
Naruto: Hole Dweller

Partially based off the song 'Hole Dweller' by Kikuo. I can't think of a good thing to write here, so just listen to the song above. It will explain a lot more than any abstract can.

ME36 · Anime & Comics
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[Running program]










































































I hear the sound of a few computer fans going into overclock















A string of thoughts enter my head





What is real?

Why are we?






Who am I?







Is anything ever?









How am I here?






Who are you?


Is this an illusion?


















A sudden knock hits me, as if I was always here to begin with.


A video, or would I say, memory flashed before my eyes:


It is of a man, someone familiar... a dog..... a truck. It seems as if the man cannot see the moving large hauler vehicle.


As for such a mistake, he was paralyzed from the waist down, crawling for help..... until he couldn't find any. An unfortunate event.







[Decreasing fan speed, temperatures stable]




Ah now I understand, this man was me. But, why don't I feel any emotion? Any sadness?


Who am I?



[Memory break detected]



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My name is... ¥●"^$:×?


No, that can't be right


Mabye £□"]$;×?




Then what is it?


Ah, now I understand




My name is Kutsuki Chō





Yes, that is it....



A butterfly and a rotting tree






A heartbeat?



*thump* *thump*


Who is this?






I feel such a connection, like this is related to me.i can hear it all the time


I have just taken notice . .....

















A woman's scream?


How long have I been here






Why can I see?










Why does it hurt?











A warm smile


That's all a man would want, or ever need


Why do I feel this way?





Little marks on my face

Is she.... crying?







[Reorganizing Memories Initializing]






A warm light. One with care and memories to go with it. I feel peaceful in this world. No issues.

A man walks into the room holding my inverted cage,

"*$;¥●♡~¥"●♡*$ ]$,₩○ ¥□¡~₩×]."

I do not understand him, but my worries wash away,

"] >$♤● )"□."

He then walks up and holds me in his large arms, and envelops me in warmth.



As time passes I drift off to sleep





I look up to the sky, filled with stars. As I look at them, I feel them stare back. It fills me with comfort.

In my family, it is known that being born on exactly midnight results in bad luck to everyone that is around me.

As I look around, all I see are barred windows in a small dusty room. I have seen this sight many, many times.

All throughout my life, it has been like this.





What will come after a hundred, or a thousand years. I have been trapped here, longing for outside.

All my worries fade away as I look at the starry night, again, and again.

What would it feel like to touch those stars I stare at so often. What would it be like to feel the sunlight on my skin, not through a window in a roof.



*knock* *knock*

I jump out of my stuptor and immediately stand up as the floor opens.

A man walks and and looks at me with a weird glint I his eyes, "It is time, come with me."



After a while of walking, I think about what is about to happen.

I will die for the sake of others, I am special.

They have learned a few generations ago that the child of night will have flesh that contains special powers. And if another person consumes it, they gain a part of that power.

The child of night will only ever appear in this bloodline, and after hearing my mother gave birth on midnight, they stole me.





I forgot how to feel pain, all I feel is emptiness whenever this happens.

I lay upon a stone slab table as a man covered in black clothing cuts off bits of me and puts them into buckets. My flesh is purple, my nails are completely white, the skin is pasty white without any blemishes, I think a lot of woman in the outside would be jealous. My mom used to say that.








I have escaped, but all I feel is empty. All I do is wander around, nothing can see me. It's like I'm invisible to the people around me.

My hair is long and disheveled, reaching down to my legs. It's dark brownish grey with a tint of black on some areas. I am wearing and oversized brown trentchcoat dusty and dirty jeans, and no shirt or undergarments.

I've learned so much from the library, as no one ever sees me read the books or notices they are gone.




After a bit of wandering, I see a lone dog. They look me directly in the eyes, and before I know it.


It hurts...

It hurts so much....


I try to walk away, but my legs won't work. I then crawl, atleast someone who might be able to help me.

The dog just stares at me, and then the world stops, no motion, nothing.

Another look, and there is no dog. There is a man with dark skin, holding a scale. He is wearing what seems like golden egyptian clothing with his entire upper body showing and wearing a large mask resembling the dog he once was.

He then walks to me and grabs my hand, then guides me to nothing. I dont understand why but I can walk again. As we walk, he reassures me, not using his voice, but his body language.




We then stop at what seems to be the crossroads.

He then rips out my purple heart, but strangely, I feel no pain. He then puts it on the scale he is holding, against a feather.




As we stand there, as my heart is lighter than the feather.

It all dissapears and the world turns white, into nothingness.






[Reorganizing Complete]


[Finalizing Reincarrnation]







[Showing World]




Date:May 28th, 67 BH

Next great event: Birth of Hasirama]



[Good Luck, Child of Night]






The world dissapears.....



Please give criticism, I am extremely new to this

Fixed chapter and finished

ME36creators' thoughts