
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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[ Sengoku: @ Aokiji, what's going on??? ]

[ Golden Lion: Hahaha!

@Aokiji, you say it!

Even if you can hide it for a while,

Can you hide it forever?


Sengoku saw Golden Lion say this,

I knew that Aokiji must have lied to himself−!

[ Aokiji:emmm!

I dare to do it!

Marshal Sengoku, that's exactly what he said to Kim-Lion!

I'm very sorry!]

[ Sengoku: Forget it, it doesn't matter!

I understand you!

As long as you don't betray Marine!


Sengoku says this though,

But in reality,

His water glass is about to be crushed!

Sengoku wanted to get angry,

But what can he do!

Of course I choose to forgive him!

[ Golden Lion: @Sengoku,

How are you?

Don't get pissed off!

It's not worth it!


Seeing the Golden Lion greeting himself there,

Sengoku's rage value almost burst!

[ Sengoku: Humph!

Everyone tells a little lie or something!

Not a big deal!

Who doesn't have a little secret yet!

@Golden Lion!

I haven't settled with you yet!

you use so many civilians,

Come and attack the Naval Headquarters!

I will surely catch you,

Sending you into Impel down again!!!


[ Golden Lion: Hehe!

You can catch me and talk about it!

Waiting for Lord Yang Hui to help me,

Back to the pinnacle of strength!

Should I be afraid of you two old men?


[Hero Garp: You think too much!

Although I am old!

but my strength,

But there is no turning back!

You can come and try!!!

you pirates,

Sun and wind are blowing every day,

Where can we find the comfort of our Marine maintenance!

even if you are old,

The strength will not drop at all!


Aokiji saw Garp,

Suddenly thought of the Golden Lion before,

Said to kill Luffy!

Golden Lion, since you don't talk about martial arts!

Then don't blame me!

[ Aokiji: @ Hero Garp,

Mr. Garp!

Just now Golden Lion also said,

Going to East Blue to kill Luffy!


Garp was surprised when he saw Aokiji!


Someone is going to kill my grandson?

First the redhead, then the Golden Lion,

Is this how my grandson recruits pirates?

Was he really born to be a pirate?

[Hero Garp: Socket!

Golden Lion you old club!

I see you dare!

I'm going back to East Blue!

Come on if you have one!


[ Golden Lion: Humph!

I can't believe you can protect him forever!


[Hero Garp: @ Aokiji,

Why did the Golden Lion target Luffy!

Is he so attracted to pirates?


[ Aokiji: This Golden Lion,

It was caused by Roger's psychological shadow!


He can't beat Roger,

Just want to take Roger's heir to the knife!

Remember that straw hat?

It's what Roger passed on to the red-haired Shanks,

The redhead passed him on to Luffy again!



Golden Lion is a coward!

Specially to bully the small!

can't beat the big one,

Just take a small puff!


[ Roger: Hahaha,

Indeed it is!


[Hero Garp: Socket!

What the hell is this red-haired kid doing!

see him next time,

Will never let him go!


Now Garp thinks red hair is a cancer!

Take your grandson into the abyss!

[Golden Lion: If it weren't for them being in the fire!


I'm not going to have to go to Luffy's trouble either!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

…・・ Flowers・

[ Roger: Now you are cowardly,

Be timid!


[ Golden Lion: No need for that!

Garp and Ace are going to block,

I'm going to fart!

Didn't that kid say,

Is he going to be the pirate king?

See you before the throne,

I will smash his ideal with another sword!

It's like defeating Roger!

Wouldn't it be better?

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Whitebeard: Cowardly, boring!


[Hero Garp: Get out of here!

Golden Lion's IQ is not high!

Now there's a rudder on the head!

you provoke him again,

In case he really troubles my grandson!

I have to go to New World,

Kill all your sons!

As for what affects the world order,

You think I'd care about that kind of stuff?


[Whitebeard: …1

Seeing Garp seems really angry,

Whitebeard no longer irritates the Golden Lion!

After all, Garp doesn't play tricks with him!

Also so powerful!

If he does find New World,

very likely,

Can't handle Garp's heavy punch!

After thinking about it,

Whitebeard wisely shut up!

Golden Lion sees Whitebeard deflated,

I didn't even care what Garp said when he laughed at him!

[Golden Lion: @Whitebeard,



[Sengoku of Buddha: @ Aokiji,

Me and Garp are new arrivals!

you give me and Garp,

Tell us about your knowledge and experience!

And some Otherworld stuff!

I also want to know what's going on in other worlds!

And some things in the group!]

[Hero Garp: I just want to know,

those delicious meals,

Who can buy it from!!!]

[ Aokiji:


I will tell you everything in detail!

Such and such, such and such...]