
Naruto : I'am The Tsuchikage

Arano Haishōri is now the Tsuchikage, how will he lead Iwagakure?(Hidden Stone Village). Finally Arano attained the position of Tsuchikage , but it is not the end of his struggle as new problems appear , will he get corrupt from all this power ? Will he sacrifice himself for the village or will he sacrifice the village for him? WHAT TO EXPECT -FIGHT -DEATH -POLITICS -ANTIHERO MC -BACKSTABBING -A BIG CAT ON MY PROFILE PICTURE :D *I added new characters so their might be some change in the timeline also not everything is cannon to the story. *I'm rewriting some chapters if needed -English is not my first language ( so there might be some errors ) -if you have some suggestion write them down in the comment. Note : i don't own naruto , and i don't own the cover of my book.

CHUNKYCAT · Anime & Comics
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A Look Back In Time II *

-Somewhere in Amegakure

Four shinobi are currently bouncing from tree to tree , in a peaceful deep forest where birds could be observed. After travelling through the forest for a while, the group came to a halt close to a tree and gazed ahead, where they noticed a magnificent mansion protected by several guards.

They instantly began monitoring the house from their position, gathering usefull information such as the presence of roughly 20-30 guards the majority of which had genin chakra reserves while the stronger ones possessed chunin chakra reserves.

They approach closer and closer to the house, as they were getting closer they used their ninja skills to murder the guards protecting the estate's perimeter.

Before entering the mansion they used scrolls to conceal the guards' dead bodies.

All four Shinobi got inside the mansion thanks to an open window; once inside, they look at each other and nodded; at that point, each shinobi jumped to a separate location to accomplish their part of the mission.

The four Shinobi passed through each room quickly, murdering the guards in each one, 2 minutes later all guards in the mansion were dead, their bodies couldn't be seen since they were concealed in special scrolls.

The same group of masked Shinobi gathered at the same location were they entered 2 minutes ago.

The four disguised shinobi entered the mansion's largest room, where an affluent individual was eating dinner with his family.

The wealthy guy and his family got taken aback and were terrified by the four disguised people.

One of the four shinobi approached them while pulling out a kunai from his pocket, he placed the weapon on the neck of one of the rich man's children, threatening the father that if he does not give them his money, they will murder everyone .

Even though the merchant was dissatisfied with their demand, he couldn't do anything and told where all of his money is , after which he prayed that they wouldn't murder him and his family.

One of the masked individuals who look to be the leader , signaled to two of his mate to examine the location of the money to determine whether the man was telling the truth.

-Five minutes later

The two shinobi returned to notify their leader that they had taken all the money , and that the man didn't lie to them.

Unfortunately, the rich man was unaware that he possessed a 2 million ryo bounty on his head.

The tallest masked man who appear to be the leader of their group, lifted two of his fingers, and the form of the floor under the rich man and his wife changed to a spike, piercing them and killing them on the spot.

At the same moment the children of the rich man were knockout and brought out of the home by the masked individuals, who placed them in a considerable distance away from the mansion. Before withdrawing they used many powerful fire ninjutsu on the mansion to erase any trace of them that could be left.

After this the four masked ninja began jumping from tree to tree , eventually arriving at a cave opening .

Their walk through the cave for roughly 5 minutes before eventually removing their mask.

The Leader of the group , Arano started speaking "we have been stealing money from rich Amegakure individual for almost 1 year and 2 months now , and now we have to stop , because the Tsuchikage is dead , our army is being push back from Amegakure by Konoha force , it is said that three ninja have fought against Hanzo and manage to survive the fight , because of this Hanzo gave them the title of legendary sannin

Anyway to not lose the war, Han and I will work together to stop the three famous sannin, this will help us in the peace talks , if we complete this task it will also improve my popularity in the village.

The Four Shinobi began to converse a bit more, but after a while they fell asleep. In the morning, Han and Arano began heading to the border between The Land of Earth and The Land of Rain, where the battles would now take place.

The two other shinobi had completed their duty , and just had to return to Iwa.

-After several months of warfare

Iwagakure Ninja were pushed back from the Land of Rain, between the border of Iwa and Ame flow along river , Iwa ninja intend to use this natural obstacle to block Konoha advancement.

After the death of Tsuchikage, the situation in Iwagakure was quite poor; there is a major lack of organization because of many clan leaders not agreeing with the actual war strategy .

The Commander of the Iwagakure ninja force disagreed with the nobles on several points mainly on how to stop Konoha's progress.

Iwagakure responded to this crisis by forming a temporary council composed of all clan leaders and all Elders. By doing so, they were able to regain some organization and begin planning the future defense. For them, the war was already lost, the plan is to defend their territories while waiting for Konoha to propose peace talks.

The problem is that Iwa is losing the war, and if they want to sign a peace treaty with Konoha, they would have to pay compensation, which is why Onoki informed Arano that they need a win over Konoha before proposing white peace.

Arano and Han have been traveling through the Land of Rain for several days now; most Amegakure regions were dense forest, so both of them had to be wary of any traps laid by Konoha or Ame ninja.

Fortunately for the two of us, nothing really fascinating occurred throughout the journey; now that we have arrived at the area where the battle occurs, we have an opportunity to complete our task, which is to defeat the three Legendary Sannin.

We know thanks to the intelligence gathering team that the three Sannin are teaming together and focusing in attacking our main force.


Inside a forest , three shinobi were packing up their belongings.

Tsunade and Jiraya were talking about their mission, which involved fighting Iwa shinobi.

Orochimaru, who is always careful, sensed something. He quickly glanced at his two companions, who knew right away that they would soon be engage in combat.

When Arano and Han realize that they have been spotted, they leap from their hiding and appear in front of the three Sannin.

 "the one on the right is a Jinchuriki be careful" said Orochimaru while looking at this teammate.

Yes, Han the Jinchuuriki of the five tails, but he is not the only threat you are going to face today, Arano remarked.

At that moment the terrain beneath each Sannin changed shape to resemble a sharp point ; despite being not prepared for this attack, the still Sennin managed to avoid it by leaping away from their position.

While Han who remained behind Arano , finished making a Bijuu orb and cast it at the Sannin, to not let the Sannin rest.

Orochimaru leapt forward and summoned a Triple Rashmon (three powerful big metal doors) using a summoning jutsu.

Instantly two Rashomons were destroyed by the demon orb, but the final one was too powerful to be destroy and managed to protect the Konoha Sannin.

While Orochimaru summoned a snake 10 meter long that charged at Han, Jiraya prepared a huge fireball and leap toward Arano. Tsunade also moved toward Arano, but from a different position.

To protect himself Arano had use five of his fingers to directly change the shape of the earth to a large wall, successfully blocking Tsunade.

Jiraya was now very close to his enemy , directly casting a huge fireball, fortunately Arano had already finished to condense his Dust Release successfully forming a small cube , the cube was directly thrown toward Jiraya.

Thanks to his speed Jiraya was able to avoid the approaching Jinton, it was a good idea that prior to attacking he had switched into Sage mode.

While Jiraya avoided being killed , Tsunade used all of her strength to smash the wall that Arano had created , shattering it to pieces.

Orochimaru, on the other hand, was having trouble , Han defeated his summoned snake, while Orochimaru had to use high chakra demanding jutsu to keep up with him.

Arano raised his finger once more, condensing several metal balls the size of fists from the earth, throwing them at Jiraya.

Because he didn't want to be pierced by several metal ball Jiraya hardened his hair and used them as protection, meanwhile Tsunade summoned Katsuyu to heal of all of her teammates.

With the aid of a special summon, Orochimaru summoned 100 snakes, who charged toward Han .

It didn't really matter to Han because he has the ability to transform into the Version 1 of his tailed beast.

( version 1 : creates a dense chakra cloak around the jinchuriki—is made possible by his good relationship with his Bijuu. enhancing all of Han's capacities)

Han therefore condensed another Bijuu orb , directly throwing it at the snakes, the attack was successful as all snake were killed. 

The fight continued for some time , each side slowly started to become tired ; The Three Legendary Sannin were unable to lay an attack on their enemy , Arano and Han were able to successfully defend themselves although they didn't seriously harm the enemy , they still have the advantage.

The Konoha Ninja calculated that soon they will be at a disadvantage if they continued fighting, so after making a final attack they decided to retreat , because neither side could land a major blow to the other side Arano and Han decided to not chase them.

As the result of the fight, Arano had accomplish his main goal of defeating Konoha legendary Sannin.

*Chapter rewrited*

I Am very busy lately so i will update less my fanfic , but don't worry it is not definitive.

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