
Naruto : husband of kaguya

Sarge_3270 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

After running in the forest, we didn't stop for a whole day, as we got closer and closer to a Gigantic tree, Kaguya wanted to absorb the divine and as much as I hated the idea, there was no other way and all of this is because I'm to week, I hated myself for being to week, for not having enough strength to wipe out all those who threatened us, I gritted my teeth with anger, but I calmed myself down, now was not the time to act like this, as I calmed down I noticed some fire arrows flying towards us, Kaguya seemed to notice it too as she tried to deflect the arrows with her powers but she suddenly stopped and collapsed on her knees, "Kaguya" I shouted

And got down on my knees to check on her condition, and when the maid suddenly said "Are you with a child Lady Kaguya" I was happy and sad as I realised she was pregnant, Kaguya suddenly said, "I must reach the divine tree".

She tried to stand up but I quickly put my hands on her back and legs, bridal carrying her to the divine tree "Lady Kaguya please just go I will stop them " she said with determination in her voice, and started running in that direction of the archers "aino" Kaguya said with sadness in her voice as I started running to the divine tree, sadly aino died soon after in the rain of arrows.

As we got near the divine tree I let Kaguya down from the bridal carrying, as she got closer to the tree, she suddenly stopped as I saw a shining ball of light coming down from the tree and falling into the hands of Kaguya, as she took a bite, I immediately felt the immense energy exploding out from her body as she started rising into the sky as a huge portal appeared, out of which a huge red moon started shining from the portal, "shine upon the world infinity Tsukuyomi" said Kaguya as the patterns of rine-Sharingan appeared on the moon shining bright as I fell in a deep sleep.

As I woke up from my deep sleep, I saw Kaguya beautifull as always, now with two horns on her head, full of white hair, she was also wearing a long kimono with purple and golden lines on the sleeves and neck with tomoe next to the lines, making her look more divine then before.

"Kaguya," I said with a soft smile as I got close to her, hugging her as hard as I could.

" We shall rule this world, with our children," she said with a determined voice.

I didn't say a thing, I was filled with anger, anger at myself because I was too weak, because I didn't train hard enough, that I couldn't protect Kaguya and my children, I promised myself in that moment that I would never be this helpless in front of anyone.

A year passed after kagoya put all the humans in an infinite Tsukuyomi, but she soon freed some of them and erased their memories to start a new life in the land of ancestors, and now Kaguya is the protector and the ruler of the land of ancestors, also recently Kaguya gave berth to my children, two boys, the older one being called hagoromo and the younger one being called hamura, I was beyond overjoyed when I first held them, Kaguya was also very happy, looking at them with a gentle smile, it's the first time I saw her smile and it was mesmerising, I couldn't get my eyes of her beautiful face as I was frozen in place enjoying the beautiful seen in front of me, I snapped out of my dazed state, hugging Kaguya and my children with a gentle smile " I love you " I whispered in her ear, giving her a kiss.

our relationship has grown very well in the past year, and my training hasn't stopped as well, now I'm more focused on meditation trying to sense my physical and spiritual energies to fuse them into chakra, but the progress is very slow, I also didn't stop practising my fighting techniques improving them day by day making them more perfect.

It was a beautiful night, the sky was filled with beautiful starlight as I meditated in the silence of the night, I felt something new as I entered a deep state of meditation, I felt two different types of energies in my body, physical and spiritual energies I tried to move the energies but to no surprise that proved to be very difficult but it was a start to obtaining chakra and I was very happy, as I meditated the whole night, trying to control these energies to the best of my current capabilities, I just don't know how hard it will be to fuse these energies, and to be honest I don't want to think about that now. I stopped thinking about that and focused my full attention to meditation as the night went by.

I opened my eyes as I saw the sunrise, I was filled with energy as I started training my body, after finishing my training I went to see my children and started playing with them until it was time for them to sleep, gently placing them in their beds before leaving quietly to not disturb them.

I left their room and started looking for Kaguya.

I found her on the balcony looking up at the sky, I walked to her and stood next to her looking up at the sky, "it's a beautiful day isn't it" I said with a smile.

Kaguya looked at me and said, "You seem more happy than unusual".

"Why shouldn't I be happy, when I have a beautiful wife and kids by my side," I said with a happy smile.

Kaguya looked into my eyes and a small smile appeared on her face.

"I am very happy as well," she said with a beautiful smile.

I just stood there enjoying her beautiful smile.