
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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Yang Hui went all the way!

It feels like it should be almost there, Yang Hui directly uses the snake spell to enter stealth mode!

Then the Chicken Charm floated up and looked around!

Not far away, two White Zetsu have appeared!

"Huh? What about people? Why did they suddenly disappear! We were lost!

It's all your fault, slow down!

"What? Blame me? You're the one who slowed me down!

I'll see how you go back and deal with 'Madara'!"

"What 'Madara'? The real 'Madara' is already dead!35

While the two White Zetsu were still arguing!

Yang Hui grabbed a White Zetsu's neck with one hand and pulled them both out of the ground!

"Wow, tie the water!"

"Hey, oh oh, Maru Dan, I was pecking!"

Yang Hui shows up!

The two White Zetsu's eyes widened in shock!

When Yang Hui was about to say something, a Sharingan Hypnosis directly controlled them!

Then he flew away in stealth and returned to the base of Orochimaru, the land of Taki!

[ Yang Hui: Finally back!

Still more comfortable here!

Just waiting for the little master's live broadcast! ]

[ Orochimaru: @ Yang Hui, we can start!

White Zetsu is my last body change!

After I'm done, I'll go to the Little Master World to eat delicious food!

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of my body to eat delicious food?]

[ Uchiha Madara:

[ Senju Hashirama:

[ Senju Tobirama:

So you are such Orochimaru!

Inside a secret room at the base!

"Naruto, get ready! I'm about to start!

"No problem, Teacher Orochimaru!

Saying that, Naruto ripped open the mouth of one of the White Zetsu!

Then Orochimaru put on the mask, danced a dance while shaking his body, and summoned Shinigami!

[ Aokiji: Ninja world is really strange!

I'm good!

Shinigami is out! ]

[ Yang Hui: What Shinigami! A powerful lone ghost!

Take a good look at how Orochimaru got stuck on its bug!]

I saw Orochimaru slit his abdomen with a knife!

Shinigami behind him also opened his stomach following Orochimaru's movements,

The two souls also escaped from Shinigami's belly!

It's Namikaze Minato and Third Generation Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Just when Shinigami was about to take away Orochimaru's soul!

Orochimaru has a big mouth!

A strange white snake emerged from inside and immediately took over the body of White Zetsu that Naruto controlled!

Slowly, this White Zetsu was assimilated by Orochimaru!

And Shinigami can only be incompetent and furious, and finally disappear slowly!

On the other side, White Zetsu, who was tied up with five flowers, was about to faint!

It's creepy to see my comrade being ripped off by Orochimaru like that!

Yang Hui sees Minato's soul has come out!

Get the reels now!

"Summoning Technique Impure World Reincarnation!"

With White Zetsu screaming in horror, Namikaze Minato slowly condenses into shape!

Yang Hui shoved the control of kunai into the back of his head, and the knot was completed in one go!

"Am I, was Yang Hui Impure World Reincarnation?

From Yang Hui's perspective, it's a wonderful thing to see yourself 'resurrected'!


"Minato! 55

Can't wait for Namikaze Minato to react!

Uzumaki Kushina and Naruto are already in his arms!

"Naruto! You've worked so hard all these years!

I will make up for what you lacked in the past!

"No, no need to make up!

As long as we're together, that's enough!"

"Hum hum hum! What a sweet picture!""

Orochimaru smiled evilly!

"Thank you, Orochimaru-senpai! We wouldn't be able to reunite without your research!

"You're welcome, this is what Yang Hui asked me to do!"

[Little Master: The Super Chef Competition is about to start!]

[ Yang Hui: @All members, come and watch the little master game!

In fact, the world of small masters is quite indescribable,

Please pay attention!]

[Little Master:???]

[Little Master: It's over, it's over! I may not be able to be admitted to the super chef! ]

The little boss sat on the ground, covering his head, not knowing what to do!

[ Uzumaki Naruto: You can't just hit GG like that!

@ Yang Hui, are we still going?]

[ Orochimaru: Naruto, don't worry! Yang Hui -kun never misses out!]

[ Aokiji: But I think the little boss may really hang! ]

[Uzumaki Naruto: Don't give up hope for the little boss!]

[Little Master: I believe Dudu will come back! ]

As the game progressed, everyone was stunned by this game!

[Aokiji: Do you need to be able to tell a story to cook???]

[ Uchiha Madara: And what kind of genius, Ah Fei, he obviously digressed! ]

[ Senju Tobirama: Yes! His 'peerless beauty' is obviously contrary to the theme! ]

[ Senju Hashirama: I can see that something is wrong!

What was the head of the examiner thinking?

Wouldn't you take a bribe?]

[ Uchiha Izuna: I think there is something wrong with their brains! ]

[ Yang Hui: Look at it, there are even more outrageous things in the future!

However, @小大家, you have to be careful about that witch chef!

Stay away from her!]

[Wallon: This game has refreshed my cognition!

That Ah Fei is the Son of Heaven's Chosen!


The previous fried instant noodles, the current potato flour 'cold noodles'! ]

[Wallon: I'm sorry! I take back what I just said!

The little master is the most outrageous!

Dried squid stuffed into noodles?

Is this something normal people can do?]

[ Senju Tobirama: It's really outrageous! I don't know how to complain!]

[Little Master: This is obviously a normal operation! ]

Soon, the little master is like the original, and he and Lan Feihong get the qualification of a super chef!

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Congratulations to your little boss!

Following in the footsteps of my mother!]

[ Senju Hashirama: Right,?(?^o^?)?!

Congratulations to your little master!]

[Little Master: Thank you!]

At this moment, Master Shiquan, Jidi and the elder sister of the young master have also arrived at the venue to cheer!

Seeing that they all came to cheer for him, the young master suddenly asked Yang Hui in the group!

[Little Master: Can Master Shiquan and Master Ji Di join the group?

I'm getting more and more at a loss as to how to explain it to them!

Every day I put the ingredients Mr. Aokiji gave me into the kitchen in the dark!

And every day a lot of food goes missing!

I really can't hold back!

They look at me more and more strangely!

Recently, Dudu has been trying to find a way to follow me! ]

[ Aokiji: Did I give the ingredients too big?

All I give are the smallest pieces! ]


Yang Hui didn't know how to react!

He never thought that the young master would have such troubles!

But it's normal. The little boss is just an ordinary person. It used to be okay to go downstairs in Ju, but it's normal to be suspected in Yangquan Restaurant now!

Yang Hui can't help but think about whether it is feasible to let Master Shiquan and Jidi join in!

And the first and the 10th, if you treat them like a small master, it will definitely not work!

But Yang Hui changed his mind!

Their appearance is only good for their bright cooking world camp, not bad!

They have no reason to resist themselves!

[ Yang Hui: Yes! You can explain the situation to the two of them in a moment!

I will give you this permission!]

[Little Master: Thank you, Yang Hui!]

[Aokiji: I also want to explain the situation to the marshal and the others...]

[ Yang Hui: @ Aokiji, you can, as long as you sign this contract, oh no, you can become my subordinate contract! ]

[Aokiji: Then you think I didn't say this... ]

In a room of Yangquan Restaurant!

"Master Shiquan, and Master Di!

I'm going to tell you something next!

You must not be afraid!

"Little Master, Master Shiquan and I are professionals!

What scene did not see!

It's just that you've been mysterious recently, what's going on?

Where did those giant ingredients come from?

Where did all those meals you take go?'

Ji Di also took this opportunity to ask the little boss!

"Master Ji, this is what I want to say!

I will confess to you and Master Shiquan today!

In fact, those ingredients and meals are...

I have finished speaking, Master Shiquan and Master Ji Di, what happened to you two?

Why don't you move at all!

The little master confessed everything to Shiquan and Jidi, including the people of Otherworld and all his knowledge!

Shiquan and the second person also know what happened to the various strange behaviors of the young master!

The two looked at each other in disbelief!

"Little master, although what you said can really justify it!

But intellectually it doesn't hold up at all!

There is no Otherworld in this world!

Not to mention, I can communicate with those from the Otherworld!"

It's still a little bit unbelievable!

"Yes, little boss, do you have any proof?

I think what spells you say you can use will convince me more!"

Seeing that Master Shiquan and Master Jidi do not believe in themselves, the little master is even more depressed!

How can anyone believe the truth?

When did he tell a lie?

[ Yang Hui: @小大家, stop trying to explain it to them!

I send them an invite directly!

Just explain the situation to them!]

[Little Master: This is the best, I don't need to explain it so hard! ]

"Master Shiquan, Master Jidi, don't you believe it?

Please pay attention and check the news!

"News? What news?

Before the young master had time to explain, suddenly, the two people on the opposite side had widened their eyes!

Shiquan and Jidi glanced at each other, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes!

"Quickly agree!

"Ding! Master Shiquan joins the chat group!"5

"Ding! Jidi joined the chat group!

[Master Shiquan: Little Master?]

[And Chapter: Shiquan Master?]

[Small master: @和國國國際, master, master, this is the chat group I am talking about with you!

@ Yang Hui, this is the group leader!]

[Hedi: Group owner, hello!]

[ Yang Hui: Hello, we have seen the conversation between you and the young master just now!

Now you can believe what he says!"

[Master Shiquan: It's not that we don't want to believe the words of the young master!

It's so incredible!

Now that the facts are in front of us, it is natural to believe it!

However, why do you want to invite me and Jidi?]

[Aokiji: It's not that the two of you are suspicious of the little boss, and the little boss you are doing is secretly cooking for us!

I only dare to give him a small piece of ingredients! ]

[Master Shiquan:...]

[Qi Di: Are you sure you give it in small pieces?

That piece of meat is bigger than a pig!]

[Little Master: I will take a long time to cut that little piece of your meat! ]

[Aokiji: …

I didn't even think about how people in your world are so weak?

Our Marine chefs don't exercise very much, they are wielding knives like tigers!

Handling ingredients is like playing! ]

[And the first:...]

[ Yang Hui: Nonsense, are the people in your world ordinary people?

The physical fitness of ordinary people is a few blocks away from them!

Not to mention the chefs who can join Naval Headquarters!]

[ Yang Hui: Let's stop the gossip here, let's get to the point!

@石全大师@和國, the little master had signed a contract with me before!

He helped me cook, and I showed him the scenery and ingredients of various worlds!

I don't know if you are interested?

The little boss also told you about us just now!

I will not interfere in the affairs of your world, and I can even help you deal with that dark cooking world! ]

[Master Shiquan: The little master did tell us these things!

I promise to sign a contract with you!

But it's not necessary to kill the dark cooking world!

I believe the little boss will handle it well!

And some of the legendary kitchen utensils are already there with you,

No matter what the dark cooking world can't turn over, there will be no waves!

You can also hone your little masters by the way! ]

[Jidi: My answer is the same as that of Master Shiquan!]

"."System, send a contract to the two of them! 35

"Ding! Received! Contract sent!

"Ding! Two contracts signed successfully! 39

[ Aokiji: @ Yang Hui, can you invite two more people!

Master Shiquan is an old man, he can't cook much food at all!]

[ Yang Hui: You are too embarrassed to say →_→!

Every time the little master cooks for you, he charges a very small price!

It's scary how much you want!

@小大家@ and 陈全國,except I don't have to pay in the future, they will be oppressed very much, especially @Aokiji this guy! ]

[Little Master:... ]

[Hedi: Little Master, you have worked hard...]

[ Aokiji: Why don't you have to pay?

[ Yang Hui: The contract is signed! They are my chefs! ]

However, Aokiji's proposal made Yang Hui suddenly realize that it is unreasonable to have so few chefs!

He will eat more and more in the future!

In fact, with the improvement of his physical fitness, his appetite has expanded a lot than before!

It's time to invite more people!

And in the future, I will also strengthen the strength of my chef team. If I can't cook a few dishes, I will get tired and lie down before I am full!

How can this work!

Who should I invite?

Got it!

[ Yang Hui: But Aokiji is right, the number of chefs is really too small!

I want to invite a few new people into the group!

@和次@世QUAN MASTER, there is someone you are very familiar with here! ]

[And Di: Then I'll wait and see! ]

[Master Shiquan: I'm also curious who the group master will invite!]

"System, invite Lan Feihong, Gangbang Master Jie and Qixing Dao Ren!"5

"Ding! Send a contract?


At this moment, Renn, who is still on the run, Master Xie, who has challenged everywhere, and Lan Feihong, who has just won the title of super chef, all received an invitation letter from Yang Hui at the same time!

[Ding! Lan Feihong joins the chat group!]

[Ding! Seven-star knife Ren joined the chat group!]

[Ding! Master Steel Stick Jie joins the chat group!]

[Lan Feihong: Where am I ⊙v⊙?]


[Master Solution:???]

[Master Shiquan: It was Ren!

How have you been in the past few years, Ren! @ren]

[Ren: Master Shiquan?]

[Master Xie: It turned out to be the famous Shiquan University (already) teacher!

Did you guys come up with this bizarre thing?]

[Little Master: @Lan Feihong, Ah Fei, it's me, the little master! ]

[Lan Feihong: Little Master, what is going on?]

Seeing the chaos in the group turned into a pot of porridge, Yang Hui had to come forward!

"Ding, system, ban the three people who just joined the group! 35

[Ding! Ren, Master Xie, Lan Feihong has been banned! ]

[ Yang Hui: All three of you stop!

Listen to @小大家 talk about it!]

[Little Master: It's like this, it's like this, it's like this...

So do you want to join us?]

"System, lift the ban! 35

[Ding, Lan Feihong, Ren, Master Xie's ban has been lifted! ]

[Master Jie: How could I, Master Jie, miss such an interesting thing!

I agree!]

The adventurous Master Xie was the first to agree!

[Ren: I stumbled into the world of dark cooking before, and I have learned about the horrors of the world of dark cooking!

I am determined to destroy them!

So there is no way for now!]

[Lan Feihong: I want to investigate the enemy who killed my parents, I am afraid there is no way! ]

[ Yang Hui: @Len, then I think you want to join us even more. After you become my subordinate, I will strengthen your strength!

With strength, are you afraid that you can't destroy the dark cooking world?

For example, I can easily smash a mountain, and even cut open the planet under your feet!

And you @lanfeihong, by coincidence, it was the dark cooking world who kidnapped you and killed your parents!

Wouldn't it be better for you to get revenge by gaining strength with me?]

[Master Shiquan: I can vouch for the group owner!

And I have become his subordinate too! ]

[Little Master: Me too!]

[Ren: Since the master said so, I promise! ]

[Lan Feihong: The little boss will definitely not lie to me, I promise! ]

Finally, under the influence of Master Shiquan and Xiao Dangjia, both of them agreed to become Yang Hui's subordinates!

"System! Send contract!"

"Ding! Contract sent successfully!

"Ding! Three contracts signed successfully!

[ Yang Hui: @All members, the day after tomorrow, we will go to the world of the little master, and the people who go ask me to sign up!

Don't wait for it!]
