
Naruto: Hidden Mist's Great Blacksmith

Transmigrating to the Naruto world, yet starting off in the troubled Hidden Mist Village during the bloody mist policy. Uehara Soma found his survival at risk. But luckily, he awakened the Blacksmith System where Completing forging and receive rewards. Since that day, the famous ninjas swords became no different that ordinary swords... 【Successfully forged Kirito's Sword, gaining 300 swordsmanship experience.】 【Successfully forged Murasame, obtained Excellent Water Talent】 ... From then on, the Hidden Mist Village officially entered the era of ninja swordsmanship. The history of the Hidden Mist Seven being defeated by a mere Konoha Genin will never repeat! ... You can read up to 50 Advanced chapters and support me at patreon.com/Lookar ... This is a Translation Original name: 雾隐锻造师,重铸忍刀流荣光!

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Chapter 4: They Will Regret It

"Thank you all!"

After Uehara Soma and Hoshigaki Kisame safely escorted the female shopkeeper and her family to the safe zone, Akame's figure didn't appear again, but a voice sounded in Uehara Soma's ear.

Shortly after.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the mission.]

[May I ask if you would like to leave the Dungeon Instance?]


The next moment.

The figures of Uehara Soma and Hoshigaki Kisame both returned to Forging Island.

A pile of materials appeared in front of Uehara Soma.

Hoshigaki Kisame looked over.

"Soma, are these the materials for crafting ninja tools?"

Uehara Soma nodded.


"With these, Soma, can you forge a Ninjato of the Seven Ninja Swords grade?"

"If all goes well, I should be able to."

Uehara Soma said, "Kisame, I need your help with something. I plan to start forging ninja tools now, but the situation on Forging Island might be a bit chaotic."

"I need you to guard outside and make sure I'm not disturbed."

Hoshigaki Kisame agreed.

"No problem, leave it to me."

Forging Island isn't very large, but it's not small either.

Because inside these caves there is magma and steam, it has become an ideal place for forging. During the era when the Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords were crafted, this was the sacred ground of the Hidden Mist Village. 

Countless Hidden Mist Village ninja longed to obtain a Ninjato here on Forging Island. But as time passed, no Ninjato of the level of the Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords was born, coupled with the disastrous defeat suffered by the Hidden Mist Village Seven when facing Might Duy. 

The influence of Forging Island on the Hidden Mist Village gradually declined. What Hoshigaki Kisame recounted from the village elders does indeed reflect the current thoughts of some people in the village. Now, the number of blacksmiths on Forging Island is actually not many. Including Uehara Soma, there are just over a dozen. After this incident, the number will probably decrease even more.

Hoshigaki Kisame sat down at the entrance of the forging room and glanced back. Compared to Uehara Soma, Hoshigaki Kisame seemed even more excited. 

"I never expected the Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords to still hold such secrets." 

"I never expected there to be a place like the Forging Master Spiritual Land." 

"Not only does it require a high level of forging skill, but also a certain physique." 

"No wonder for so many years, no new ninja tools comparable to the Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords have been crafted." 

"But now, Soma meets all the requirements." 

"The era of Ninjato is about to return!" 

"Truly exciting." 

Hoshigaki Kisame couldn't help but imagine himself wielding a Ninjato in battle against enemies in the future. As for whether Uehara Soma can successfully craft ninja tools this time, Hoshigaki Kisame is not worried. First, Hoshigaki Kisame trusts Uehara Soma. Since Uehara Soma says he can do it, he believes he can.

Even if this attempt fails, Hoshigaki Kisame feels that since Uehara Soma has found the right path, with several more attempts, success is certain. 

As for the village elders' decision to ban Forging Island and make blacksmiths into task ninjas, Hoshigaki Kisame feels he can't influence the situation regarding Forging Island. 

But ensuring that Uehara Soma gets a relatively easy ninja job instead of being a task ninja is still possible, considering that the Hoshigaki family, to which he belongs, is also a ninja family, big or small. 

"I hope Soma can help Hidden Mist Village rekindle the glory of Ninjato!" 

Nearby, there's movement. Some blacksmiths seem to be packing up, getting ready to leave Forging Island. Obviously, the village elders' decision has spread. These blacksmiths feel that rather than waiting for the village to arrange for them, it's better to prepare themselves in advance. That way, at least they'll have more choices.

Hoshigaki Kisame shook his head. "These people won't realize it now, but this will be the worst choice they've made." 

Once Uehara Soma truly crafts ninja tools of the Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords level, the status of blacksmiths in the Hidden Mist Village will undoubtedly be greatly elevated. The first to benefit will undoubtedly be Uehara Soma. 

But other blacksmiths can also bask in Uehara Soma's glory. However, it's hard to say if these blacksmiths who voluntarily left Forging Island can come back. And even if they can return, their status will definitely not be as high as those who stayed. 

However, Hoshigaki Kisame chose not to remind them. Firstly, they might not believe it. Secondly, since Uehara Soma has not yet completed crafting the ninja tools, Hoshigaki Kisame doesn't want to cause trouble for him. As these few blacksmiths leave, the surroundings quieted down.

Hoshigaki Kisame sat at the entrance, his mind involuntarily recalling the scene from the "Forging Master Spiritual Land" earlier. 

The entire process was similar to ninja missions. However, in Akame's experience, Hoshigaki Kisame noticed a very clear sense of familiarity. It could be said that the Empire's training of assassins and the Hidden Mist Village's training of ninjas are actually quite similar. 

Both are very strict and demanding in their training. The former deliberately encourages assassins to make friends and then kill those friends. And the latter also involves former comrades killing each other. 

That's how Hoshigaki Kisame came to be. The same goes for Zabuza and others. Additionally, the selection process of Konoha's Anbu is also extremely similar. The self-destruction arranged by Danzo for Yakushi Kabuto and Yakushi Nono, as well as the self-destruction of Sai and Shin, are examples. What Hoshigaki Kisame is concerned about is another point. That is Akame's regret for killing her friend.

To regret means that Akame believes she made a mistake initially. And what about myself? Hoshigaki Kisame recalled the faces of those competitors he killed before, faces of former comrades. Each one a familiar face. 

Even though many years have passed, Hoshigaki Kisame still remembers. He remembers the expressions they had when they died. For a long time, Hoshigaki Kisame never doubted the Bloody Mist Policy of the Hidden Mist Village. 

Like others, he believed that it was precisely because of such strict policies that they could cultivate ninjas strong and excellent enough. Ninjas nurtured in this way are the foundation of the Hidden Mist Village, ensuring its status as a major ninja village and making its strength grow stronger. But now, seeing Akame's regret, a slight wavering appeared in Hoshigaki Kisame's heart.

Uehara Soma entered the forging room and immediately locked the door behind him. Then he took out the blueprint and the materials obtained from the Dungeon Instance. 

"In Akame's world, Kiriichimonji is just a Shingu" 

"But compared to the Seven Ninjato of the Hidden Mist Village, it's not inferior."