
B-Rank Mission pt 2

During these past days Naruto had been meditating, well not really, he was actually trying to talk to nine tails but had no luck and could only stop wasting his time. He was walking around the border making sure nothing was out of the ordinary.

He was about to turn around until he heard a movement close to him. He was about to go alert the rest of the team until he was surrounded by 5 highly skilled ninjas, maybe jonin level. Naruto took out his chakra blades and got into battle position.

One of the jonin charged at him but he dodged and stabbed him in the throat. He was about to go after the next opponent until a water dragon hit him sliding him back. Naruto used the water around him to an advantage, "Water style, raging waves!"

A massive amount of water came rushing at the enemy jonin, Naruto looked at their headbands and confirmed they were from the land of rivers. Naruto then created five clones and trapped the rest of them in a water prison. He also sent one to bring the rest of the team to his location just in case something went wrong.

Kakashi and the rest soon showed up, they then captured the jonin and sent a message back to the Hokage. They were ready to leave the border until they heard a voice behind them, "Kakashi Hatake, you have quite the bounty."

All of team 7 turned around to see two people in black robes and red clouds. Naruto recognized who this was in an instant, "Kakuzu of a thousand hearts, he is a mission ninja, S-class." Kakazu stayed silent but his partner didn't, "Do you know me little Konoha shinobi? It'll be fun killing you!"

"Shut up Mubi, before I kill you." this Mubi guy had a creepy face, even creepier than Orochimaru, he had knives for fingers and could move them around freely, "I will cut you up real nice, you will be my finest work." Said Mubi as he sharpened his knives. He was a shinobi from the land of grass.

Kakuzu ran at Kakashi and Sasuke splitting them up from Naruto and Sakura, they had to fight 2 on 1. "Shit, Kakashi!" Naruto ran at Mubi, his chakra blades clashed with his knives, it was clear they were both made of chakra conductive metal.

After clashing for a little a few things were figured out. One, Sakura didn't know high enough level genjutsu to catch him in one for long. Two, he was just as good if not better than Naruto at close range. But the most important is number three, he had no counter to large area moves!

The main problem with Naruto hitting him with the giant Rasengan was speed, Mubi was very fast and could leave the area before Naruto could make a big enough Rasengan. Naruto would have to wait for a moment when Sakura could catch him in a genjutsu and stun him.

Naruto jumped back to Sakura, "When you have a chance, launch your best genjutsu at him I can then finish him off." Naruto went back to fighting close range, he had made three clones to work together with him but they were too weak to take even one attack.

Mubi didn't give any openings while he was fighting to make it difficult to use any jutsu against him. He expected the rest of the Akatsuki to be strong, but not this strong! He thought Itachi would probably be able to beat everyone else in the group but based on this encounter that was probably incorrect.

Over with Sasuke and Kakashi, they were fighting Kakuzu but having a tough time gaining any lead. Sasuke assumed Kakuzu had more than one life since he was called 'Kakuzu of a thousand hearts' but he hoped he would leave if pressured enough.

"Phoenix flower jutsu!" many flames came out of his mouth burning the ground but doing nothing to Kakuzu. Kakashi made the hand signs and launched an extremely hot fire at Kakuzu, Kakuze responded with another fire jutsu thanks to one of his hearts. Kakashi used Rikiri and ran at Kakuzu.

Kakuzu sent some of his tentacles at Kakashi, he dodged a few but eventually got stabbed, Kakashi fell to the ground and looked lifeless. Sasuke's eyes went wide, his two tomoes moved out of the way with a third one appearing. He had just seen Kakashi get killed! "Kakashi!" Sasuke felt his body burning, soon his face was covered by the black markings of the curse mark. "Ha, looks like I get some more money, nice," he said as he picked up Kakashi

He was planning on attacking Kakuzu with everything he had but soon enough Kakashi turned into lightning! That lightning erupted and stunned Kakuzu, out of the rubble the real Kakashi appeared, he surrounded Kakuzu in mud walls except for one side. "Sasuke, me and you will finish this in this last attack!"

Sasuke nodded, Sasuke created Chidori and Kakashi created Rikiri. They rushed at Kakuzu at full speed, it was too fast for him to dodge in the small area. Both the Chidori and Rikiri were rammed into him, destroying 2 hearts! Kakuzu pushed them back and used his strongest fire jutsu, "fire style, searing migraine!" a huge fireball bigger than their bodies came at them, Kakashi's eyes began to spin revealing his Mangekyou Sharingan.

Because they had no way to dodge Kakashi could only use one thing, "Kamui!" space itself began to warp around the fireball and soon enough it disappeared completely. After the fireball was gone Kakuzu was also gone, nowhere to be seen.

Back with Naruto and Sakura, Naruto was having a difficult time. Sakura was not very useful in these situations so Naruto was doing most of the hard work. Naruto was holding his own but barely, he couldn't keep up forever and would need Sakura to find an opening.

One of Naruto's chakra blades got smashed into the air, Naruto did a backflip and kicked the chakra blade, the blade sliced the Akatsuki member's face which caught him off guard. Sakura saw this and used her genjutsu, this genjutsu stunned him for a good amount of time, "Now, Naruto!" Naruto was already in the air and in a good spot to use giant Rasengan.

It took a little before Naruto had fully created the jutsu, the giant blue ball of spinning chakra smashed into Mubi, "Giant Rasengan!" This jutsu obliterated a very large area, including Mubi, the Akatsuki member. Soon Kakashi and Sasuke arrived and saw the other member on the floor dead.

Sasuke was amazed, this was how far away he and Naruto were. Kakashi picked up the member and sent another letter to the Hokage. If they could read this guy's memories, maybe they could get some intel on the Akatsuki. Kakashi put the dead man in a seal, the purpose of this seal was to hold people once they were dead. They then went to return to Konoha as their mission was completed.

In an unknown place Orochimaru was getting restless for a new body, "Kabuto, can we send them out yet. Sasuke has just used the curse mark willingly, I think it's time." Kabuto nodded and went downstairs, "Orochimaru has sent you out on a mission, get Sasuke Uchiha." they all laughed and nodded.


Hello end of the chapter, hopefully, this was released at the correct time. I had this out and tried to use the auto-update thing so we will see how that goes. I was a little short on time and it was edited quickly so there will be more mistakes than usual probably.

if you wonder how Naruto won its simple, Mubi was a weak member. Imagine a little stronger Hidan without Immortality.

also if you wonder who Mubi is, he is Kakuzus's partner before Hidan, I don't think they had Hidan at this point in the story.

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