
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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Whitebeard: Humph!

I can't believe you!

In case you play a trick on me,

Turn our ship over,

thrown from the sea,

Then we Whitebeard Pirates,

Didn't you kill it all?

among my sons,

But there are quite a few Demon fruit power!

I won't take my family's life,

Give it to you aspirants!

and before you,

They also want to attack our Whitebeard Pirates!


And you think I'm stupid!

well known,

You Golden Lion never make promises!

(Pick nose.jpg)!

you are just fishing,

Just want to humiliate me!


[ Golden Lion: Hehe!

Not to mention whether I will use conspiracy against you!

even if i thought,

Lord Yang Hui has stopped me from doing this!

you can't trust me,

Still can't trust Mr. Yang Hui?


on the other hand,

I'm not being honest?

Then you can only gamble!

After all, this is your only chance for revenge!

I don't care anyway!

It's up to you!


Golden Lion sits on a chair,

enjoying a massage,

He smiled smugly with a cigar in his mouth!

He wanted to simply play around with Whitebeard,

But suddenly it occurred to me,

White 313 beard removed Kaido still in Wanokuni,

Isn't it good for you?

After all, he is going to rule the world in the future!

So he really wanted to take Whitebeard and others to take revenge!

without your own efforts,

can also eliminate strong enemies,

Why not do it?

[ Whitebeard: This... ]

At this time, Whitebeard was also a little excited!

Why don't you take revenge for Oden,

Isn't it because of Wanokuni's natural danger?

He's not afraid of Kaido!

Even though he is old now,

But he thinks that against Kaido,

Still no problem!

After all, he is the strongest man in the world!

Everyone including Ace can see that,

Whitebeard is heartbroken!

Yang Hui is not surprised,

Whitebeard can go to Summit War to save Ace,

With the condition of revenge,

There's no reason not to avenge Oden!

Kozuki Oden was on his ship,

4 years as a younger brother!

Momonosuke and Kozuki Hiyori,

All were born on the Moby Dick!

At Whitebeard hesitating,

intend to take the risk of humiliation,

When you put your face down and ask for the Golden Lion!

Ace suddenly spoke,

Stopped Whitebeard!

[ Ace: Dad,

you know it!

I'm aboard the Moby Dick,

before being your son,

Just been to Wanokuni!

I have a great friendship with the people there,

and promised them,

When I'm strong, help them kill Kaido,

Avenge them!

So when I'm strong,

Go to Wanokuni to end it all!

You don't have to bow your head to the Golden Lion!

He must want to see your jokes!


Golden Lion felt a little aggrieved when he saw this scene,

How can I finally be sincere to others,

But no one believed it!

[ Golden Lion: What I said is true!

Absolutely speaking!

I won't lie to you this time, really!

I have never been so sincere as I am today!

Whitebeard kills Kaido,

It's good for me too!

So I have no reason to lie to you!


As long as Whitebeard begs me,

I will keep my promise!!!


Golden Lion hurriedly said,

Want to reassure Whitebeard!

[ Uchiha Madara: I think Golden Lion,

Not so boring people!


[ Roger: No,


He now has a rudder in his head!

Who knows if it's the wrong nerve?


[Golden Lion: What are you, looking for something to do!

Always talk about the rudder on my head!

Don't bother!!!


[ Roger: You black history!

I will laugh at you forever!


[ Uchiha Madara: Festival (bhei) mourning, Golden Lion…]

[ Senju Tobirama: Seriously,

I think you can trust the Golden Lion!

From my experience with so many people,

Golden Lion is a little sincere this time!


Whitebeard saw the Golden Lion's guarantee,

And the persuasion of the people!

close your eyes,

Reminds me of the good times I had with Kozuki Oden before!

I sighed in my heart,

Then slowly open your eyes!

He has decided,

Even if you give up your dignity,

Request Golden Lion,

I want to avenge my brother too!

"Dad, you..."

"Ace, stop talking!

I have decided!"

Whitebeard said seriously!

"Father, what are you talking about?

What was decided?"

At this time, Marko said curiously!

He started just now,

I saw something wrong with Whitebeard's face!


I have decided!

Going to slay Kaido!

Avenge Oden!

Marco was shocked when he heard this,

Before my father decided not to go,

Why did you decide to take revenge now?

Wanokuni's natural danger is there,

As long as Kaido is alone,

They can't have a chance!

Before he could ask the question,

Whitebeard said first,


I know what you are worried about!

Do not worry!

I will find an old friend to help me!

Wanokuni's natural danger,

Will no longer be a barrier to hinder us!

This time we must kill that kid Kaido!

to attack my family,

Never send him!

Now keep this a secret!

After settling down,

I will tell you!"

Saying that, Whitebeard scowled!

Marco hears Whitebeard's words,

Excited and worried!

Excitement can finally avenge Kozuki Oden,

But at the same time, he is also worried about his father's body!

Now Whitebeard is often hit the bottle!

I don't know if I can take this action anymore!

After all, the opponent is the Four Emperors - Kaido of the Beasts, known as the "world's strongest creature"!

Kaido committed suicide many times without success,

I was caught a dozen times by Marine back and forth,

You can also escape!

He is so stressful!

Just when Marco was thinking about it,

Whitebeard has decided,

And asked Golden Lion to help him in the group chat!

[ Whitebeard: Well then!

I would like to believe you this time!

@Golden Lion, I beg you,

Take me to Wanokuni!


[ Golden Lion: Yao Yao Yao,

Isn't this 'the strongest man in the world' Whitebeard?

It's not easy to make you bow your head!

I didn't expect you to really want to,

Please beg me for my deceased 'brother'!
