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Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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[ Aokiji: Marshal Sengoku is right!

Good thing it doesn't work!

I can't even imagine,

If Impure World Reincarnation,

If you can use it freely in this world,

Yang Hui summons an army of the dead!

Straight up the whole world!

After all although Impure World Reincarnation is crisp,

But they are not dead!

And it can be restored!

No need to rest!

Tired can kill us!

More importantly,

We don't have your sealing technique either!

Unless you encounter something that can cause harm to the soul,

Impure World Reincarnation army will be deflated!

Like Four Emperorsbigmom!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

Aokiji said fearfully!

[ Orochimaru: Impure World Reincarnation,

That's what it used to be!

But I think Conqueror's Haki,

Maybe it works too!

After all, it can stun minions and interfere with opponents!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

Orochimaru's speech,

Make Senju Tobirama unhappy!

Like Orochimaru,

It's like the inventor of this ninjutsu!

[ Senju Tobirama: What is it that was originally used like this?

I invented this technique originally,

to make them,

With Tandem Paper Bombs,

Used as a mobile bomb!

Your usage is all wrong!

And I am the inventor,

I am the most authoritative!



Although you are the inventor,

But the usage is the worst!

You can't argue with this!

Yang Hui-kun used it to learn ninjutsu and taijutsu,

Much better than what you've used!

If you were back then,

Summoning so many ninjas,

Let them perform the teaching of escapism over and over again,

Konoha's ninja quality,

from dolls,

Wouldn't everyone be able to rise to a new level?

You can also steal the escapism of the hostile forces,

What a great idea!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

Orochimaru leaves Senju Tobirama speechless!

After all, it is indeed the case!

Too bad he didn't expect it!

[ Senju Tobirama: Humph!

Say what you want!

as long as you admit it,

It is enough that I am the inventor of this ninjutsu!]

Apparently Senju Tobirama,

Only care about his copyright!

[ Uchiha Izuna: Hahaha!

Spicy chicken invented by Tobirama,

All rely on posterity,

Just flourished!

On Impure World Reincarnation,

You can't beat Orochimaru and Yang Hui!

On Flying Thunder God,

You can't beat Namikaze Minato and Yang Hui!


matter of fact,

Right and wrong!

If you have the ability, don't choke me about the past!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

(bhei)[ Namikaze Minato:l

[ Senju Tobirama: Humph!

so what?

I am still the first person in Water Style!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Whitebeard: What a pity!

I still want to beat Roger!

Who made him not protect my brother well!


[Fire Fist Ace: Daddy calm down!

pissed off,

How can you beat Kaido after a while?]

[ Roger: I suddenly felt,

Unable to Impure World Reincarnation,

Also a good thing...

Whitebeard's fist,

It's not easy to carry!]

For the Impure World Reincarnation question,

Yang Hui is also very helpless!

Who gave him the first novice gift package,

Just a substance that does not require personal information,

Improved Impure World Reincarnation,

If it is an improved version of universal universal,

Wouldn't that be cool?

As Aokiji said,

He pushes everything directly with Impure World Reincarnation!

'System, what can be done,

leave me in this world,

Can I still use Impure World Reincarnation?'

'Ding! Go back to Host!

If you are willing to use the power of the world,

By the power of the system,

can be forcibly opened,

The pure land of the underworld in this world!

If only the power of the world is needed,

The system can do anything for you! Baby

Yang Hui saw this option,

without thinking,

Just denied it!

'This option is skipped,

The power of the world is so precious!

I don't want because of a few combat powers,

go to waste it!

Is there anything else?'

'Ding! Go back to Host!

plan B,

Bring the world under Host's rule!

Let Hokage world some of the rules of the underworld,

Assimilate the pure land of the underworld in the world of One Piece!

Then Host can,

Do it at will!'

'Other than that, there is no other option?'

'Ding! Back to Host! No more!

'This can be!'

'Ding! Go back to Host! This is really not available!"


The plan given by the system,

One he is reluctant to use,

One he can't use now!

Seeing that it is really impossible to summon One Piece Roger,

Yang Hui also gave up!

I can only wait until he Master this world to talk about it!

[Fire Fist Ace: When are you coming?

Join us in the crusade against Kaido!

Thanks for the flowers I've been waiting for!


It's hard to wait for the opportunity,

Finally can avenge the people of Wanokuni,

Ace doesn't want to wait any longer!

[ Golden Lion: You are in a hurry!

I didn't see it just sent away,

Sasuke and Minato them?

Lord Yang Hui hasn't given me instructions yet!

Of course I'm on standby!

(stand hand.jpg)!

But it feels so good to be young and healthy,


don't think about it anymore,

Become the subordinate of Lord Yang Hui?


Since the Golden Lion regained health,

and after becoming young,

The whole person has become free of self!

Dance on the ground every now and then!

I also like to do my own hair,

In just a few hours,

He has changed several colors!

One of them is the color of grass!

doubt his mind,

Is it good or not!

[ Whitebeard: emmmmm!

Even if you recover your health,


You don't have to tell anyone!

And you know me!

I only care about my family!

I don't care about anything else,

So I appreciate your kindness!

The new era has come,

There is no ship that can carry me!

to be able to and my sons,

have a happy time,

And to avenge my brother!

I am already satisfied!


[Sengoku of Buddha: Haha!

You old man was right!

So don't do anything else!

Isn't it good to have a good old age?

like Rayleigh,

We all know him in the land of Sabaody,

But he was at peace,

Don't care about him!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[Hero Garp: I don't think so,

I can still play for decades!


[Buddha's Sengoku: Can you not sing the opposite of me?]

[ Whitebeard: This is the last time!

I can almost retire after playing Kaido!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

Not necessarily!

Yang Hui said silently in his heart!

Although I don't know because of my arrival,

Is there any chance for Blackbeard to eat Dark Fruit!

But as long as he doesn't deliberately interfere,

probability of things,

It's still going on the right track!

[ Yang Hui: Alright, let's go to Whitebeard's now! ]

[ Golden Lion: Yes, Mr. Yang Hui! ]