
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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[Sengoku of Buddha: This is no longer playing with fire!

Whitebeard this is on the brink of death,

Crazy test!

Whitebeard, take it easy,

so old,

Stop messing around!

As an old rival for many years,

and chat group friends,

I urge you to dismiss this idea!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

Everyone sees Whitebeard,

speak his mind,

They all said that Whitebeard was dying,

I don't like him at all!

[Fire Fist Ace: @ Whitebeard,

Dad, don't do stupid things!

You are not that double-fruited substance,

eat the second fruit,

It will be over for sure!

No matter how strong you are,

There is no way to break this rule!


Ace looked at Whitebeard's thoughts,

A little nervous too!

After all, if this is not done well,

His good dad is gone!

Ace is really afraid that Whitebeard's head will heat up,

really experiment,

After all, after having chat 407 days group,

The line between life and death is blurring ever more!

The presence of Yang Hui,

It also makes people lose their fear of death!

even if dead,

also in chat groups,

Continue to gag with old friends,

You can also stroll around in Huangquan!

I didn't see Mr. Garp,

Are you all yearning for Huangquan?

[ Whitebeard: Goo la la la!

Ace, don't worry,

I'm not asking you guys!

Still haven't made up my mind!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

The scene of Whitebeard and Ace being kind and filial,

feel warm,

But it made Garp and Roger jealous!

[ Roger: A socket?

Obviously I'm Ace's father!

Why does Whitebeard do everything,

Ace's reaction is so great!

When something happens to me,

Ace(bhei) doesn't even ask a question!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[Hero Garp: Who said no!

I said before that I was going to Huangquan,

Ace has nothing to say!

After all, I am his grandfather too!

And take care of him since childhood!

Heartless boy!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Roger: Can we not mention these identities?

I get mad when I say this!

I treat you as a brother,

So you want to be my dad?

And your special brew,

Where to take care of Ace,

Aren't all the bandits taking care of him?


[Fire Fist Ace: Okay, okay,

Stop arguing with you both!


Don't you have 13 in your heart?

And, old Garp,

that is your will,

You want to go to Huangquan yourself!

(Pick nose.jpg)!


Dad, how can you think like this,

With your current strength,

Still need yellow spring fruit to strengthen it?


[ Senju Hashirama: Yes!

The strength of Whitebeard,

It can still be considered that,

The top powerhouse in the pirate world! ]

[ Uchiha Izuna: And Whitebeard,

not that kind,

People who are crazy about strength and longevity!

Otherwise, before

He can directly rely on Yang Hui!

Isn't it delicious to go to the sky in one step?

And doesn't he want his family the most?

Now when my son is full,

The revenge that should be avenged is also avenged,

What else is there to be dissatisfied with?

He even stared at Huangquan Fruit!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Golden Lion: Who knows!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

More than just Ace,

Even the rest of the people are a little confused!

Can't figure out why Whitebeard's life is almost complete,

There is still such an idea!

[ Orochimaru: Hehehe!

Maybe it's for longevity!

No matter how strong Whitebeard is, he is still human,

from my experience,

As long as people are afraid of death!

And the older you get, the more afraid of death!

Whitebeard is a pirate again,

what freedom do you admire,

I don't want to have a boss,

If you want to catch this longevity bug by yourself,

It's also justifiable!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

Orochimaru thinks his interpretation is absolutely correct!

but still suffered,

Tobirama's ruthless rebuttal!

[ Senju Tobirama: You think everyone is like you,

The obsession with longevity is so deep!

(Pick nose.jpg)]

[ Golden Lion: Wait a minute,

I understand!

Just now Orochimaru said,

The older you get, the more afraid of death!

This reminds me,

Whitebeard is old,

And he is not afraid of death,

but feared that after his death,

His sons are in danger!

When I played Kaido before,

If Whitebeard were ten years younger,

Kaido can be hammered and called Dad,

I don't have to do it at all!

realized that I was getting old,

Can Whitebeard be ready?

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]