
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs



The base of Uchiha Madara!

"Obito, a lot has happened this time!"

"It doesn't matter, Nine Tails was meant to be the last to be caught!"

"As for the man who owns Mangekyō and Wood Style, he probably has nothing to do with Orochimaru! Orochimaru has done a lot of research on Hashirama cells!"

"As long as we Master Rinnegan, there is nothing to fear!"

Obito briefly steadied Black Zetsu, but he was eager to be a little more chaotic, the longer it took to collect the tailed beast, the longer he would develop!

The person who finally realizes Infinite Tsukuyomi must be me Uchiha Obito, Madara, don't even think about waking up!


Cloud Shinobi Village!

I didn't expect Sarutobi Hiruzen to be so endurable, it's really a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, hahahaha!

Raikage looked at the information, and on the one hand sighed that he lost the conditions to attack, on the other hand, he looked down on Sarutobi Hiruzen even more!

"Send an order, let the standby team return to their original positions!"

"Order the intelligence department to collect information on Orochimaru and the Rain Country!"


Rock Shinobi Village!

Ohnogi was very happy to see the information, Konoha was weakened is what he wanted to see!

Only after seeing the Mangekyō Sharingan and Wood Style come together, he fell back into the fear he once had!

That kind of desperation like facing an infinite sea enveloped him!

It took me a while to get back to my senses!

Then Ohnogi made the same decision as Raikage!



Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei is discussing the information passed down from Konoha with the village elders!

"It's Mangekyō again!"

"The Fourth Mizukage is controlled by the Sharingan. There is no other explanation for the control of the perfect Jinchūriki except Mangekyō!"

In the end, Terumi Mei and the senior management in the village decided not to pay attention to the outside world and only collect information secretly!

What Kirigakure needs most now is to ensure a stable development environment!


Inside a base in Orochimaru, the country of Taki!

Everyone finally arrived at this base!

[ Yang Hui: @Orochimaru, it's too late, let's wait until tomorrow! Put them in solitary confinement! ]

the next day!

Yang Hui first took Uzumaki Emi and found Uzumaki Xiangphosphon!

The two recognized each other, and Xianglin couldn't help hugging her mother and crying!

Xianglin knew everything Yang Hui did from his mother!

Then, Xianglin volunteered to be Yang Hui's subordinate!

And then, Yang Hui walked in front of Hyuga Hanabi!

Hyuga Hanabi blushes a little when she sees the handsome and cold-looking Yang Hui!

But it returned to normal in a moment, this is her enemy!

"Who are you and why did you take me away! What the hell are you trying to do?"

Hyuga Hanabi didn't sleep well all night!

I am afraid that the enemy will take advantage of my deep sleep to take away my white eyes!

"My next plan needs to use your eyes. As long as you cooperate with my actions, I will not do anything to you!"

"If you don't cooperate, I believe there are many people who want to have white eyes transplanted!"

Where has Hyuga Hanabi seen this kind of battle, and was immediately bluffed to nod! ! !

"...I'll just listen to you!"

"I'll just trust you for now, don't think about running away!"

Saying that, Yang Hui released Hyuga Hanabi!

Immediately after, a group of people arrived in front of Uchiha Sasuke!

[ Yang Hui: Don't tell Sasuke the inside story of Uchiha's genocide, otherwise, a title warning! ! ! ]

[Senju Hashirama: ... ]

[ Uchiha Madara: Are you going to stimulate him at the right time, hum! ]

[Senju Tobirama: You really value this kid! ]

After warning everyone, Yang Hui closed the chat group!


Yang Hui has never lifted his Transformation Technique, so Sasuke never knew that Yang Hui was the leader of the group!

"Yang Hui, I didn't expect you to be here too! It looks like your status is not low!"

"Sasuke-kun, in fact I'm still under Yang Hui-kun!"

Sasuke was even more shocked after hearing what Orochimaru said!

He knew that Orochimaru was one of the legendary Konoha Sannin!

Being able to conquer Orochimaru is enough to see the strength and mystery of Yang Hui!

"So, are you trying to kill me?"

Sasuke remembered Yang Hui's attitude towards him in the past, and he couldn't help but feel a little despair. Now that he is in Yang Hui's hands, he will never kill Itachi in the future!

I can no longer avenge my parents and relatives. Thinking of this, Sasuke's Sharingan keeps spinning and has a tendency to evolve!

Sasuke's Sharingan still didn't evolve into Sangouyu in the end!

Yang Hui saw this scene and said to Sasuke,

"My previous attitude towards you was all for Konoha executives! In fact, I don't hate you at all, and our goals are all Uchiha Itachi!"

"I brought you here to make you my subordinate. As long as you are my subordinate, I will let Orochimaru train you and not take your body!"

"I agree. Playing that kind of game in Konoha, I don't know how long it will take to get revenge, and now even Naruto has become so strong!"

Sasuke agreed without thinking!

All he seeks is power and revenge!

Sasuke is still a relatively pure person!

Saying that, Yang Hui released Sasuke and gave Sasuke the contract of system representation!

"Then sign this contract!"

[Ding! Uchiha Sasuke joins the group chat! ]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: What is the situation! ? ]

[ Yang Hui: @ Uchiha Fugaku @ Uchiha Mikoto, you guys explain it to him! ]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: Brawl-san! Ogasan! ]

[Uchiha Fugaku: Sasuke, it's like this... ]

It looks like I got Uzumaki, Hyuga Hanabi and Uchiha Sasuke!

Yang Hui leads them along with Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto to the cell where Uzumaki Naruto is being held!

Mouth escape Uzumaki Naruto, Yang Hui really has a little drum in his heart!

After all, Naruto can be regarded as the founder of Zuidun, a master of Zuidun who claims to be not very preachy!
