
Naruto: Hokage's Legacy

if you see this on fanfiction.net don't worry I'm the same person. this is an AU. In this story there will be some changes some with personality or some with strength or popularity. just another day as Naruto Uzumaki but this time something is different. he meets the ghost of the previous hokage! with his dream of being the strongest how will he take advantage of this? Warning!: at first you might not like Naruto's new personality but he changes later on

KakuzuCantolopes · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs

Akatskui vs Konoha!

Asuma was looking around, 'where is the other one?' suddenly someone appeared behind Shikamaru, it was Kakuzu! Shikamaru quickly dodged which disconnected his shadow from Hidan letting him move freely. All of the members got into a group to defend one another, "Kakuzu you stay out of this, I will use them for my ritual!" "Just be careful not to die." "Don't give me that." Hidan used his own blood to set up the start of the ritual, "They can't kill me!" 'what is that strange sign?' Shikamaru couldn't think of anything. "I'll charge him. Shikamaru, you exploit an opening and trap and restrain him with your shadow sewing. Too bad Ino isn't here." Ino had to head back and couldn't come along for this mission.

One of the jonin spoke up, "That's too risky and it isn't like you, let me back you up." "Don't you get it, that's the best thing we can do right now!" said Asuma worried. 'These guys are way stronger than me' "Izuma, Kotetsu you guys back up Shikamaru while keeping an eye on the other Akatsuki guy." "Understood." even if these people were jonin they were very low rank and would not be of much help in the fight. Shikamaru was thinking of why Asuma chose this plan, 'Us weak jonin don't stand a chance against them and if Asuma had to protect us too, he would be at an overwhelming disadvantage.'

Asuma knew they probably couldn't win, even if they were only facing one of them, even if he was an elite jonin of Konoha, that didn't mean much to the Akatsuki. Hidan then pulled the blades out of him, "Are you done with your little strategy session? Getting cut up like that hurts like hell, you jerks. Divine justice will be handed down to you jerks who know nothing of the pain of others!" Asuma charged in with his chakra blades as they collided with Hidan's scythe, Shikamaru sent his shadow chasing after Hidan but couldn't catch him, "Hey you have some nice weapons to be able to counter my scythe!" Hidan threw his scythe that cut through the air, with the rope attached to it, it would always return to Hidan. "Asuma sensei!" Asuma quickly dodged the attacks.

'As Kakuzu said, I can't be too reckless.' 'I will crush you!' both Asuma and Hidan clashed multiple times, Asuma dodging or countering every strike! Shikamaru was leading Hidan to parts of the battlefield to make it easier for Asuma, 'good Shikamaru!' 'I have to grab him, maybe then we can figure out how to get past his immortality!' Asuma threw multiple shurikens at Hidan who dodged and ran at him again, Asuma kept dodging all of Hidan's attacks but they were getting closer and closer. "I guess I will deal with the small fry first!" "No!" Hidan was about to attack Shikamaru and the rest but stopped suddenly and jumped backward bringing his scythe with him! The blade came back at high speeds and was going to hit Asuma, but before anyone could tell anything two things happened, one Asuma was gone, and two, Hidan was sent flying!

Asuma looked next to him to see the person who saved him at such high speeds, it was an ANBU member with a rabbit mask, 'what amazing speed, but looks like we are ok, the ANBU are here.' Asuma looked over at the other one and saw a bulky man with a bull mask. The other two landed next to him, one had a kirin mask and the other had an Oni mask. "This is our mission, you have been ordered to head back to Konoha." "Ok." Asuma and the rest quickly left the area.

Sasuke looked around underneath the kirin mask, "Hidan, all we know is that he is immortal and his jutsu has something to do with blood, Rabbit, and Oni you deal with him, try to separate his head from this body." Sasuke then looked over at the one he personally knew, "Kakuzu, me and Bull will fight him." "Yes, captain!" This was the first time the ANBU team would face the Akatsuki and they hoped they could win.

"Damn you jerks, that hurt!" Rabbit ran at Hidan full speed and instantly arrived in front of him, Hidan swung his weapon but Rabbit was too fast for him to hit. Suddenly Hidan's body was sliced up by tons of strings that came from the Oni, these strings didn't cut them in half but it was very painful. Hidan threw his weapon at the Oni who dodged, Hidan pulled the rope making the weapon come back fast. Oni pulled out his blade and deflected the weapon, but his sword was destroyed in the process. Rabbit then was right next to him, Hidan couldn't keep up with her speed, "Wind style, great bullets.'' The wind bullets send multiple holes into his body making him jump back.

Over with Kakuzu, he was dodging all of Sasuke's attacks but whenever he did he stepped into an attack from bull and barely dodged! Bull sent his fist flying at Kakuzu who dodged to the left, Sasuke rushed under his arm and lunged at Kakuzu with a Chidori! an earth wall came up to protect him, Kakuzu then launched a fire style jutsu at Sasuke who used a water style to cancel it out. For right now it seemed that the ANBU and the Akatsuki were evenly matched, but as the battle went on none of them knew who would take the edge. Will the ANBU capture or kill the Akatsuki, or will the Akatsuki kill them, nobody knows!


Hey, let me know what you thought of the chapter, and for a vs battle how about Kaguya and Fused Momoshiki vs Jigen, who wins and why? Let me know in the comments!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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