
sweet home Konoha

In the winter night a beaded man sat idly around a fire drinking slowly from a thermos.

" Ahhh a great tea after good day of work really is satisfying." The man said as he reached inside his inner pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes, he took one and put it in his mouth. Then he clicked his fingers and the cigarette was lit. He inhaled and then gazed the clear sky. There thousands upon thousands of stars flickered ,showing their existence to the small world the man lived. He exhaled and looked towards the right and there was a hanging person bound by the legs.The body was mutilated but the face was untouched except the hair.Blood was slowly dripping straining the dirty white snow below.

He saw the female body with open lifeless eyes staring right at him. He watched her while smoking his cigarette ,drip by drip the blood felled to the ground and as the time passed.

He stood up and touched his right arm guard, there was a seal. He clicked it and an axe immediately came to his hand. He released the rope. And the body lifelessly felled to the ground.He turned her around with a slight push with his leg and she rolled her with the back up. He took some snow and washed the blood from her neck. Then he stood up and threw his cigarette to the ground. The ninja checked his axe for any cracks, when he saw none , he raised it above his head.

"So long, girl, may this life showed you the consequences of the greatest sin there is… betrayal." And as he said the last word he swinged his axe downward


A clear sound of bone breaking and muscle tearing was heard. Soon the blood started driping from the headless corpse. Meanwhile the ninja took the axe and cleaned it thoroughly with snow, then he sealed it away. After that he lifted the head. And sealed it in his left guard. He checked his clothes for any blood. And after that, he went inside the tent and took out a scroll. he got the backpack near the entrence and got out of the tent and started packing up the tent and everything around the camp.

"Oo I almost forgot" he said and went to the body and pickpocketed it. In one of the pockets ,he took out a headband. He put it in the backpack." Then he pickpocketed her again and got every weapon and money in her belongings.

He started to drag the headless body away from the camp in a clearing ,where already prepared pyre was waiting. He carefully placed the body and went away. He turned around ,inhaled a deep breath and started to do rapid handseals

"Katon: Gokakyu no jutsu"

Massive fireball hit the pyre and it burned brightly in darkness. He took out another cigarette and lit it up with a click of his fingers. He stood there watching the fire slowly burning the body, that releasing the soul from the last earthly anchor the body. Or so he thought. An hour later the fire died down and so with the funeral of the shinobi in it.

He again started to do hand seals and out of his mouth

Suiton: Uo tsuba(fish spit used as low ranking suiton jutsu makes low jet of water) came out which put out the fire he carefully checked for any remains and when he found none he turned around back to the camp where he continued to gather his things. Soon, he was finished. He yawned and extended his hand towards his leg pocket where he took out some black pills. He pop one and waited for a second. Soon a rush of energy hit him. And he started running south.

After a day and a half he reached a checking post there he passed the waiting civilians and entered inside the camp. But before he was going to enter he was stopped, by a thin but tall man for normal standards but the person in front of him was not a standard one at all. He stood at the staggering heights of 209 cm (6'10 in freedom units)

"Remove the mask and Identify yourself. The ninja said as he looked at his oni mask

The shinobi sighed and removed the mask.

And there it was, a slightly swarthy man with trimmed beard and shaved head. My name is Sarutobi Akaza and this is Kenta my dog.

Code 005530 then he took out a document with a hokage seal on it the ninja quickly scanned the documents then nodded. And returned his documents.

"Welcome back, and have a safe trip."the ninja said with slight smile. Akaza nodded and continued his path forward.

After a while the sun started to set and Akaza stopped for a second then he took out a cigarette. He looked at the clock. In his pocket. And sighed

"She is going to kill me, if I stall." He sighed again and looked towards the sunset.

"Women can't live with them, can't live without them." And chuckled. And threw his cigarette and started running with rapid pace

By 4 am he was at the gates of Konoha. Of course they were closed. But ninjas from the village had some privileges like entering whenever they like. He got checked by the night shift and he passed the massive gates. He jumped on top of a roof and looked. At the hokage tower. There he saw a lamp still lit. Akaza sighed in relief and started flickering toward the tower. Soon he reached the entrence. He looked at the top left corner above the entrance. And asked.

"Is he here?" The ninja hidings in the darkness nodded and readjusted his position . Akaza nodded and entered inside. The great mission hall was empty and engulfed in darkness. But that didn't bother Akaza. He turned his eyes left and right, watching as the hidden guards shifted their positions, because they were that easily discovered. Soon he reached the other side of the hall and wide stairs awaited him. He quickly climbed them and there was long corridors with many offices from the both sides. With wide stepps soon he reached a double door. He knocked and waited.

"Enter." Young but regal voice sounded from the inside. Akaza entered while slightly bending to get inside. There he saw the hokage sitting with documents filling his desk to the brim. He lifted his eyes from the documents and saw his late guest.

"Akaza did you accomplish the mission." Minato asked.. Akaza didn't answer immediately because he was lighting his own poison(he uses chakra in the lungs to protect himself btw) he inhaled and exhaled.

"It was lightwork ,really. Hunting two chunnins was fun but too easy. I relaxed from the war so might as well start to clear dregs from the jonin rank that deserted. After all the great worldwide hunt for traitors finished and it's time to hunt them one by one.

Minato contemplated for a second and nodded. I approve get some rest and start preparing I will send you a list of names and latest sightings. Akaza nodded. And turned to exit the door. But he was stopped.

"And also Akaza stop smoking in my office while I understand that you created that habit with the third Hokage but I don't like it." Minato said with his signature sunny smile on his face.

Akaza groaned and turned around and nodded then he turned around to exit. He closed the doors behind him and smelled himself.

"Uff I smell". Akaza said as he slowly walked home. Half an hour later he reached the Sarutobi compound and entered inside. Soom he reached his house. And clicked his left boot three times and the keys were already in his hand. He unlocked the door. And entered slowly.

As he closed the door as he heard sound upstairs until it stopped. He looked towards the stairs and there it is was … his wife.

"Uff I smell you from here! Leave your clothes here and go wash yourself. "

The woman said with full authority. Akaza grumbled but did as he was told. Not because she said that to him. But because he would have done that anyway. But his damn woman need to tell him the obvious. And when they fight she is going to say she is always right. He went inside the bath quickly washed himself thoroughly and entered his bedroom.

"Go wash your beard again ". The wife said not even turning around from the bed. Akaza smelled himself again and indeed found slight smell of blood on his beard. He quickly entered the bath again and cleared his beard a couple of times. Then he entered the bed and hugged his wife.

"Did you miss me, Inuzuka Akiko ." Akaza said as he pulled her towards him.

Akiko quickly adjusted slightly and answered.

"Every day."

Soon both of then drifted to sleep.


If you see any mistakes tell me.

Hasta lavista muchachos

do you want lemos or not?

Sedemnoshticreators' thoughts