
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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After blending Dark Fruit,

Yang Hui clearly felt that,

The energy of Devil Fruit in the body has increased a lot!

[ Yang Hui: @ Orochimaru, Wanokuni will be in your hands!

Anyone who doesn't want to stay in this country will be thrown out!

There can only be one voice in this country, those who are foolishly loyal to the Kozuki family will either go or die! ]

[ Orochimaru: Understood, I will make Wanokuni into an impregnable wall!! ]

[Buddha's Sengoku: Hey! Yang Hui, you don't plan to block the news at all!

Don't you expose yourself to the major forces by doing this?

Don't plan to keep a low profile for a while?]

[ Yang Hui: Keep a low profile and keep a low profile!

With my current strength, what am I afraid of?

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Golden Lion: Hahaha! I support Mr. Yang Hui's decision!

One can imagine the newspapers of Morgans for two days,

What a shock it would be!


[ Whitebeard: Goo la la la!

I have already thought of the title for him!

"Shocked! Kaido is so cool!"

"Shocked! This is what happened to Wanokuni!"


[Hero Garp: Hahaha! Whitebeard is shocking at first sight!]

[Sengoku of the Buddha: Don't mention it, these titles from Whitebeard are really attractive!]

Not as expected by Yang Hui and everyone in the group,

When the news of Wanokuni got out,

It caused an uproar in the world for a while!

The fall of the Four Emperors Kaido and the strong rise of the little-known Yang Hui,

like a bomb,

Blast in the hearts of the world!

Some people worry that the pirate world will be out of balance and will be in chaos!

Some people are crazy, arrogant and ignorant, and want to go to New World to challenge Yang Hui!

The only one who is happy may be Morgans!

His newspapers have been sold out several times!

World Economic News News Agency!

"Hahaha! Unexpectedly, when people are sitting at home, there will be shocking news delivered to the door! 35

"Hurry up and order, everyone works hard for the past two days, print newspapers, send more seagulls, and send newspapers to all parts of the world!

The excited Morgans said excitedly with a cigar in his mouth!

Unlike Morgans,

The Five Elders of Mariejois are not so happy!

"Kaido died suddenly!!!

It's incredible!"

"Yes! But now that it has happened,

There is no point in sighing!

Most importantly, the aftermath of Kaido's death!

I don't know if there will be a problem with Wanokuni's weapon supply!

Now even joker can't get weapons!"

"So the most important thing is the attitude of the new Wanokuni ruler, the so-called new Four Emperors - Yang Hui!

"Since the joker is no longer useful, send the cpO to go with Yiguo!

Get in touch with Uchiha Yang Hui!

If it goes well, we can also bypass the middleman of joker, which is more beneficial to us!""


"Agree! 39


"Agreed! 55

[Sengoku of Buddha: @ Yang Hui, what are you going to do next?

Declare war directly on the world's political spokes?]

Seeing Sengoku asking himself a question in the group,

Yang Hui's target blinked a few times!

Thinking about my next course of action!

Now his goal, in addition to overthrowing the world's political spokes and killing Celestial Dragons,

All that's left is to kill the stinky brat, Momonosuke!

In the world of One Piece,

There are very few hated characters!

Momonosuke is the one who hates him the most!!!

Even Doflamingo, although a little bit evil, can't be hated!

Even a little sympathy for what happened to him as a child!

Akainu and Blackbeard are just following their own path,

It's just that the means are dirty and disgusting!

In the whole One Piece world, only Celestial Dragons and Momo nosuke must die!

He has already decided that he should salt the fish for two years first, and then cultivate his relationship with Ace Des, Hancock and Hanabi!

After Momonosuke travels from the past to Wanokuni and kills him, attack Mariejois!

[Hero Garp: Oh! Why doesn't Yang Hui speak?

You won't really want to make the world political!

Did Kaido make such a big move just after killing him?


[ Aokiji: Hey! I support Yang Hui! Fuck Celestial Dragons!!!]

[Sengoku of the Buddha: Alas! Then go with you!

I don't want to serve Celestial Dragons anyway!

And Yang Hui is pretty good to commoners!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[Dorag: My broadsword is already hungry and thirsty!


[ Yang Hui: I'm going to disappoint you, I'm going to salt the fish for two years before I deal with the world's political spokes!!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Hancock: Yes! Yang Hui is really tired, he needs a good rest!

I will take good care of him! Hiss!]

[Ace Des: Although you are right, Yang Hui is mine!


[ Hyuga Hanabi: I have always taken care of Yang Hui-kun!!!


[Hancock: No one wants to rob me!]

[Dorag: After waiting for so many years, it's not less than two years! ]

[Namikaze Minato: That's right. Traveling in this world takes at least a year and a half!]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: I don't care anymore!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: That was kind of boring!

I'm going to find the red hair after I beat Brother Ming!

There's nothing left to do after defeating them!


[ Roger: A socket?

Are today's young people so loud?

Shanks, according to Whitebeard and Golden Lion,

Strong now!

You want to beat him with just a pair of Eternal Mangekyō,

It's still a little short, and there is a high probability of losing!

Don't be too young!


[ Whitebeard: Roger's words are not rough! Sasuke, you still need to settle down! ]

[ Uchiha Madara: That's right! You are only a Mangekyō, and you have to keep improving!

For example, do you know how to escape?

I will when I don't have Rinnegan!

Don't think your eyes are invincible!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

Even Madara couldn't stand it anymore and criticized it!

[ Uchiha Sasuke: Humph! Then look at how I beat the redhead! ]

Facing the denial of everyone's predecessors, Sasuke is also true!

Yang Hui shook his head, Erzhuzi started to float when he had a little strength!

Redheads are so powerful!

In terms of swordsmanship alone, it can be tied with the world's largest swordsman, Hawkeye!

Not to mention that he also has the top Conqueror's Haki in the One Piece world!

Sasuke is still far from him!

In the next two days,

Yang Hui officially started the salted fish life!

Noon on the third day of winning Wanokuni,

Yang Hui gets up with Hanabi, Hancock and Acedes!

just opened the chat group,

I can see that people are already chatting!

[ Yang Hui: Are you so busy? ]

[ Namikaze Minato: It's already noon now! ]

[ Golden Lion: Exactly, I have something to report to Lord Yang Hui!

The World Political Sponsor sent cp0 over here and wants to get in touch with Mr. Yang Hui!

Except for cp0,

There are also messengers from other pirates and underground world forces!

Now they have all been stopped by me,

Send or process?]

[Sengoku of Buddha:cp0???

World Politics 4.8 spokes are really rotten!


[Hero Garp: How can you say something that everyone knows!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Yang Hui: @ Golden Lion, although Wanokuni is no longer locked, other forces are not allowed to infiltrate!

In the future, except for ordinary people and Gemingjun, they are not allowed to land on the island!

Those people, just let them go back!

From now on, they are all enemies, and there is nothing to talk about!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Golden Lion: Get it!

Now I kind of expect them to do it!


By the way, now after the propaganda of Morgans,

Lord Yang Hui is outside,

Already recognized as the Four Emperors who replaced Kaido!]

[Dorag: The Four Emperors do not match the strength of Lord Yang Hui!

Looking forward to the showdown with Celestial Dragons two years from now!

(stand hand.jpg)!

So, @Buddha's Sengoku, Marshal, you abdicate and let the virtuous!


[Sengoku of Buddha:...]