
Naruto: Harem No Jutsu

[WARNING: R18 CONTENT!] What's the point of being a ninja if you can't have a harem? Yuji has a single dream in this new world: Have a harem. Unfortunately, the ladies around him are both willing and able to gut him like a fish. That's not all. He'll have to survive a demented nine tailed fox, a Shikamaru Nara who's a S-class missing nin and the wrath of a hidden village, not necessarily in that order. No one said it'll be that easy. Will Yuji achieve his dream? Only time will tell. ********** Things to note: 1. Alternative Universe 2. OC not SI 3. MC starts weak but progresses to OP. 4. This is not a joke fic. It might start like that but it is an attempt to show the MC's mindset before reality hits him like a truck. 5. Yes. This means that there's an actual story in which the harem is a major part of. Yes. There's smut. But the story takes precedence. ********* Discord server: https://discord.gg/CuXT9TcsBH Support link: https://www.patreon.com/chakralord

ChakraLord · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Get Hard or Go Home

"My fellow ninja in training, esteemed colleagues and cherished friends," Kiba whispered as he gazed solemnly at the crowd of boys sitting around my spot in the class. It seems like word has gotten around on what was about to go down.

"We are gathered here today, to witness an historic moment. Today, we stand on the precipice of a moment that will test not just our loyalty to the bro code, but our commitment to the very essence of camaraderie, brotherhood and honor. Today, a brother dies or a brother makes history."

The gathered boys nodded solemnly. The silence was broken by the sound of Chouji's chips and the murmur of the girls as they wondered what the boys were up to.

"Our beloved comrade Yuji is preparing to go on a mission whose success will guarantee precious material for our fap fridays."

Naruto clasped me on the shoulder as Shino nodded to me with respect.

"Reflect, my friends, on the values that bind us together as a community. Courage, risk taking and mental fortitude are not mere words, but the very foundation upon which the brotherhood thrives. To undermine the risk to our brother here is to erode the very foundation of our brotherhood."

There were a few muttered yeahs and a few fists banging quietly on chests.

"Let us remember the sacrifices of those who came before us, the heroes whose valorous deeds paved the way for our prosperity. They did not falter in the face of adversity. Instead, they stood firm, unwavering in their commitment to uphold the principles of the brotherhood."

"Yuji is not just a friend; he is a comrade-in-arms, a brother bound by the unbreakable bonds of loyalty and kinship. It is our duty, not just as his peers, but as his allies, to send him off in a manner on par with the hokage." Kiba nods to one of the audience. "Bring out the mantle."

One of the boys brought out a white cloak decorated just like the Hokage's regalia. Kiba solemnly accepted it and draped it on my shoulders.

"As we bid farewell to Yuji on his journey, let us offer him not just our blessings, but our earnest prayers for his safe return. May he emerge from this trial not just unscathed, but enriched by the wisdom gained from experience. And may we, as a community, emerge stronger and more united than ever before. Thank you."

"For the brotherhood." Naruto raises a fist.

"For the brotherhood!" The gathered boys echoed him.

"Excuse me." Aburame Shino cleared his throat as he stood. "I have a few words."

"Shino?" Kiba asked, flabbergasted. "O-okay."

"Thank you. As an Aburame, I have long been acquainted with the concept of symbiosis. The delicate balance between man and insect, predator and prey. Why?" He pushes his glasses up his nose. "In my clan, we embrace the notion that strength lies not in isolation, but in unity. Just as the insects within my care serve as allies and companions, so too do our fellow shinobi serve as pillars of support and guidance."

"Yuji, with his unconventional methods and unorthodox approach to life, embodies the very essence of diversity within our ranks. He is a testament to the notion that greatness knows no bounds, that brilliance can arise from the most unexpected of places."

"Is…is that an insult?" I whispered to Naruto.

"A compliment…I think."

"And while his actions may defy convention, they serve as a reminder of the boundless potential that resides within each and every one of us."

"I stand before you today not to condemn the actions about to happen, but to offer him not just our support, but our understanding and acceptance." He bowed at the waist to me. "We thank you Yuji, for your great sacrifice. You will never be forgotten."

The boys around all stood up and bowed.

"Guys…" I stood up and gazed down at them. "I will not let you down."

At that moment, the bell rang signifying the beginning of classes and the objective of our mission walked into the class.

Yuna sensei. Platinum blonde hair, cold blue eyes and a pair of knockers that had a few boys failing their tests, is probably responsible for the death of enemy Shinobi and is rumored to have the ability to raise the dead.

Dressed in an unbuttoned flak jacket atop a mesh shirt, she's the reason the sick bay had students come in with a nosebleed every day.

Today, I either get hard, or go home.

Yuna sensei walked in with a pair of legs that had a few girls seething with jealousy.

"Sit down everybody. You've all seen your results. At the end of the day, you will go to the hokage tower for your registration and receive your id and headband." She looked up at us. "Congratulations. You are now Shinobis of Konohagakure."

The class erupted in applause.

"We did it!" Into yelled from the front of the class.

"Settle down, settle down."

We did.

"I will be passing around the application form to choose which ninja department you would like to serve in. Of course, you may not be chosen but if you're lucky, you'll be assigned to your requested department."

"As we all know, Konoha has five ninja departments. The regular forces, the ANBU corps," Kiba and I shared a grin, "the Information department, the medical corps and the ninja police. Choose well."

Yuna sensei picked up the stack of forms on her desk and began distributing them.

Stage 1 complete.

The whole plan was built on the fact that Yuna sensei distributes study materials personally.

As she progressed closer, I stood up. "Let me help you sensei," I grinned as I began walking down the stairs.

A heat producing fuinjutsu seal had been placed under a seat right next to the walkway and right now, a female ninja was sitting there.

As Yuna sensei approached the seat, I flashed a discrete hand seal and activated the fuinjutsu seal.

As the seal flash boiled the seat, the innocent girl jumped out with a yowl. At that moment, her legs caught the ninja wire placed at that location by Kiba. With no balance and a rapidly approaching floor, she reached out for the only thing within reach: Yuna sensei's mesh shirt.

With a delightful sound, Yuna sensei's mesh shirt ripped open, displaying her most beautiful assets. A fountain of blood erupted from the noses of the boys behind me.

Her assets were exactly like I imagined they would be. Her perky tits stood at attention like a soldier at a parade. Her pink areolas were so inviting, little Yuji gave a little wave.

As for me, I did the thing I came here for.

I grinned, closed my eyes and face planted.

A/N: Muhahaha! Bow before the ChakraLord. Release your power stones to me! Muhahaha!