
Naruto : I'am The Tsuchikage

Arano Haishōri is now the Tsuchikage, how will he lead Iwagakure?(Hidden Stone Village). Finally Arano attained the position of Tsuchikage , but it is not the end of his struggle as new problems appear , will he get corrupt from all this power ? Will he sacrifice himself for the village or will he sacrifice the village for him? WHAT TO EXPECT -FIGHT -DEATH -POLITICS -ANTIHERO MC -BACKSTABBING -A BIG CAT ON MY PROFILE PICTURE :D *I added new characters so their might be some change in the timeline also not everything is cannon to the story. *I'm rewriting some chapters if needed -English is not my first language ( so there might be some errors ) -if you have some suggestion write them down in the comment. Note : i don't own naruto , and i don't own the cover of my book.

CHUNKYCAT · Anime & Comics
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After Some Time *

-A few months later

In the outskirts of Iwagakure , on a sunny day , a squad of genin could be seen training on one of the many training fields that are open for all ninja from the village.

"The weather is pretty nice today" said Zato a young Iwa genin.

"We rarely experience such nice weather, anyway did you approach Sensei about receiving a more difficult mission next time, our last mission was to rescue a cat that had escaped from his owner!" Ask Iwame.

"Zato has probably forgotten to do it so I decided to ask Sensei about it ". Okura said while looking at Zato.

"O and what did he say" ask Zato not minding how Iwame look at him.

"He stated that it is not up to him whether we are assigned a difficult or simple task" Okura responded.

"Yet, I'm becoming bored with doing another easy mission; perhaps we might ask Sensei to teach us a new ninja skill." Said Iwame while being excited.

"Good idea , there's a high chance that he will accept" replied Zato.

As the Genin squad continued their training, a person leapt from a nearby tree and appeared in front of them. It was their sensei who overheard their entire chat and decided to appear since he had important news for them.

" I know you're tired of completing simple missions, and while I don't have control over what missions we get, I can at the very least urge someone in charge of the task to give us something new. But, fortunately for you, I have both good and bad news. Which one would you want to hear first?"

"let's hear the good news first."

"The good news is that you will take the

 chunnin exam, and if you pass, you will be assigned more difficult missions."

" And what is the bad news."

"To be precise, there are two bits of bad news: the first is that the chunnin test is different this year, and the second is that you will have less free time."

" Why is this year's chunnin exam different, and what makes it different from previous year's? " Asked Iwame.

"The future chunnin exam will be held in The Land of Fire, and 4 Hidden Village will take part, implying that the exam would be more difficult than the one taken last year."

"oh that to bad." Said Okura.

"Also, the Tsuchikage has summoned us, surely for an important reason, which is most likely related to the chunnin exam."

"When do we get to meet the Tsuchikage?" Ask Zato.

"Today, we have one hour to be in his office, so cease training and pack your belongings; we will reassemble at the Tsuchikage residence in 50 minutes."

After that, the group of chunnin packed their belongings and went home to change out of their training clothes. After finishing their task, they began walking to the Tsuchikage mansion, where their sensei was already waiting for them. They talked for a few minutes before entering the mansion.

Inside the Mansion they were redirected to the Tsuchikage office , they knock a few time on the door , until they heard a come in , their sensei opened the door , and the group of 4 walked inside the room.

" You are earlier than I expected. " Said a young man with a kage cloak on him.

" it is normal to be on time or even earlier , when meeting someone as important as you." Responded the Sensei with a nervous face.

"Yes , yes , let's talk about more important things know , you already know that your team is going to take the chunnin exam , you also should know that the chunnin exam this year will be more difficult then last year , that's why I have decided that you will each get one technique scroll "

" When we will get our scroll " said Okura with a smile on her face.

"Follow me and I'll give you the scrolls. Also, you may choose any technique scroll but you must study and perfect the technique on it. Don't take a scroll that is too difficult to learn because you don't have much time until the chunnin test." Explained the Tsuchikage.

The party of genin and their Sensei followed the Tsuchikage through the mansion's many corridors, walking down stairs for several minutes before arriving. The Tsuchikage knock twice on a metal door.

A masked Shinobi opened the door , the group continued following the Tsuchikage inside the dark room to a table , on the table is present a rather big book.

"You can choose any D and C rank technique , and even B but remember to choose technique that you can learn , i want you to win the incoming chunnin exam , precisely i want you to destroy the team that will be sent by the Raikage."

Each Genin began by looking at the book, flipping the page several times, and after some time and a brief discussion with their Sensei, they finally chose the scroll that they desired: Okura chose an earth clone scroll, Zato chose a scroll with a water technique, and Iwame chose an earth attack scroll.

" Are you all sure that's what you want , there is no turning back after you choose."

"Yes we are sure "-all Genin responded in unison.

The Tsuchikage tap one time on the table , and another masked ninja appear before him , he then show him the scroll that will be needed , the masked ninja nodded and flickered away.

After a few minutes the Masked ninja came back with all asked scrolls , and gave them to the Tsuchikage.

" just that you know it , you are not allowed to share this scrolls with anyone , and after a few months you will have to give back this scroll , even if this scrolls are just copy."

After saying this the Tsuchikage gave to each Genin their respective ninja scroll.

After this all of them walk out of the room , in the middle of their way the group of 5 was stopped by an Anbu .

" Lord Tsuchikage you are needed in your office it is about a secret mission. "

"Well unfortunately I have matter to attend , the Anbu present here will guide you to the exit , and also if you manage to humiliate the ninja from Kumogakure i will give each of you another scroll ."

After finishing speaking the Tsuchikage walk away to his office , while the group of 4 was escorted out of the mansion by the Anbu .

When Arano entered his office an Anbu was already present in it , kneeling infront of him .

"Lord Tsuchikage an urgent report has come , i have already put the report on your desk."

"Good , wait here i will soon give you knew orders."

The Tsuchikage sat on his office and took the report and started reading .

" It seems that this project will take more time than estimated , i would have to relocate more resources to this project , but in the end it doesn't matter this project is far to important , i will also have to send someone to verify if everything is going according to the plan." though Arano.

The Tsuchikage started writing on a scroll after finishing he used a jutsu to seal the scroll.

"Your new mission is to give this scroll to the one that is leading this project."

"Yes Lord Tsuchikage " responded the man from the anbu.

While the Tsuchikage was giving his order , and attending important matter.

Team E compose of Zato , Iwame and Okura where talking about their encounter with the Tsuchikage , and their new mission.

"If I'm correct , this chunnin exam is like a mission which mean that it will be like a hard mission." Said Okura.

" Yes it's true that it will be hard , but you get a free technique scroll to compensate , and if you satisfy the Tsuchikage you will get another scroll." Said their Sensei.

"we will have to train hard for the next week's , so that we can prove to the Tsuchikage that we are strong and that it was not a mistake to give us this mission" said Zato .

"To accomplish this mission we will not just have to beat but also humiliate Genin from Kumo ." Said Iwame , not being confident in his own strength.

" Sadly for you we don't have any information about the Genin that Kumo will send , that's another reason why you will have to train hard."

-Later that day in Tsuchikage office

" I have chosen the best team of Genin that i could think of , but we still have to choose another team." 

"And what do you propose ." Said Onoki 

" I have many matters to attend , that's why I will let you choose the second team."

"You always manage to give a portion of your work to me , but fine i will do it l."

*Chapter edited*

autor note :

99% of this chapter was written on my phone , so tell me if you don't like something or if there is a error somewhere.

I have also try new thing when writing this chapter i hope you like.

Like always you can rate my fanfiction if you like it , it's always good to know that some people like what I write .

Important- what I'm writing is a fanfic so it's normal if some things are not cannon .