
Naruto: Hidden Mist's Great Blacksmith

Transmigrating to the Naruto world, yet starting off in the troubled Hidden Mist Village during the bloody mist policy. Uehara Soma found his survival at risk. But luckily, he awakened the Blacksmith System where Completing forging and receive rewards. Since that day, the famous ninjas swords became no different that ordinary swords... 【Successfully forged Kirito's Sword, gaining 300 swordsmanship experience.】 【Successfully forged Murasame, obtained Excellent Water Talent】 ... From then on, the Hidden Mist Village officially entered the era of ninja swordsmanship. The history of the Hidden Mist Seven being defeated by a mere Konoha Genin will never repeat! ... You can read up to 50 Advanced chapters and support me at patreon.com/Lookar ... This is a Translation Original name: 雾隐锻造师,重铸忍刀流荣光!

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91 Chs

Chapter 84: New Blueprint!

"Scorch Release: Extremely Steaming Murder!"

"Blue Rose Ice Release: Rose Entanglement!"

Pakura's attacks are highly destructive.

With Scorch Release alone, not only can it deplete the moisture within a person's body, but it can also neutralize the Water Release techniques used by Mist ninjas.

It can be said that Water Release users are severely countered by Pakura.

With a single Ninjutsu, in an instant, dozens of Mist ninjas fell.

Dehydrated to death.

But as Pakura slaughtered the Mist ninjas, at the same time, a vast number of Hidden Sand individuals died at the hands of Biwa Juzo.

With a single Rose Entanglement, the forms of the Hidden Sand individuals were directly bound.

Followed by Ice Spears, which could penetrate the bodies of those Hidden Sand individuals.


"Biwa Juzo!"

Their eyes met, and in the next moment, a fierce battle erupted.

There was no one around them. Not because there was no one near.

It's that during their confrontation, those around them either fell or fled.

Both of their attacks were of a tremendously wide range.

Moreover, their attacks are highly destructive.

Whether it's the Hidden Mist ninjas or the Hidden Sand ninjas, no one dares to approach them.

Time passed from afternoon to dusk.

Biwa Juzo's expression became extremely solemn.

And Pakura was equally serious.

"Scorch Release: Extremely Steaming Murder!"

Pakura once again attacked Biwa Juzo.

"Blue Rose Ice Release: Ice Spears!"

"Twenty consecutive shots!"

The high temperature fell on the ice, but it couldn't instantly melt the ice spears completely.

However, as the ice spears approached Pakura, they gradually lost most of their power.

With the Blue Rose Sword in hand, the effectiveness of Scorch Release against Biwa Juzo wasn't as good.

Scorch Release can evaporate water in an instant.

But evaporating ice isn't that simple.

At this point in the battle, both of their physical strength and chakra have reached their limits.

Their gazes met.

Pakura was surprised by Biwa Juzo's current strength, her eyes continuously falling on the Blue Rose Sword in Biwa Juzo's hand.

Previously, Pakura had some intelligence about Biwa Juzo.

If there were any changes between Biwa Juzo now and before, it would be the change in his Ninjato.

So, Biwa Juzo's increased strength must undoubtedly come from this.

"Blue Rose Sword..."

Biwa Juzo couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

"You're worthy of being called the Sand hero, even with the Blue Rose Sword in my possession, I'm at a disadvantage and not just lightly wounded. If I had the Executioner's Blade, I'm afraid I would have lost long ago."

"No, you would have already died."

"But, there's still something I can do."

Biwa Juzo looked at Pakura, who was about to attack him again, and made a decision in his heart.

"Scorch Release!"

A wave of high-temperature heat swept towards Biwa Juzo.

Biwa Juzo responded with Ice Release.

However, compared to the Ice Release he used before, it was noticeably weaker.

Pakura's eyes lit up.

"An opportunity!"

She quickly moved closer at a faster pace.

Pakura had considered that this might be a deliberate signal from Biwa Juzo, waiting to unleash an attack when she got closer.

However, Pakura had enough confidence; getting close was her advantage.

As long as she got close enough, even if Biwa Juzo unleashed a stronger Ice Release attack, she could take Biwa Juzo's life with Scorch Release before his Ice Release hit her.

"Blue Rose Ice Release: Freeze!"

But what surprised Pakura was that Biwa Juzo's Ice Release wasn't aimed at her.

Instead, it was used on Biwa Juzo himself, freezing his body directly.

A massive Ice Block stood tall.

Pakura instinctively frowned.

"Why freeze yourself?"

The next moment, Pakura understood.




The sound of rushing through the air echoed.

Before the person arrived, kunai and shuriken did.

Pakura instantly grasped Biwa Juzo's plan.

Deliberately showing weakness was indeed a trap.

But it wasn't the trap she imagined.

It wasn't waiting until she got close to unleash a powerful Ice Release attack.

Instead, it was freezing himself for defense.

The real attack came from the Mist ninjas in the distance.

Pakura forcibly controlled her body to stop and dodged to the side.

But it was already too late.


Several kunai and shuriken hit Pakura.

Among them were mixed Explosive Tags.


Pakura's figure was sent flying.


Pakura glanced at the Hidden Sand reinforcements that had just arrived at this time.


Pakura looked back.

"Biwa Juzo, I'll remember you!"

Considering their overall strength, Pakura still had the upper hand.

Continuing like this, the victor would be Pakura, not Biwa Juzo.

However, the sudden attack directly inflicted serious damage to Pakura.

Showing weakness to the enemy, attracting them closer.

Making the opponent think one is incapable and that one is trying to lure them closer to suddenly unleash an attack, but in reality, Biwa Juzo was only defending.

And entrusting the attack to the Mist ninjas in the distance.

At a critical moment, choosing to believe in those weaker comrades.

This was something Pakura hadn't anticipated.

It was also related to their respective experiences.

Pakura had undertaken many solo missions. Scorch Release countered Water Release ninjas, but even the Hidden Sand individuals dared not approach easily. Therefore, it was often just one person missions.

Biwa Juzo, on the other hand, as one of the Seven Mist Swordsmen, was skilled at coordinating with his comrades. Biwa Juzo had much higher trust in his comrades than Pakura did.

However, this method of freezing oneself also brought significant side effects to Biwa Juzo. It exacerbated the already severe injuries.

But Biwa Juzo believed it was worth it.

The frontline between the Hidden Mist Village and the Hidden Sand Village.

Initially, the Hidden Mist Village held the advantage.

It wasn't until Pakura joined, her ability to counter the Mist ninjas being too formidable, that the Hidden Sand Village gained the upper hand.

Pakura was the variable.

Biwa Juzo naturally wanted to kill Pakura.

But in the situation where he couldn't kill Pakura, injuring her severely, rendering her incapable of fighting, forcing her to return to Hidden Sand Village, would also be beneficial for Hidden Mist Village.

On the Hidden Sand Village side, one less Pakura.

On the Hidden Mist Village side, one less of their own.

So, the one with the advantage would still be the Hidden Mist Village.

A medical ninja quickly entered the tent and examined Biwa Juzo's condition.

"Juzo-senpai, your injuries are severe. It's best to return to the village as soon as possible."

Biwa Juzo shook his head.

"Treat me first, and we'll talk about returning to the village later. There's another matter I need to take care of this time."

A few days later, Pakura returned to Hidden Sand Village.


Fourth Kazekage.

No, to be precise, it's currently the Fourth Acting Kazekage, Rasa, who went to the medical department to visit Pakura, with two assistant ninjas guarding the door.

After the disappearance of the Third Kazekage, Hidden Sand Village fell into a situation where it lacked leadership.

However, there were no new talented ninjas who could take on this important role.

As a result, the position of Kazekage remained vacant for a long time.

It wasn't until recently that Hidden Sand Village decided to appoint Rasa as the acting Kazekage.

If no other suitable candidates emerge, Rasa will become the official Kazekage.

However, with Pakura's excellent performance on the battlefield, some unusual voices have emerged within Hidden Sand Village.

Pakura herself doesn't care about the position of Kazekage at all.

Of course, this is under the assumption that Pakura doesn't know that the current acting Kazekage in front of her might betray her in the future, directly delivering her into a trap set by the Mist ninjas, handing her over to Hidden Mist Village to be killed.

"Pakura, thank you for your hard work. How are your injuries?"

"They're just minor injuries, won't take long to recover."

"I heard from the ANBU Ninja that you were injured by Biwa Juzo?"

Pakura hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"The injuries weren't caused by Biwa Juzo alone, but he did manage to restrain me."

"That Ninjato of his is very powerful."

"It allows Biwa Juzo to unleash powerful Ice Release techniques."

"Back in the days when he wielded the Executioner's Blade, Biwa Juzo wouldn't have stood a chance against me."

Pakura had this confidence.

And rightfully so.

Pakura's reputation outside was that of a hero of the Hidden Sand Village.

While Biwa Juzo was just one of the Seven Mist Swordsmen.

And not even the strongest among them.

Previously, the external evaluation of Biwa Juzo among the Seven Mist Swordsmen was only mediocre.

The strongest wielder of Hiramekarei has already died at the hands of Might Duy.

But now, Pakura feels that Biwa Juzo's overall strength isn't much lower than her own.

"It's that Ninjato that's strong."

"I feel like even true Ice Release bloodline users might not necessarily possess that level of power."


Pakura voiced her concern.

"First it was Kiriichimonji, then Dragon-Bone, and now the Blue Rose Sword."

"There's a high probability that Hidden Mist Village has produced another Great Blacksmith. Judging by the time and efficiency, they'll probably be able to create more than just seven Ninjato in the future."

"These Ninjato can greatly enhance a ninja's power."

"If left unchecked, they will bring us, Hidden Sand Village, great trouble."

"They will be our Hidden Sand Village's greatest adversaries!"

"Even in the future, our defeat might be due to these Ninjato."

Rasa frowned.

"I understand. I will arrange it. Pakura, you rest and recover from your injuries."

"Yes, Kazekage-sama."


Uehara Soma looked at the number 998 in front of him, waiting for it to surpass 1000.

Just 2 points of reputation, it was easy to increase.

Moreover, Uehara Soma now had three employees.

In the next moment, the number above surged.

Uehara Soma had initially been satisfied with breaking 1000 points, but to his surprise, the number jumped by over 100, nearly 200, from 998 to 1176.

"It seems someone else has engaged in a major battle?"

"Allowing many to witness the power of the Ninjato I've crafted."

Uehara Soma didn't hesitate.

"Ten draws, begin!"

[Physique +1!]

[Spirit +1!]


[Spirit +1!]

[Pioggia Blueprint X1!]

[Physique +1!]

With a single thought from Uehara Soma, the Blueprint appeared in his hand.

Immediately after, a wave of information flooded Uehara Soma's mind.

"Pioggia, originating from the Hitman Reborn world, is a Box Weapon wielded by Bluebell."

"It allows the user to merge with the fish and dragons inside the box, breathe underwater, and significantly enhance various abilities, including but not limited to strength, speed, and reflexes..."

Upon "reading" this information, the first person Uehara Soma thought of was Hoshigaki Kisame.

A fusion of man and fish-dragon.

In the original plot, after obtaining Samehada, Hoshigaki Kisame merged with it, transforming into a shark-human form, capable of breathing freely underwater.

Faster swimming, greater strength, stronger Chakra absorption.

"Based on the attributes, Pioggia might be compatible with Hoshigaki Kisame."

"However, considering the similarities with the mission contractor, Bluebell, initially, she was a young girl who loved water but couldn't swim due to a car accident."


"Although she was a beautiful girl, she was obsessed with developing muscles."

"She was deeply affected by her brother's incident, immersed in sorrow, unable to break free."

"It wasn't until Byakuran's intervention that Bluebell gradually recovered."

"There's no resemblance between Bluebell and Hoshigaki Kisame."

As Uehara Soma let go, the Blueprint disappeared.

"Such a Pioggia doesn't need to form a contract with Hoshigaki Kisame."

"Compared to Pioggia, Samehada should be the more suitable Ninjato for Hoshigaki Kisame."

"The abilities of Pioggia overlap with Samehada to some extent."

"Pioggia's attribute is water, and Bluebell also has a certain sibling attachment attribute, feeling very sad about her brother's death."

Suddenly, Uehara Soma thought of someone.

Hozuki Suigetsu.

As a member of the Hozuki Clan, his talent in Water Release is outstanding.

Especially in the Hydrification Jutsu, those with low Water Release talent simply cannot learn it.

And Hozuki Suigetsu is obviously skilled in this Water Release secret technique.

Although Bluebell had a leg injury from a car accident, while Hozuki Suigetsu never had his leg broken, he was captured by Orochimaru as a child and spent a long time in the laboratory as an experimental subject, handling materials.

Comparatively, it was equally tragic.

Moreover, Hozuki Suigetsu happens to have a brother. Named Hozuki Mangetsu.

A genius, he became the next Hiramekarei wielder after the defeat of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist by Might Duy.

He could skillfully use all seven Ninjato of the Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords.

Viewed as the hope for the revival of the Hozuki Clan.

The members of the Hozuki Clan once believed that Hozuki Mangetsu could reach the level of Hozuki Gengetsu from back in the day.

Leading the Hozuki Clan to reclaim its position as the foremost ninja family in the Hidden Mist Village.

In the future, like Hozuki Gengetsu, ascending to the position of Mizukage.

It can be said that the expectations of the Hozuki Clan for Hozuki Mangetsu are just like the expectations of the Hidden Sand Village for Sasori of the Red Sand.

Unfortunately, for reasons unknown, he passed away early.

This directly extinguished the hope for the revival of the Hozuki Clan.

Even the situation of the entire family became worse.

If Hozuki Mangetsu were still alive, Hozuki Suigetsu probably wouldn't have suffered such a tragic fate.

For Hozuki Mangetsu, Hozuki Suigetsu's emotions wouldn't be worse than Bluebell's feelings for her brother.


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