
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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[ Whitebeard: Hahahaha!

Well, I read you right Naruto!


We didn't have the fate to stay in the same boat!


[Fire Fist Ace: @ Uzumaki Naruto,

What a pity!

You and my brother still look alike!


[ Aokiji: Is Whitebeard just about to die?

I still think about holding Sakazuki in the future,

Let's go find trouble with Whitebeard!


[ Senju Tobirama: Your word 'pull',

It is very spiritual!


[ Uchiha Madara: 1. Good way! ]

[ Senju Hashirama: 1. Good way! ]

[ Golden Lion: I will remember your old rival! ]

for a while,

The chat group is full of mourning!

[ Whitebeard: Stop!!!

I'm not dead yet!!!


Yang Hui didn't actually plan to attack Whitebeard and Ace!

He went to attack an old salted fish,

And a group of small salted fish,

What's the point?

And after killing them,

No raffle!

Let Ace be publicly executed,

And then do some tricks in the top battle,

Kill Akainu!

This is in his interest!

But he looked inside the group,

People keep making up their minds,

And some of their interesting interactions,

I have been holding back and said nothing!

Unexpectedly Whitebeard,

It's really righteous!

Die before Ace!

Naruto really really wants to join them!

But now I've seen enough of the show!

Time to give them some reassurance too!

[ Yang Hui: Why are you in such a situation that you are separated from each other?

I mean use Ace!

But I didn't say,

Go and attack them yourself!

What are you thinking about here?




[ Senju Tobirama: I guessed wrong??? ]

[Fire Fist Ace: Then you said it earlier!

Scared me!

I thought you were going to kill me!!!

Makes me look like I'm going to die,

Ready for the aftermath!!!


[ Yang Hui: Hahaha!

Who made your mind up?

If I really do it to you,

I will never invite 17 to invite you to join the group!


After listening to Yang Hui's words,

Whitebeard and Ace suddenly woke up!


When did Yang Hui say he wants to destroy us?


It's all people making up their minds in there,

Then go crazy with rhythm!

[ Whitebeard: Hehehe!

@Senju Tobirama,

all this person,

has been scaring us!


[ Senju Tobirama: Excuse me!


But it's all him @Orochimaru,

It's all Orochimaru that misleads!]

Senju Tobirama without hesitation,

Throw the pot to Orochimaru!

[ Orochimaru: Humph!

How did Nidaime also learn to skillfully dump the pot?

I don't mean that to you!!!

Everything just now was made up by you!

And spread it out in the crowd!

what you Nidaime said,

What does that have to do with my Orochimaru?


[ Senju Tobirama: Then you explain,

Why say that to Naruto?


Senju Tobirama and Orochimaru,

Just who is the ultimate source of this farce,

Debate started!

[ Orochimaru: Am I kidding Naruto?

I just simply scare him,

I didn't expect Second Generation to take it seriously!

I really doubt those Forbidden Techniques,

Is it really Nidaime's invention?

Judging from your current IQ,

It is really difficult!


[ Senju Tobirama: Humph!

Just make excuses!


[ Uzumaki Naruto: So,

Can I go to Uncle Whitebeard's ship again?

that is really good!


[Fire Fist Ace: A false alarm!

@Uzumaki Naruto,

I welcome you anytime!

When the time comes to the nearby waters,

I will pick you up personally!!!


[ Roger: Scare me!

It seems that my bloodline is preserved!

@Fire Fist Ace,

Hurry up and find a wife to have a baby,

Stronger than anything!

What to do in case of another crisis!!!


[Fire Fist Ace: @ Roger, get out!

You keep saying that you are not annoying!

I have nothing to do with you anymore!

Even though I can't change my surname,

But from now on my son's last name is 'Edward'!

Your home is doomed!


[ Roger: You... you idiot!!!

Sooner or later make me angry!!!

(Spit blood.jpg)!]

[ Golden Lion: Hahaha!

I didn't expect to see such an interesting scene!

Roger is dying?

This is really a good thing!


[ Whitebeard: Roger, sorry!

You kidnapped Oden from me back then!

Now Ace doesn't recognize you!

Well, we are evenly matched!

No one owes anyone!!!


[ Bullet: @Roger,

Get some masculinity!

What kind of pirate king are you!?

I've been on your boat before,

And feel ashamed!!!

What should I do if my son doesn't obey?

Just a hit?

one meal is not enough,

Then hit twice!


[ Whitebeard: Who dares to hit my son?

Get past me first!!!


Watching Golden Lion, Whitebeard and Bullet fan the flames,

Especially Whitebeard looks like a calf,

Roger was furious!

Immediately turn on the spray mode!!!

[ Roger: You have no descendants,

Of course you can't understand me!

especially you Golden Lion,

You are so special #@¥%*

And you Bullet,

You are so special #@¥%

Finally you Whitebeard,

never mind,

For Ace's sake,

I don't scold you anymore!!!


Roger was about to scold Whitebeard,

Thinking of Ace's special respect for him now,

If you anger Ace again,

It's even harder to save yourself!

And Whitebeard saw through Roger's mind at a glance!

[ Whitebeard: Huh!

I despise you!

When do you dare not even speak your true thoughts!


[ Roger: It's beautiful to say!

You are standing and talking without back pain!


at this time,

Ace that lifted the 'crisis',

Just feel relaxed!

Then look at Whitebeard,

All laughing!

And this laughter spread outside,

Makes Marko and others more confused!


Are Papa and Ace crazy?

Cry and laugh...

Or is there something going on that we don't know about?

But on this pirate ship,

There is no secret to hide from them!

Marko and the rest of the group made eye contact,

It shows everyone's doubts!

It seems that everyone has no idea what's going on!

Just when they couldn't stand the weird atmosphere anymore,

When you are going to break through,

The door to the captain's room is open!

Whitebeard and Ace came out one after the other,

All with smiles on their faces!

see Whitebeard appear,

Marco stepped forward and asked,

"Father, what happened just now!

Why are you and Ace crying and laughing in there?

We are all worried about you!

I can't help but break the door!

Is it because of that mysterious message from before?

Whitebeard smiled,

Looking at the sons around me,

Immediately pleased,

This is my dear son!

This is your ideal!

Just when he was about to tell everyone about the group chat,

But I found that no matter how much I opened my mouth,

Just can't speak!!!

Only then did he think,

The contract signed contains a stipulation that the group chat cannot be disclosed!

Then Whitebeard gave up the idea of ​​sharing with others,

After all, the power of group chat is impossible for him to resist!

However, Whitebeard's "dumb language" performance,

Let everyone except Ace's Marco,

The look at Whitebeard is even more strange!


Are you speechless?!!

Sure enough, the message

And what about the mysterious man in the dark?

I'm going to patrol around here,

Gotta catch him!!!

Marco said angrily!

"Yes, you must catch him!

"Don't let the guy who hurt Daddy go! 95

"Dare to provoke the Whitebeard Pirates,

Also, the father can't speak!"

The rest of the people are also outraged!

Can't wait to immediately catch the person who doesn't exist at all!

Ace looked at the people in front of him,

Weird looking!

"Okay, I'm fine,

You are thinking too much!

That information just didn't do me any harm!

Whitebeard saw his sons,

screaming to avenge himself,

Rejoice and a headache at the same time!

How does this explain what happened just now?

I hope they forget

Don't mention it!!!

But worry about what happens!

"Then what happened to you, daddy?

Why can't you speak?"

Teach asked curiously!

Whitebeard was silent for a while,

In the end, I really felt like I couldn't hide it.

Had to bite the bullet and say,

"I was actually just kidding you!

After Whitebeard said this,

I feel like I'm going to die in situ!


Everyone below was also speechless,

He stared blankly at his father!

This reason is too outrageous!!

But they saw their father's embarrassed look,

Also immediately change the subject!

"Oh, that's what it is!

Then why did you cry just now,

Then laugh again!"

"Yes, father, just tell us!

We are really worried about you!"

When Whitebeard didn't know how to answer,

Fortunately, Ace stood up at this time!

"Sorry everyone,

Crying is something sad that comes to my mind!

Dad comforted me!

laugh because,

Daddy is planning a party!

It's been a long time since we had a party!

"Yes, we haven't held a banquet for a long time!

Today is a good day!

Let's have a toast!!!

After Whitebeard heard what Ace said,

also responded immediately,

down the slope of the donkey,

Follow Ace's words and take the matter away!

Sure enough, when everyone heard the banquet,

And forget all the things that happened just now,

This is the habit of pirates!

"Okay! I love parties!

"This time I decided to have a drink with you,

See who drinks the most!

The loser cleans the winner's room for free for a month! 35

"Hey, come on!

My wine bowl is ready to go!

"Dad, your body can't drink alcohol anymore!"

"Marko, just drink a little!


Can't I have a drink at the banquet?"

"Okay, just a bowl..."

for a while,

The pirate ship is full of cheerful atmosphere!

[Ding! Whitebeard opens vision sharing!]

[Ding! Fire Fist Ace Opens Vision Sharing!]

The party has just started,

Whitebeard and Ace opened up a shared vision!

The purpose is self-evident,

Just to show off!

This is the achievement of your ideals!

[ Whitebeard: Let you see,

This is the scene of our Whitebeard Pirates banquet!

Be envious!

You can't envy so many families!


[ Golden Lion: Whenever I envy a little,

I just don't respect my ideals!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Bullet: You left me alone in prison,

People who keep exercising every day watch this?


[ Yang Hui: Did you see Hanabi who was pinching my shoulders and beating my back?

This is what a normal person should think!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[313 Hyuga Hanabi: Yang Hui -kun like it!

I will pinch you a few more times a day from now on!


[ Hancock: So does Yang Hui like this?

Then I have to study hard from my subordinates!


[Ace Des: You violent woman,

It's impossible to learn!


Just look at me!]

[Hancock: Do you think you are not violent?

Don't think I haven't seen your vision sharing!


[ Whitebeard: Is it really that comfortable to rub your shoulders and beat your back?

@Fire Fist Ace, come and slap my shoulders!

I will try it too!


Whitebeard saw what Yang Hui said,

I want to try massage too!

Ace walks behind Whitebeard,

a jump,

Then the palms of both hands slashed at Whitebeard's shoulders!

Then the wrists keep on exerting force,

After a while of slashing,

Ace jumped down!

[Fire Fist Ace: Dad, you are too tall!

You can only hit so many at a time!


[ Whitebeard: Hmm!

I get the feeling!

Relax a bit though!

But it's not that @ Yang Hui you like it so much!]

Yang Hui watched Whitebeard and Ace perform the whole time,

I can't help but laugh!

so special,

Why can't I get the point at all???

[Namikaze Minato: Alas, the pirates of your world,

It's all a bunch of old men!

I can't understand Yang Hui's happiness!

A man rubs his shoulders and beats his back,

I don't think it's very weird,

Still bored?

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Senju Hashirama: Interesting!

Mito has hammered my back before!

I feel very comfortable,

But if Madara hit me on the back,

I will feel better!


[ Uzumaki Mito: @ Senju Hashirama,

See that washboard over there?

You know what I mean!


[ Uchiha Madara: @ Senju Hashirama,

Didn't expect you to be this Senju Hashirama!

stay away from me!

I don't want to be near you anymore!


Jiraiya shook her head secretly when she saw First Generation,

It was his own book that he recommended to Hashirama,

Didn't you coax Mito-sama around at first?

How did you come across Uchiha Madara,

Don't go according to the plan in the book!!!

deserve to be punished!!!

Jiraiya roared ironically in her heart!

[ Golden Lion: @ Yang Hui@ Namikaze Minato,

Just now I asked dr. Indigo to press the button for me,

Very comfortable too!

Why doesn't it feel weird and boring???


[ Namikaze Minato: Socket!

You are a real wolf!

Can't be bothered can't be bothered!


[Golden Lion: What Wolf Kills?

how can i not understand,

Say something normal!

Hum (*¯m¯)!]

[Namikaze Minato: More than a little, two points more than a ruthless man,

And also horizontal!!!]