
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs


"Stop, stop!

I got it!

Can I take it?'

Sensing the scorching heat on the flame,

Kurozumi serpent quickly grew a new head,

Shout out in horror!

Ask Yang Hui to let him go!

Yang Hui saw the Kurozumi serpent,

I dare not continue to pretend to be dead,

Also put away the flames!


Kurozumi Orochi breathed a sigh of relief!

I thought I was finally alive!

Quickly said to Yang Hui,

"This lord,

I am the general of Wanokuni,

The most powerful man in Wanokuni!

as long as you don't kill me,

I can lead the entire Wanokuni,

All rely on you!

[Sengoku of Buddha: This kind of villain,

You can also get the position of the ruler of a country!

How ironic!


[Dorag: Who said no!

Celestial Dragons so rubbish,

still not the same,

There are a lot of hands under "three six zeros",

Willing to take them as masters?

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[Sengoku of Buddha:...]

[ Uchiha Madara: Who said no!

If it weren't for vile and treacherous,

Even if First Hokage's location is Hashirama's,

That Second Hokage,

It was my turn yesterday too!

Can it be robbed by the villain Tobirama?

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[Senju Tobirama:...]

[Sengoku of Buddha: @ Yang Hui,

Don't you mean to kill it?

Why don't you act so late?

you don't really intend to,

Let him go for Wanokuni's sake?


[ Uchiha Izuna: You use this "it" very spiritually!


[ Yang Hui: How can you be as confused as Kurozumi Orochi!

Kill him, Wanokuni is mine!

I'm just hesitating,

What is the best way to kill him!


[ Senju Tobirama: Hahaha! Indeed!

Kurozumi Orochi this person,

Stupid and bad!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

Yang Hui looked in front of him constantly,

The Kurozumi Orochi, who promises to beg for mercy,

It's even more disgusting to Ultimate!

He decided to make Kurozumi Orochi,

Die in the most painful way!

Just let Kurozumi Orochi,

experience it,

His nine Tomoe reincarnation Sharingan's exclusive pupil technique,

The horror of the eighteenth hell!

For people like Kurozumi Orochi,

This pupil technique is simply for him,


eighteen levels of hell,

As the name suggests,

It is where sin is judged!

Go up the mountain of swords and go down the sea of ​​fire,

These are all trivialities!

It gets scarier towards the end!

And whether the guilt is deep,

Of course, Yang Hui, the caster, has the final say!

I saw Yang Hui's eyes flashing red,

Kurozumi Orochi felt like,

Entered another world!

high judge,

read out a series of charges against him,

It was exactly when he was alive,

One evil thing done!

In the end, he was sentenced to experience the first to fourteenth floors,

Hell's Punishment!

Before he could say anything,

Apologize for yourself!

The ground suddenly cracked,

Let him fall into the first layer of tongue-pulling hell!

And those who are executed at this level,

It turned out to be the Kozuki Oden he was most familiar with!

Kurozumi Orochi was so painful that it collapsed again and again,

wake up again and again,

Continue to suffer!

Just as he experienced fourteen types of criminal law,

I feel like I'm finally getting out of the sea of ​​misery,

When tears of excitement fill our eyes!

Far from ending his suffering,

Instead, he fell into the fifteenth layer of hell!

How could Yang Hui let him go so easily!

He can change the punishment at will!

at last,

After going through the full criminal law,

Kurozumi Orochi's soul collapsed!

This time,

Kurozumi Orochi is completely cool!

all this,

Although Kurozumi Orochi feels very long!

But from the outside,

That's what happened in an instant!

However, due to the existence of chat groups,

many friends,

Still watching the entire execution process!

[ Uzumaki Naruto: A socket?

What kind of eye surgery is this?

so scary?

Can the soul of the enemy be destroyed?

(Horrible like this.jpg)!]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: Really scary!

that criminal law,

Looking at it makes me shudder!]

[ Yang Hui: If it wasn't for me to let him,

Experience the full version of the eighteen layers of hell once!

his soul,

As early as the third stage,

It's already broken!

This willpower and soul strength,

Too weak!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[Sun Wukong: The Flame Mountain of Uncle Bull Demon King,

A thousand times scarier!]

[Fire Fist Ace: Humph!

This is worthy of being Kurozumi Orochi,

Tortured people!]

[ Whitebeard: Goo la la la!

Ace is right!]

[ Senju Tobirama: @Whitebeard,

You fight Kaido,

Do you have time to watch group chats?

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Whitebeard: Hahaha, this kid Kaido,

Now the two of us are evenly matched!

I can even suppress him a little bit!

It's okay to drive a little!


Kurozumi Orochi just died,

At the moment when his soul collapsed,

Yang Hui immediately from Kamui space,

Take out an apple!

holding an apple in one hand,

Holding the Kurozumi Orochi in one hand!

'System, fusion!

A golden light flashed,

Just as Yang Hui guessed!

Kurozumi Orochi's body has not changed at all,

But next to the fruit,

It has become a phantom beast, the Orochi fruit!

[ Uchiha Izuna: No matter how many times you watch it!

Yang Hui this ability,

Still shocking!

two completely different,

There is nothing that intersects,

mix together,

Only a miracle!]

[Buddha no Sengoku: I didn't expect it to be like this!

No wonder Yang Hui can use the fruit ability,

Transfer to the new fruit!


[Hero Garp: Good guy, that's okay,

See who's fruit ability,

Can you take it directly?

hiss, scary!]

[Buddha no Sengoku: I suddenly start to worry now,

Will I become Yang Hui's target...]

[ Aokiji:@Buddha's Sengoku,

Take it easy, Marshal!

Yang Hui said,

He will not attack group chat members!

Although not all

are his subordinates,

But anyway, a group of friends!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[Hero Garp: Yang Hui said before,

when the time comes,

Will let Kizaru join the 4.8 chat group!

but did not say,

Let Sakazuki join in too!


[Sengoku of Buddha: Sakazuki,

A moment of silence for him in advance! ]

[ Yang Hui: What are you thinking!

(Pick nose.jpg)!

Although your fruit is good,

But what's the use of that?

I don't like it either!

Is Lava-Lava Fruit good 13?

I don't think so!

And I myself have the top,

Phantom Species, Three-legged Golden Crow Fruit!

Devil Fruit to me,

Not very attractive!

Even if I kill Akainu,

Also for other purposes!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[Hero Garp: Anyway, no matter what,

Sakazuki just can't live!


[ Aokiji: A moment of silence for Sakazuki in advance!
