
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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After Konan's paper clone heard Tiandao Payne's order,

wave your hand,

The ground beneath Yang Hui's feet suddenly cracked!

A bottomless crack is gradually forming!

And Yang Hui is also falling into this abyss!!!

see this scene,

Yang Hui suddenly thought of Konan's big move - God's Paper Maker Technique!

Commonly known as the tears of Kakuzu!

Isn't that 600 billion detonating charms the tears of Kakuzu?

"This is specially prepared for you with 600 billion detonating charms!

I know you have a special Mangekyō Hitomi that makes you immune to damage!

Just like that Uchiha Obito!

But the detonator here can explode continuously for 10 minutes!

Uchiha Obito can Hollow only 5 minutes!

I don't believe you can last ten minutes!"

Konan flaps his wings,

Said indifferently like an angel!

at this time,

Yang Hui is really not in a hurry,

Looking at Tiandao Payne above, he said,

"Then he was there to prevent me from flying away from above!""

Yang Hui also understands Payne and Konan's plan at this moment!

I can only say that this combination is really useful!

If someone else is here,

It's definitely going to hit GG,

But what they met was Yang Hui!!!

"Yes, I just want to prevent you from flying out of here!

I just need to hold you for a while!

Just die in this trap carefully prepared for you!

What you die is worth!

Your death can be exchanged for the peace of the whole world!"

Tiandao Payne also said with a stern look!

Can't wait for Yang Hui's action!

Tiandao Payne suddenly made a move, and it was a big move as soon as he came up!

"Super Shinra Tianzheng!"

Yang Hui did not counterattack at all in the face of Tiandao Payne's attack,

Let yourself be knocked down into the bottomless abyss by this repulsive force!

And Tiandao Payne, who has finished using Super Shinra Tianzheng,

With the help of Konan's paper avatar,

Waiting for the final result!

"Black Zetsu, that Uchiha Yang Hui is dead!


"Why didn't he use that purple light just now?

Keeping the Heavenly Way Payne, wouldn't it be enough to fly out?

How strange!"5


"Black Zetsu? Black Zetsu! What an answer! 99

"You NND don't bother me!

I don't know what he wants to do!

I don't even know if he will die!

I don't know everything!

Black Zetsu is really annoying to be asked!

Respond directly!

Black Zetsu is a little frantic right now!

He was bullish on Uchiha Madara before,

Turns out Uchiha Madara was too old when he opened Rinnegan,

Hanging up soon!

Uchiha Madara's resurrection plan was ruined again by Uchiha Obito, the second five boy 267!

This time I finally found someone stronger and more suitable than Uchiha Madara!

As a result, it's going to hang up again!

The key is that he also gave Uchiha Madara's body to Uchiha Yang Hui before!

In case Uchiha Yang Hui remains dead,

Madara's body will never be found again!

No dirt Uchiha Madara,

Then its plan to revive its mother will be postponed for a long time???

Black Zetsu can't wait to shave his ears now!

Why give Madara's body to Uchiha Yang Hui!

Well now, stealing chicken will not lose rice!

Black Zetsu: I'm so hard!!!

[ Uzumaki Naruto: I am darling! So many detonating charms!

If it is sold and exchanged for money,

How much delicious food can I buy!!!]

[ Yang Hui: 600 billion detonating symbols, you can figure it out! ]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: Naruto, you really are a ninja who is the first by accident! ]

[ Aokiji: This detonation charm is a good idea!

It would be great if it could be widely used by Marine!]

[Hancock: Then become the evil helper of the Celestial Dragons to rule the whole world?]

[ Aokiji: Can we skip this topic? ]

[ Uchiha Madara: Worship! The cooperation between these two is a bit interesting!

600 billion detonating charms!

It's really inhumane! ]

[ Senju Hashirama: @ Yang Hui, what are you doing?

How could you possibly be knocked down by a mere Heavenly Dao Payne?

What about your Rinnegan pupil technique?

Use it!!!]

[ Yang Hui: I was shot down on purpose!

This Payne has never given up,

Always thought you could beat me!

If so, let them feel hopeless!

Destroy them psychologically!

Shrimp and pork heart!!!

tell them the truth,

Any kind of attack is useless against me!]

[ Senju Tobirama:

So what are you going to do now?

Avoid this violent explosion with the Truth-Seeking Ball?]

[ Yang Hui: You underestimate my Rinnegan!

Next, let's show you another method of using my Rinnegan pupil technique! ]

Yang Hui's Rinnegan is back in dazzling purple light!

Like two bright purple stars in this abyss!

It's different from the bhei shape that was cast a few times before!

This time the purple light is flowing on Yang Hui's own body!

"The Cage of Time!

Yang Hui actually cast this trick on himself!

[ Senju Tobirama: Yang Hui, you really have an idea!

Is this still possible?

I imprison myself???]

[ Yang Hui: Prisons can be used to hold prisoners!

But when encountering poisonous beasts, it can also be used for defense!

It all depends on how we use it!]

[ Uchiha Madara: Use it flexibly, you have learned it!

But you put yourself in time imprisonment!

How do you perceive time in the outside world?

The explosion from the outside world will last ten minutes!

I remember the person who was imprisoned by your trick,

It is impossible to perceive the outside world!]

[ Yang Hui: Isn't there a system?

There is time in the system!

Is it okay to just check the system time?

As long as I survive these ten minutes!

With my remaining Chakra, more than enough!]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Oh, there is still time on the chat interface!

I never noticed it before!]

[ Senju Tobirama: Absolutely!

I admire and admire! Your special brew is really talented! ]

[Yang Hui: …

[ Yang Hui: Look, ten minutes are up!

You can go out and bring them the deepest despair! ]

After speaking, Yang Hui released his pupil technique!

Then control gravity and slowly fly to the ground!!!

Outside, ten minutes passed quickly as well!

During these ten minutes,

The abyss formed by the detonator keeps exploding!

With every explosion, Konan and Payne's hearts are a little more at ease!

In the distance, Black Zetsu's heart is about to cool down!

Finally, the long ten minutes passed,

The continuous sound of the detonating talisman also slowly fell!

"Payne, he must have been killed by the detonator!

Konan's paper avatar said excitedly!!!

"Well, looks like we can go back!!!

Then let them find the location of Nine Tails!

After we capture Nine Tails, the world will be at peace!!!"

Payne also nodded and responded affirmatively!

"Not always!

Just when Konan and Tiandao Payne were about to go back,

A voice suddenly sounded from the abyss!

This sound is so beautiful in the ears of Black Zetsu!

But in the ears of Tiandao Payne and Konan,

But it is like the voice of an evil ghost calling for his life!!!

It sounds terrifying to them!

How could anyone possibly survive in that situation!!!

This was Konan and Payne's first reaction to the sound!!!

They don't believe anyone can survive a chain explosion of 600 billion detonators!!!

"Black Zetsu, did you hear that Uchiha Yang Hui didn't die!!!35'

"I heard! I'm not deaf!!!"

Black Zetsu, who was falsely alarmed, couldn't be happier at this moment!!!

Really bless my mother!

As long as Uchiha Yang Hui doesn't die,

According to his plan,

His own mother, Kaguya, will soon be resurrected!

Long live mother!!!

Konan and Payne are hoping it's the two of them who are hallucinating!

However, the truth is often not what they expected!

Not long after Yang Hui's voice sounded,

Yang Hui himself also slowly rose from the abyss,

came to the ground!!!

Konan and Tiandao Payne looked at Yang Hui in disbelief!

They wondered how Yang Hui could have survived in that situation!

And the clothes are not even dirty!!!

Could his Mangekyō Sharingan ability really last ten minutes?

At this moment, Konan and Payne both felt a deep powerlessness and despair!

The existence of Yang Hui is like a big mountain in front of them,

Let them slash and slash, this mountain is still safe and sound!

Will my own peace never come true???

Nagato, who was hiding behind the scenes, asked himself over and over again in his heart!

And then cursed God for injustice over and over again!

why do you do this to me,

Why let me encounter this pervert!!!

Why stop me so close to my dream!


Konan, who is by Nagato's side at this moment, discovered in time that Nagato was wrong!!!

"Nagato, are you going to give up?

Although he escaped the God of Paper Technique,

But it must be in a bad state right now!

At least it must have cost a lot of Chakra!!!

We are not necessarily not rivals!

Konan saw that Nagato was not a ghost or a ghost now,

Very distressed Nagato,

She really wants to take Nagato to give up her ideals and find a peaceful village to spend the rest of her life!

But now they have been attacked by powerful enemies,

Where can we go?

So all she can do now is to encourage Nagato,

And die in front of Nagato when a powerful enemy comes to you!

And Konan's words also gave Nagato the last confidence!!!

Let him regain that last bit of confidence!

Going to give it a try one last time!!!

"Uchiha Yang Hui, you can survive that explosion,

I must have spent an unknown amount of Chakra!

How much power do you have left now?"

Nagato, who regained his confidence, asked Yang Hui at this time!

Looking at the so-called Tiandao Payne in front of me,

Yang Hui shook his head!

It's really hopeless!

Then tell him some truth to poke his heart,

Let him die a little more!

"Nagato, those eyes are not yours,

You used it very well!"

Yang Hui said sarcastically!

"You are talking nonsense, Nagato's eyes are treasures of the rain country!!!

It is a gift from God!

And he is the reincarnation of Sage of Six Paths, the one who brings peace to the ninja world again!!!

Facing Yang Hui's ridicule,

Nagato hasn't answered yet, but Konan can't help it!

It's just that her tone has been since Yang Hui showed her Rinnegan,

Not as firm as before!!!

"Humph! Is everyone who has a Rinnegan a reincarnation of Sage of Six Paths?

So how do you explain the appearance of two pairs of Rinnegan?"

Facing Yang Hui's questioning,

Just when Konan wanted to say something else,

Heavenly Payne stopped her!

"Enough, Konan!

Maybe I'm not some reincarnation of Sage of Six Paths!

But knowing that my Rinnegan is my own is enough!

I will make peace with these eyes!"

Tiandao Payne's words sounded like a joke to Yang Hui!

So after he finished speaking, Yang Hui also directly confronted him!!

"Don't you think it's a little weird?

If Rinnegan is really your own,

Then why do you drive your own Summoning - Gedo Statue still needs life???

And why can't you use Rinnegan's exclusive abilities?

You should be familiar with my purple light!!!

In fact, your pair of Rinnegans were transplanted to you when you were very young!

The purpose is to let you resurrect him!"

Yang Hui's words sounded like thunder in the sky to Konan and Nagato,


Because Yang Hui's words can't pick out any logical loopholes and faults!!!

And it was this sentence that made Nagato directly break the defense!

'Is everything about me since I was a child false?


I will never admit it!!!'

"You are talking nonsense, what evidence do you have for saying that?

I don't admit it!!!

And I never knew who I was going to resurrect!!!"

Tiandao Payne said hysterically!!!

"Then I'll show you the evidence!!!

Summoning Technique!!!"

With that said, Yang Hui summoned a coffin!!!

The coffin board slowly opens!

And the person in the coffin is Uchiha Madara!!!

[Uchiha Madara:…]

Yang Hui looked at the two and said,

"You are not familiar with this man!

Does it look exactly the same as the statue in the valley of the end?

I got information from his soul using a secret technique! 99

[ Uchiha Madara: You are so easy to tell lies! ]

"Then how can he be sure that I will resurrect him?

I don't remember him at all!!!35

Nagato was also surprised to see the dirty soil Madara!!!

"He arranged for someone to watch over you,

I want to control you at the end!

You are no stranger to that person,

It's Uchiha Obito, the masked man I killed!

Hearing Yang Hui's words, Nagato's brain buzzed,

He can't believe the truth!

But at this moment, a series of evidence and facts are in front of him,

Even if he doesn't want to admit it,

The heart is also acquiesced!

"Wo Shou, since Madara-sama was released by that person Impure World Reincarnation,

Why not break free and come to us?'

White Zetsu, who was watching the battle, said curiously, in his mind,

No one is as strong as Madara!

"You stupid, you must be bound!

Uchiha Yang Hui is so strong,

Even Lord 'Madara' can't break free!!!35

Black Zetsu said with contempt!!!

"Is there really such a secret technique of obtaining information from the souls of the dead? 39

White Zetsu keeps asking!

"I don't know if there is such a technique!

But it should be true, otherwise how to explain why he knows so much?"

Black Zetsu is very happy at this time!

'Since Uchiha Yang Hui knows everything about Madara,

Then I don't have to spend too much energy explaining to him about absorbing Ten Tails or something!

Did things go so smoothly all of a sudden?

And such a good thing???'

At this time, Nagato also recovered from this huge blow!

"Humph! I don't care what Uchiha Madara!

I just know I'm going to kill you now and get Nine Tails!

You said so much to delay the recovery of Chakra!

It just so happened that I also recovered, so let's have the final battle!!!

Tiandao Payne returned to a paralyzed face again, and said indifferently!