
Vs Team 15!

On one of the training grounds in Konoha, a clone went up into a poof of smoke. "Good job you guys win!" team 12 could now take out one of Naruto's clones if it was holding back enough. "As promised, you guys can now face another genin team." Team 12 was extremely happy to hear that, for the past month they had done almost nothing but training but were now much stronger both individually and as a team.

"But be careful, this team is more experienced. They failed the chunin exams last year and are looking to win this year, it is likely you will have to face them in the upcoming chunin exams, but that is still far away so no need to rush." "Yeah, we're ready!" shouted Konohamaru exited. Naruto brought them over to the other team, Naruto told the jonin to tell his team about his own team, Naruto didn't tell his team about their opponents, he wanted to see how they would react.

The other jonin, Kyoshi, stepped up to give the instructions, "First we will have an individual battle between you three, then there will be a team battle. Keep the damage to each other to a minimum." all of the genin nodded, the other genin team was team 15. T

"The first battle is between Bosu and Hanabi." Both of them stepped up, Bosu was a female, but she was very buff, she used a bo staff to attack and she was great at blocking projectiles and fighting close, she also focused on quick and heavy movements. This fight would be interesting, this is not what Hanabi trained for.

"Battle begin!" Hanabi leaped back and threw a volley of senbon at Bosu, Bosu spun her bo staff and easily blocked all of the senbon. Before Hanabi could throw anymore Bosu was quickly in front of her, "Earth style, crushing blow!" The staff crushed Hanabi and sent her flying, Hanabi got up and activated her Byakugan to fight close up, although she mainly used ranged attacks she was still a Hyuga and wouldn't lose easily!

Bosu and Hanabi ran at each other and got into close combat, Hanabi was using calculated and safe attacks to deflect and counter Bosus movements, Bosu on the other hand was using brute force to try and overpower her opponent and crush them with raw physical abilities, with her Byakugan active she could see her opponents chakra points.

"Eight trigrams, 16 palms!" She was close to learning 32 palms but it was not complete. "2 palms, 4 palms, 8 palms, 16 palms!" Hanabi struck all 16 chakra points with perfect accuracy. Bosu fell to the floor, "My chakra, I cant use it!" Hanabi took her bo staff while she was confused and took out a kunai, "It's over." Kyoshi stopped the match, "the battle is over, Hanabi is the winner." Hanabi was glad she won then walked back over to watch the others.

"The second battle will be between Kamanari and Konohamaru." Kamanari was skilled in one thing, dodging, he could dodge almost any attack and worked on stamina and strength, he could end a fight in one good punch. He was not the most skilled genin but was one of the most difficult to deal with.

Konohamaru and Kamanari stepped up to fight, "Let the battle begin!" Konohamaru charged in recklessly, even though Naruto had told him many times before not to. Konohamaru sent a fury of punches and kicks trying to land a hit but couldn't, Konohamaru soon realized that he had no chance of winning if he continued to attack like this.

Konohamaru jumped into the air, "Ash screen!" The ash covered the fighting area making both of them have not very good vision. But luckily Konohamaru had very good senses and knew around where Kamanari was, 'Take this!" Kamanari shook his head, if he wanted to do a sneak attack he shouldn't yell.

Kamanari dodged the attack and sent a full power punch at Konohamaru, the punch felt like a steel ball ramming into Konohamaru's face! Konohamaru was sent flying backward with no way to fight back. Kamanari ran at Konohamaru and began to beat him into the ground, if Konohamaru would have been smarter he may have won that battle, Naruto would need to work on that.

"The last match will be, Kamie vs Shuzaku!" When the battle started Kamie jumped back and pulled out a blow-dart gun, she was long-range like Hanabi. Shuzaku came up with a plan fast, he threw kunai with explosive tags at multiple small trees, the explosives did enough damage to the small trees to make them collapse all around him and Kamie.

Shuzaku connected his shadow to the ones around him and trapped her, Shuzaku kept his kunai pouch on the opposite side as most people so he could throw kunai at his opponents while they couldn't as they could only do his exact movements. Before he could throw the kunai at Kamie, Kyoshi stepped in, "The winner of this battle is Shuzaku Nara."

Next, it was time for the team battle, this was what Naruto was most interested in, the battle started! Shuzaku started by grabbing and controlling Kamanari, this made him easy to hit, "Take this, my sweet revenge!" Shuzaku unconnected his shadow right before Konohamaru knocked him out with his strongest punch.

Konohamaru then used the ash screen jutsu to block off Kamie's vision. With her vision blocked off Hanabi easily took her out, "The Hyuga clan's Byakugan is unstoppable!" with all three of them they defeated Bosu easily. It was clear that team 15 did not expect good teamwork from the newly formed team, even themselves didn't practice teamwork so they didn't expect their opponents to.

Naruto was satisfied, they still had a long way to go before being able to pass the chunin exams, well at least in his opinion, but it was good to see their level of strength as a team. Naruto wanted to get them a little more experienced before letting them take the exams, he didn't know if they would be ready before the next exams.


End of another chapter, what did you think of it? I'm tired so im going to take a rest, bye!

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