
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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Raikage Office!

I saw Raikage raised his right hand,

Hit the table hard!


"Lord Raikage!

This is already the 7th table you have broken~!

You are excited and smashed!

Annoyed too!

Do you have any deep hatred with the table-?"

Sackcloth said with a headache when she saw the broken table!

Raikage ignored her complaints,

said angrily,


Look at this information first!

Sooner or later I will destroy this Akatsuki organization!

Tsuchikage has gone to the border of the Land of Winds to deal with Jiraiya!

As soon as he leaves,

In addition, the previous Five Tails Jinchūriki has also disappeared,

There are no masters in the land of the land!

Originally, we Cloud Shinobi should have won one after another!

But Tsuchikage, the shameless one, is looking for help!

It's the Akatsuki organization that destroyed Sand Shinobi Village again!

This is how our attack was stopped!

It can be said that the front line has suffered heavy casualties!!

Akatsuki's group of people also despicably planted bombs and used poison!

Just abominable!

Sackcloth, take my orders,

Let Futao Jinchūriki Wooden Golem play,

Teach them a great lesson!!!"

If Yang Hui is here,

Will definitely give Raikage two more than Kabuto!

Is there anyone else who can compare to Cloud Shinobi when it comes to meanness?

To say that Rock Shinobi dispatched 10,000 people to besiege Third Raikage is not very glorious!

In the beginning, Cloud Shinobi stole the Rock Shinobi Village home in a sneak attack during the Second Ninja World War!

Now for another sneak attack!

He also wanted to kidnap Uzumaki Kushina and Hyūga Hinata in Konoha!

Even if he was caught and killed on the spot, Cloud Shinobi was able to bite back!

Shameless than despicable Cloud Shinobi has never lost!

Land of the land!

The other side of the battlefield!

The ground in front of Yang Hui and the four suddenly appeared White Zetsu!

"No, what's the matter with you?

Don't interrupt my time to study art if it's okay!

The war has made me impatient! 35

Sasori said irritably!

In fact, it's not just him,

Yang Hui is also fed up with endless wars lately!

What can a group of people get by calling?

Palm-sized land?

Simply ridiculous!

Yang Hui only feels that the Ninja world is too small!

So recently he has started to use Devil Fruit ability!

Anyway, those trashy fish that can be knocked down with one punch can't make their physical skills go further!

Maybe Raikage will play and he will be a little interested!!!


I'm here to convey information!

We've heard recently that Jinchūriki Yuzu Wooden Golem is about to play!

Hope you guys catch her soon!

Then leave the battlefield immediately!

Both Kakuzu and Hidan have captured their Three Tails!

The leader said to seal them all together!

Get you guys ASAP! 35

After speaking, he must sink into the ground and escape!!!

"Finally, it's time to get out of here!

Doing art every day is very expensive Chakra!

But in a place like this, you can't study the art of explosion with all your heart!!!95

"Senior Deidara!

I am very fortunate to help you bury bombs every day!

I also don't want to dig into the soil every day! 35

A Fei's daily life is funny!

"Humph! Ah Fei!

If you don't go to the battlefield, it will be cheaper for you!

You are still too tired!!!"

After talking, the two started fighting again!!!

"When Futao Jinchūriki comes on stage,

Just give him to me!!!

I want to know what it's like to hammer a tailed beast!!!"


After that, Yang Hui returned to his tent!

It's his meal time now!

Eating home-cooked meals!

Sit on the plush sofa that Wallon bought!

even on the battlefield,

Yang Hui will never treat himself badly!!!

He is not like Akatsuki who organizes the other three,

It's like you can't eat or sleep well there!


Kill this bunch of Cloud Shinobi! 95

"Come on, brothers!

Kill these cowards looking for foreign aid!

"You are looking for death!

We are more aboveboard than you when we look for foreign aid!"5

As soon as the two sides engage in hand-to-hand combat, they start spraying each other!

This is the daily routine of Cloud Shinobi and Rock Shinobi!

After all, the hatred between the two villages has a long history!

When is it not spraying now???

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Your Majesty Wooden Golem!

Akatsuki organizes that ninja flying in the sky again!

There is no way we can take him!

"You all stand back and let me come!!!"

Right now!

Yuzu Wooden Golem has also arrived at the battlefield!!!

Deidara who has nothing to do with Cloud Shinobi!

Yuzu Wooden Golem is completely tailed!

After her full tail beast transformation, her speed and strength have greatly increased!

Go straight to the run and then take a volley!

When approaching Deidara from behind,

Deidara slapped down with one paw!

The clay birds are also smashed!

Debris is everywhere!!!

Then the offensive continues!

Second tail spit out a huge fireball at the falling Deidara!!!

In the distance, Yang Hui and Ah Fei are still watching a play!

"Ah, Deidara-senpai is in danger!

Hope he gets through this crisis!!!"

"A Fei, stay here and don't move!

I'm going to catch Erwei! 35

After all, Yang Hui directly used the Rabbit Charm and the Chicken Charm,

Fly over quickly!!!

It's almost time!

Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded!!

It turns out that Deidara was caught off guard by Yuzu Wooden Golem before!

But still in time to use Earth Style to protect yourself!

The explosion just now was his 'gift' to Erwei!

But at this time, his body bones have been broken in many places!

.....for flowers...

Fighting with the second tail is also impossible!


You go back first!

I will catch the second tail!!!

"No, I must catch Erwei myself!

In revenge for her sneak attack on me!

Deidara said indignantly!

Yang Hui is not used to him at all!

"Then I'll kill you first!

I have already said,

Two tails are up to me to catch!

Yang Hui's red-gold eyes looked at Deidara!

A purple flame has been pinched in his hand!

The whole person looks so oppressive!

It is as unshakable as a mountain!!!

This high mountain is pressing hard on Deidara's heart!

Let him have no idea of ​​resistance at all!!

He looked at the flame in Yang Hui's hand,

sweat dripping from forehead,

Take a look at the wooden Golem that has burst out of the explosion!

Very unwilling to hum!

"I'm not afraid of you!


I am physically injured!

I will give this tailed beast to you! 55

After speaking, Deidara immediately flew away in the new bird!

look at his speed,

As if some terrifying monster was chasing him!

Yang Hui looked at the flame in his hand,

Looking at Deidara who escaped in the distance,

Ha ha laugh!

He just frightened him just now!

Unexpectedly, Deidara would not dare to speak ruthlessly,

Run away with a quibble!

[ Aokiji: Look how you scared the child!

I don't dare to speak ruthlessly!]

[ Uchiha Madara: Just now Yang Hui didn't have the intention to kill!

But I'm sure!

if he doesn't go,

Yang Hui smashed it with a fireball!

That kid is dead!]

[ Senju Tobirama: You know Yang Hui best!

You two have one thing in common!


[ Yang Hui: Madara who knows me too! ]


Yuzu Yuzu Wooden Golem just wanted to hunt down the fleeing Deidara!

But it was too late to rush out of the explosion!

Deidara has taken a bird to the sky!

The two Yuzu Wooden Golem can't help but sigh!

'Am I that scary!?

As expected of me!!'

While she was still sighing to herself, while I was intoxicated!

Yang Hui has taken off the uniform of the Xiao organization,

The half-golden-crow transformation is completed, holding a fireball,

walked in front of her!

"Second tail, then you come and test my physical skills!

Yang Hui wants his physique and Devil Fruit to fully open, try his physical skills!!!

As for Akatsuki's undressing mortal curse,

He doesn't care!


You are also the companion of that person just now!

Come to save him!

I'll let you know to challenge a Jinchūriki,

Especially how stupid a Jinchūriki like me can be!""
