
Episode 4: "Whispers in the Wind"

The village of Konoha buzzes with the winds of change as Hiro stumbles upon a sight that leaves him frozen in front of the academy gates. Naruto and Hinata, hand in hand, navigate the streets, a symbol of newfound connection and blossoming love. The shock courses through Hiro, but a bittersweet smile graces his lips as he realizes the depth of Naruto's emotions.

Later, in the academy, the routine continues with the usual blend of theory and practical lessons. The fervor of Sasuke's fangirls fills the air, a constant reminder of the dynamics within the class. Hiro, as always, remains the careful observer, absorbing the nuances of the ninja world.

Anko becomes a wellspring of stories, sharing the tales of her missions and the intricacies of life as a ninja. Hiro, eager to learn and understand, immerses himself in the wealth of knowledge Anko provides, forging a bond that extends beyond the surface.

As the day unfolds, Hiro roams the village, the echoes of his footsteps mirroring the thoughts swirling in his mind. The decision to bring Ichiraku Ramen for Naruto takes an unexpected turn when he discovers the two lovers, Naruto and Hinata, sharing a meal at the stall. The teasing banter that follows reveals a new side to Naruto, a layer of maturity shaped by the words within Hiro's adult novel.

The realization of Naruto's awareness about Hinata's feelings leaves Hiro in a state of shock. The innocence that once defined Naruto seems to have faded, replaced by a more complex understanding of emotions. As Hiro witnesses the blushes and shared glances, he, too, grapples with a swirl of emotions, questioning the simplicity of the bonds he once knew.

Returning home, the weight of the day settles on Hiro's shoulders. Alone in his thoughts, he confronts a flood of conflicting emotions. As he was Engineer, Bacheolar and also a Big Virgin in past life with no romance experience he was totally not sure how to feel about it.The tears that fall become a silent testimony to the shadowed corners of his own heart. In the quiet darkness, Hiro grapples with the complexities of a world that moves in shades of gray, leaving him to navigate the intricate dance between the shadows of the past and the whispers of an uncertain future. If anyone saw this miserable state they would laugh for sure except if they are also engineer like, they would cry for sure.