
Naruto: holder of godzilla

what if someone dies and was reborn in the naruto world but was holder of godzilla the most feared creature out of all other tailed beasts.

Edris_Naw2 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

chap 2 more info

I went back into my seat which I seat next to my 2 other friends who are Hiruzen Sarutobi, he wears a normasl clothes that I cant give explaintion, in other side of hiruzen is danzo Shimura

"congrats karato!" hiruzen congrats karato while danzo was called to get his head bands, "wow! we all are now genin rank!" hirzuzen shouted which gives us attention of the villagers

danzo smacks hiruzen heads and scolds, which I found it quite funny

we reached into each others houses, first was danzo we went with him till we reach his house

If you asked me to decribie him i would say "he is a quite smart strict guy i have a feeling that one he would become an elder or become a hokage." thats what i would say, he is very nice guy, although he is jealous of me for being trained by the second hokage but.

"I hope we can get into same team karato you know it would be very nice and epic if we get into the same team we can protect each other and become strong together same as that stupid danzo" hiruzen pouted, I lend my hand on his shoulder getting his attention said

"dont worry I beliving we can get into the same team all you gotta do is trust me" I said with big smile that naruto makes.

in repsone he jumpede and hugs me and said "I cant controll my self im so exited i hope weverything you said was true!" with that he run towards his house leaving me alone

now I need to get to the training place.

I reach into the training grounds and waited patiently for lord 2.