
Naruto: Hidden Mist's Great Blacksmith

Transmigrating to the Naruto world, yet starting off in the troubled Hidden Mist Village during the bloody mist policy. Uehara Soma found his survival at risk. But luckily, he awakened the Blacksmith System where Completing forging and receive rewards. Since that day, the famous ninjas swords became no different that ordinary swords... 【Successfully forged Kirito's Sword, gaining 300 swordsmanship experience.】 【Successfully forged Murasame, obtained Excellent Water Talent】 ... From then on, the Hidden Mist Village officially entered the era of ninja swordsmanship. The history of the Hidden Mist Seven being defeated by a mere Konoha Genin will never repeat! ... You can read up to 50 Advanced chapters and support me at patreon.com/Lookar ... This is a Translation Original name: 雾隐锻造师,重铸忍刀流荣光!

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93 Chs

Chapter 73: S-Rank Rogue Ninja, Kaguya Neko!

Facing Kaguya En's questioning, Kaguya Neko showed a hint of mocking smile.

"Clan Head, as expected, you are as narrow-minded as I thought before."

"Is your vision limited only to the Clan?"

"What does the remaining Kaguya Clan have to do with you?"

"It's merely sharing the same bloodline."

"What does that count for?"

"Would someone truly of worth care about this?"

"They just want a normal life in the village."

"It's you who wants to manipulate them."

"But now, I've taken on everything."

With that said, Kaguya Neko raised the sword in his hand, aiming towards Kaguya En.

"Kaguya Neko, are you really going to kill me too?"

Kaguya En met Kaguya Neko's gaze.

"I'm not actually the radical you think I am. What I want is to maintain balance. Otherwise, I wouldn't have deceived the Hyuga Clan against Kaguya Tai's wishes."

"And with the current situation of the Kaguya Clan, do you think it will be fine without me, the Clan Head of the Kaguya Clan?"

"Can those remaining in the Kaguya Clan hold onto the family's assets?"

"If you have even a shred of loyalty to the Kaguya Clan, you shouldn't be trying to kill me."

"Instead, explain everything to Mizukage-sama."

Kaguya Neko looked at Kaguya En, his expression turning disgusted.

"Kaguya En, I didn't expect you to be such a cowardly person."

"Whether or not I have loyalty to the Kaguya Clan is not for you to decide."

"Masui Senpai will handle everything."

"He will become the new Clan Head of the Kaguya Clan."

"As for you, indeed, you may not be a member of the radicals, but as the Clan Head of the Kaguya Clan, you can't even control the internal affairs of the family. You're just incompetent!"

"The Kaguya Clan has ended up like this, and you bear a great responsibility."

"I have no choice but to kill them."

"They have to be killed by me."

"All because of you."

"Now, let me end this!"

Kaguya Neko raised Dragon-Bone high, and as the words fell, he suddenly swung it down towards Kaguya En.


Kaguya En drew the short sword from his waist, blocking it.

With a jolt of rebounding force, Kaguya En staggered back several steps.

"Is that the Ninjato newly crafted by that Blacksmith?"

Kaguya En stared at Dragon-Bone intently.

Due to the force rebounding, Kaguya En could feel that Kaguya Neko's strength was inferior to his own, yet in their exchange, Kaguya Neko didn't retreat even half a step.

Kaguya En realized that this must be the ability of Dragon-Bone.

Kaguya Neko didn't reply; instead, the second strike immediately fell.


Kaguya En continued to defend.

But this time, it was different.

The moment their blades touched, Kaguya En's expression changed.

Because Kaguya En clearly felt that this strike from Kaguya Neko was much stronger than the previous one.

The short sword in Kaguya En's hand, upon this collision, was directly broken into two pieces.


The blade of Dragon-Bone slashed through Kaguya En's chest.

A wound appeared deep enough to reveal the white bone.

Kaguya En's expression became extremely alert.

"Such strong power!"

"Can this Ninjato accumulate power?"

Kaguya En looked down at his broken sword, his expression somewhat unpleasant.

"Another Ninjato of the Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords level, huh?"

"Even though his inherent strength is weaker than mine, he can still pose such a huge threat to me. The ability of this Ninjato happens to counter mine. What I have in my hand is just a broken sword now."

If it were a Ninjutsu Ninja or a Genjutsu Ninja, they wouldn't be so passive against Dragon-Bone.

However, the majority of Kaguya Clan ninjas specialize in Taijutsu and ninja tools.

Kaguya En is no exception. Kaguya Neko didn't give Kaguya En time to think. Instead, he quickly swung another strike.

Kaguya En resisted with all his might.

But this time, Kaguya En noticed that the strike from Kaguya Neko didn't have the same force as the last one.

Kaguya En's eyes flickered.

"It's not accumulating power every time?"

On the fourth strike, Kaguya En once again felt that immense power.

The already broken short sword broke once more.

But this time, Kaguya En was prepared. In an instant he discarded the broken sword and pulled out a Kunai, blocking Kaguya Neko's blade.

"I understand."

Kaguya En looked at Dragon-Bone.

"It can only accumulate once, with intervals between uses."

"The first strike is weak, the second strong, the third weak, the fourth strong."

Kaguya En felt slightly relieved.

After understanding the pattern of Dragon-Bone's abilities, Kaguya En's response became much more composed.

Kaguya Neko frowned.

"You've already realized the capabilities of Dragon-Bone... As the Clan Head, Kaguya En, you may not be eligible, but as a combat ninja, you're stronger than all of them."

"But who told you that I can only use Dragon-Bone like this?"

Kaguya Neko sneered inwardly.

Dragon-Bone can absorb the impact of collisions, but that doesn't mean the force must be used in the second strike; it can be retained for the third or fourth strike.

As long as it's within the time limit.

Therefore, when Kaguya En, who was fully prepared to defend, thrust his Kunai towards Dragon-Bone, he didn't feel an equivalent force landing on his Kunai.

Kaguya En exerted too much force.

His body involuntarily leaned forward.

Kaguya Neko lowered his body, surged forward, and passed by Kaguya En.


A massive wound appeared on Kaguya En's waist.

The wound was severe, revealing what seemed to be pulsating entrails inside.

Kaguya En's body stiffened.

Without looking back, Kaguya Neko merely twisted his wrist holding Dragon-Bone and stabbed towards Kaguya En's back.

He withdrew.


Blood gushed out like a fountain.


Kaguya En's body collapsed.

Kaguya Neko glanced indifferently.

"This sword, named Dragon-Bone was given the title of a demonic sword, falsely claiming that by killing you all, I could gain power. For this reason, I almost wiped out the Kaguya Clan."

"I bear all the sins alone."

"The Kaguya Clan will enter a new era."

"A Kaguya Clan led by incompetent and narrow-minded individuals like you will never appear again."

"Focusing on the village."

"This is my ninja way!"

Kaguya En twitched once, then became motionless, his life completely extinguished.

On the other side,

Biwa Juzo looked at the ice sculpture in front of him.

Within the ice sculpture was a frozen figure.

It was an elite Jonin of the Kaguya Clan.

Biwa Juzo shook his head and took a step forward.

"Shatter, Blue Rose!"

The next moment.


The ice sculpture shattered, along with the frozen body of the elite Jonin of the Kaguya Clan inside, also breaking into countless pieces, scattered on the ground.

Kaguya Neko, wielding Dragon-Bone, arrived at the center of the Kaguya headquarters.

The gazes of some surviving Kaguya members glanced over in the dark.

Kaguya Neko narrowed his eyes slightly, suddenly raised his sword, revealing a crazed expression, and his movements became exaggerated.

"I've realized it!"


"I, Kaguya Neko, have realized it!"

The strong scent of blood, combined with intense killing intent, merged into an astonishing momentum.

Kaguya Neko laughed heartily.

At this moment, the remaining Kaguya members looked at Kaguya Neko with nothing but fear in their hearts.

"He's gone mad! Mad!"

"Kaguya Neko has lost his mind!"

"Everyone is dead!"

"Haven't the others in the village noticed yet?"

"We need help!"

"Patrol ninjas!"

"ANBU ninjas!"


The remaining Kaguya members looked at Kaguya Neko, displaying expressions of horror, and glanced helplessly outside the Kaguya headquarters, hoping that someone would appear at this moment to help them.

However, when Uehara Soma heard the slightly manic voice of Kaguya Neko and looked at his figure from afar, he only felt a profound sense of desolation in his heart.

Biwa Juzo arrived.

"Kaguya Neko, you've stolen the Ninjato Dragon-Bone and committed a genocide. Your crimes are unforgivable."

"Prepare to die!"

Biwa Juzo formed hand seals.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu!"

A massive water dragon appeared instantly, looming over Kaguya Neko from above.

"Biwa Juzo?"

Kaguya Neko pretended to change his expression.

"Mizukage-sama is already aware. ANBU ninjas are on their way. Mizukage-sama will come personally. Kaguya Neko, you have committed a grave crime. Today, no one can save you."

Biwa Juzo's appearance brought some relief to the Kaguya members.

And upon hearing that ANBU ninjas were coming and that the Third Mizukage was preparing to come, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's great."

"Mizukage-sama is coming personally."

"Kaguya Neko won't be able to kill anymore, won't be so arrogant."

"We're saved."

Kaguya Neko dispersed the water dragon and looked in Biwa Juzo's direction.

"I'm not wrong!"

"I just wanted to become stronger."

"What did I do wrong?"

"You can't kill me."

"As I am now, as long as I want to leave, no one in the Hidden Mist Village can stop me."

"Even if it's the Mizukage!"

With that, Kaguya Neko abruptly turned around and ran outside.

Biwa Juzo chased after him.

The two figures soon left Kaguya Island behind.

The Third Mizukage's figure appeared at the Kaguya headquarters.


The Kaguya members gathered around him as if they had found their backbone, condemning Kaguya Neko's actions to the Third Mizukage.

The Third Mizukage showed a solemn expression.

"I never expected such a thing to happen, never thought Kaguya Neko would be like this. This is a tragedy. I'm sorry for arriving late. Otherwise, fewer people would have died."

"This is my negligence as the Mizukage."

"ANBU ninjas, listen to my command, pursue Kaguya Neko."

"If you can't catch him, don't bother coming back."

The ANBU ninjas echoed in unison.

"Yes, Mizukage-sama."

The Third Mizukage looked around.

"I declare that Kaguya Neko, for stealing the Ninjato Dragon-Bone and killing fellow clan members, is unforgivable. Effective immediately, he is classified as an S-rank Missing-nin of the Hidden Mist Village. This warrant will remain in effect indefinitely."

The Kaguya members cheered at the Third Mizukage's announcement.

However, the Third Mizukage's declaration of a warrant also meant that today, Kaguya Neko couldn't be killed.

Once out of sight of the crowd, Kaguya Neko and Biwa Juzo stopped.

"Take care, Neko."

Biwa Juzo looked at Kaguya Neko and sighed.

"For the Kaguya Clan, for the village, you've worked hard."

Kaguya Neko shook his head.

"For the village, it's nothing."

After hesitating for a moment, Kaguya Neko said, "Juzo-senpai, I have an unusual request."

"What is it?"

"If the Kaguya Clan has any talented descendants, could you please take care of them? If possible, could you bring them to Forging Island?"

If it were before, Kaguya Neko wouldn't say such things.

However, after one night, Kaguya Neko's mindset has undergone some changes.

Kaguya Neko found that he didn't seem to care so much about the Kaguya Clan.

Therefore, Kaguya Neko felt grateful to Uehara Soma for proposing to wipe out the entire Kaguya Clan and change to the current approach, and Kaguya Neko knew that no matter who the Mizukage was in the future, Uehara Soma's position in the Hidden Mist Village would be unique.

Any ninja who obtains a Ninjato will be very close to Uehara Soma.

Perhaps Uehara Soma will not become the Mizukage in the future.

He won't focus on administrative matters, but will concentrate more on forging.

However, Uehara Soma's position in the Hidden Mist Village may not be lower than that of the Mizukage.

Ninjato will become a school of thought in the Hidden Mist Village.

It's the kind that can be passed down.

Biwa Juzo nodded.

"It's no problem to take care of it, but I can't make decisions about entering Forging Island. It's up to Soma to decide. The most I can do is recommend it to Soma."

"That's enough, Juzo-senpai, thank you."

"Alright, then I'll leave you here. Goodbye, take care."


Biwa Juzo left.

Kaguya Neko looked deeply in the direction of Hidden Mist Village.

"From today onwards, I am alone."

"But my heart will always belong to Hidden Mist Village."

Kaguya Neko turned around, looking towards the direction of the Land of Fire.

"My mission is not over yet."

"On the battlefield of the Land of Fire, there are still some members of the Kaguya Clan radicals."

"I have to deal with them for the village!"


A figure approached rapidly from the distance.

It was Kaguya Masui, just released from the underground prison of the Kaguya Clan.

Kaguya Masui looked somewhat disheveled, having been imprisoned in the dungeon for a long time without changing clothes, appearing dirty, and staring fiercely at Kaguya Neko.

But in the end, without saying anything, he just sighed.

A faint smile appeared on Kaguya Neko's lips.

Without further hesitation, he vanished in a flash.

Third Mizukage returned to the Mizukage's Building.

Kaguya Neko successfully left Hidden Mist Village.

ANBU ninja took on the responsibility of pursuing him.

Third Mizukage arranged for some ninja to assist the Kaguya Clan.

Clearing the bodies, collapsed buildings, damaged roads, and so on from the battle.

Uehara Soma and the others returned to Forging Island.

However, this matter is far from over.

The news of the near extinction of the Kaguya Clan spread throughout the ninja world in a very short time.

It temporarily diverted people's attention away from the ongoing wars.


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