Hokage had instructed them to escort the Tsuchikage to Konoha.

The group of Iwa Jonin and their Kage, accompanied now by Konoha Jonin, reached Konoha after several days of travel.

The Tsuchikage and his men were approaching the large wall that surrounded Konoha, Arano was greeted by the Hokage at the wall's gate.

"Welcome to Konoha, unfortunately not everyone has arrived yet, so for the time being I will provide you and your men with a temporary place to rest, the meeting will most likely take place tomorrow morning at the Hokage Mansion, I will also assign you one Jonin if you have any questions, just ask him." said the third Hokage.

"Thank you very much for this kind greeting, and please don't be concerned about us; it was our mistake that we arrived so early." replied the second Tsuchikage.

After a brief conversation with the Hokage, Arano and his men were led to a large mansion with many rooms and a large garden. The room where Arano would be sleeping had a lovely view, even the room where Arano's men would be resting are nice.

Arano decided to summon his men, to explain that he would take two men with him outdoors, while the other would remain within the estate.

-Arano pov:

It's a beautiful and warm day today, and I'd be foolish if I didn't take advantage of it by visiting Konoha. We still have one day until the meeting, so it doesn't matter if I spend the rest of the day visiting. Apart from me and my two subordinates, we still have the Jonin assigned to me, who can assist in visiting.


The Third Raikage had arrived on the opposite side of Konoha, he was met by the Hokage and given a house for his men to rest, despite the fact that the Raikage had many things to do in his village, he still decided to attend to this meeting, more out of curiosity than any political play.

While traveling to their assigned residence, the Third Raikage noticed something unusual in the corner of his eye: a young man wearing a cloak that looked remarkably similar to his own.

He approached the group of four people and began conversing with them.

"You must be the new Tsuchikage; I'm surprised to see you here" said the Raikage while thinking about something.

"I'm assuming that you're the Raikage." responded Arano.

"Yes, I'm the Raikage, but you look quite young are you really the Tsuchikage?" said the Raikage in a mocked tone.

When the Raikage finished speaking , the Tsuchikage looked visibly very upset.

"Calm down, little one; I'm only surprised that someone so young is a kage" said the Raikage.

"Hmmmm" murmured Arano , while not really knowing what to say.

"Tsuchikage , I heard you were quite powerful; don't you think it would be a good idea to check to see whether the rumors are accurate?" said the Raikage with a excited tone.

"The rumors are accurate, but unfortunately , you lack the strength to independently confirm whether or not they are real." retorqued Arano , finally knowing what to say. 

"Please refrain from fighting inside the village Mr. Raikage and Mr. Tsuchikage." said the Jonin who accompanied Arano.

The two Kage were uninterested in the Jonin's plea, and as the minutes passed, the discussion shifted from joke to insult, and after a while, the two of them were just insulting each other village, the situation was so tense that several squads of Anbu and the Hokage were required to appease it.

Finally, the Hokage was able to separate the two Kage, the Tsuchikage and the Raikage returned to their assigned mansions, while the Hokage was having a headache when thinking about the meeting that will take place tomorrow morning.

Fortunately for the Hokage, nothing occurred today, only a few worried civilians, although Hiruzen is unsure if he will be able to preserve calm at the meeting tomorrow, when all of the Kage will be present.

Hiruzen relaxed a bit knowing that he will have Orochimaru, a Legendary Sennin, and a few Anbu squads present at the meeting.

*Chapter Rewrited*

I've been very busy lately , so i'm sorry if the update rate is slow :C

It will probably be like this for the 3 next weeks.

ps: rate my story 5 star and you will get free v-bucks :D ( of course this is not a scam)