
Chapter 1 - Prologue

Close to the river shore, there is boy around 12 years old who is fishing

Here is our protagonist, named Hongo Itsuki

(For his appearence you could imagine it like Yuki Makoto From Persona 3 of Shin Megami Tensei)

Itsuki : "hmm~~~~" (whistle)

Whistling enjoying time while looking at the bucket full of fish,

suddenly there is a movement from the rod

Itsuki : "Looks like it hook something again."

picking up his rod, he notice that the rod is getting heavier

Itsuki : "Hmm?? Did it hook a big fish??" hum....pph.... (trying hard to pull the rod)

Splash... (finally manage to pull the rod)

Itsuki : "???!" (Surprise Face Appear)

[ A Moment Later ]

The boy who is fishing now is walking alongside the river going back to his place, when he arrived at his home he says while opening the door

Itsuki : "Hey Akari!!!, Oni-chaaan's home."

From the inside of the house appear sound of footsteps

walking from the bedroom, appear a young girl around 8 years old running

Girl ??? : "oni-chan, you've arrived?? Did you bring many fish???"

The girl who running here is Itsuki's little sister named Hongo Akari

(For her appearence you could imagine it like Towa Erio from Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko)

Itsuki : "Well, for the fish i caught many you know~~~ (All smile seeing his sister).

But well there is something more that caught my fish rod." (While looking his back).

Just notice that his brother carrying something behind his back, Akari take a peek

Akari : "????! oni-chan, this is...?" (Feeling surprised Akari asked back his brother)

Looking at his back she's notice a boy, unconscious and injured.

Itsuki : "Let's continue our discussion later, looks like someone needs medical attention"

Akari : "ahh, that's right. Sorry, i will prepare some medicine"

Itsuki : "Right, i will put him in my bed. Hope that we could save him"

[ After given the injured medical attention ]

Somehow after a just go with flow medicine that they have the boy's breathe slowly become stable

Akari : "Huffft, somehow we managed to do it. I am glad your knowledge help oni-chan."

Itsuki : "But still i don't know what to do with his right arm." (Looking at the unknown's boy arm while feeling worried)

Akari : "You're not god oni-chan, just be glad with what we have we could help him to stay alive and preserve his right leg."

Itsuki : "Yeah."

Akari : "How about we eat first while you explained to me how you found him??"

Itsuki : "Okay"

Out from the bedroom, both siblings go to the table and eat dinner together while talking about the incident

Itsuki : "Well, let me tell you from when i was fishing this morning."

[ In the morning after Itsuki hooked the boy ]

Feeling surprise Itsuki for what he thought that he pulled a big fish when it actually a human, an injured human boy and somehow the face looks familiar to Itsuki.

Itsuki : 'This... Somehow, ain't his face looks familiar?? Where did i see him??'

(Thought Itsuki while looking to the injured boy)

Trying to wake the injured boy, he noticed a puddle of blood beside the injured boy

Itsuki : "Huft, what a day. i must go home fast. Hope we can save him"

[ Back to the present ]

Explained Itsuki about the incident while not tell his sister that he knows the boy's identity

Akari : "I see... Then have you try to look at his belongings??"

Itsuki : "I have. From the way it looks like he is a shinobi."

Akari : "Shinobi?? You mean one of those guy whose fighting in war right now??

Itsuki : (Nod) "Yeah. Well i don't know the reason he flown in the river to us. But at least we could see he is Shinobi from Konohagakure."

Akari : "How do you know oni-chan?? i don't see anything that could fit his identity as member of the village." (Ask Akari while feeling confused on how his brother know the injured boy's place)

Itsuki : "Hmm?? That's right, i haven't tell you yet that every shinobi wearing protector like headband or armband with their village symbol on their clothes"

Itsuki : (pointing at the headband of the injured boy) "That is why i know he is from Konohagakure, you could see that headband have a symbol of Konohagakure."

Akari : (Looking at the headband, she nod) "Aaah, i see. As expected from you oni-chan, you're so smart"

Itsuki : "Well, for now let's just wait for him to wake up and hear his explanation."

Akari : "Alright"

[3 months later]

The siblings is having dinner as usual.

Akari : "It looks like he still won't wake up today."

While both of them talking suddenly, there is a sound from Itsuki's bedroom.

??? : "Arrghhhh...." (Slowly trying to open his eyes while feeling his body ache)

Akari : "Oni-chan" (Look at his brother)

Itsuki : "Yeah, let's go see our patient" (while walking to the bedroom).

??? : "Where.... where am i???" (Looking at his surrounding)

Itsuki : "You're at our house. How're you feeling??"

??? : (Looking at the siblings) "I see, my body ache all over"

Itsuki : "Yeah, sorry that we can't help your arm"

??? : (Notice what the boy mean) "Naah, it's okay. i am already glad that i am still alive and only my arm become like this"

Akari : "Yeah oni-chan. Didn't i already say it's already great we could save his life with his condition"

Itsuki : (Smile hearing his sister response) "Alright, you both win.

Akari : "Oh yeah, i am Hongo Akari and this is my big brother Itsuki. What is your name shinobi-san??' (Feels curious Akari asked)

??? : "Sorry for the late introduction, looks like you already notice, but i am shinobi of Konohagakure. The name is... Uchiha Obito."

“Life is a spread of surprises and it is both a privilege and a challenge to respond to things and events, and find the right answers to prickly questions. In this process, however, it might be wise to change first our perception and our way of looking at things, before persistently changing the very things and altering their hallmark. (“Life out there “)”

― Erik Pevernagie

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