
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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Xiao Organization Base!


What's the matter with you calling us here this time?

I was still making money just now!

Kakuzu started spraying as soon as it went online!

He could have given up a lot of small money just now!

Payne glanced at him and said lightly,

"What I'm going to say next will make you a thousand times more money!

How much is your salary and the bounty you get for catching people on the most wanted list?

What is the most profitable?


"Yes, we are going to participate in a war next!

But our goal now is not to make money!!!"


If it weren't for Kakuzu, it wasn't Payne's opponent!

He wanted to directly incarnate as the Northwest Hammer King and beat Payne to death!


Are we finally not having to do tasks to make money anymore?

that is really good!

Stay with Kakuzu every day,

It smells like copper!!!

"Then what are we going to do?

Why should we go to war if we don't make money?"

Deidara said with some curiosity!

"Senior Xiaodi, you are so stupid!

Of course for other purposes!

This leader will tell us later!!!"

Ah Fei is funny everyday!!!

"Ai Fei, do you want to die?



How could you have a ring for the meeting?"

Deidara is a little surprised!

You must know that this is a meeting that Akatsuki can only attend through the ring!

And the ring is only available for official members!

How could A Fei be an intern?

"Senior Xiao Di is really not very smart!

Of course, it was given to me by the Golden Crow senior!

Did you give it to me?"

At this time, Deidara's rage value also soared to the top!

I saw Deidara squeezed his fist and said angrily,


see you next time,

I will kill you!"

"Ah, Senior Xiao Di is so scary!

I won't be attending meeting 17 next time!!99

"Okay, stop arguing!

Ah Fei, why didn't 'Golden Crow' come to the meeting by himself?

What do you want to do instead of him?"

Payne felt a little weird too!

He even thought if 'Madara' had killed 'Golden Crow',

Captured Ring!!!

"Senior 'Golden Crow' said that since he is an intern,

Then you need to have a deep understanding of the organization!

Actively participate in the various affairs of the organization!

So he asked me to replace him this time!"

Actually, Yang Hui was too lazy to attend the Xiao organization meeting!

Every time is something boring!

It's better to drink tea quietly,

Taste the cooking skills of the little master!

Payne nodded and said nothing more!

"Actually, I think it's a good thing that Fei is participating in the meeting!

Since Ah Fei came,

Just brought some life to a dead organization!

Hoshigaki Kisame grinned and teased with a mouth full of sharp teeth!

In fact, he really likes this organization pistachio!

"Okay, let me tell you about our plans for the next stage!

Akatsuki's first stage plan is to make money!

Crazy amassing money!

Now this goal has been achieved!

The next goal is to collect tailed beasts!

We have collected 3 tailed beasts!

Three Tails, Four Tails, Six Tails are now wild or at large!

And now Rock Shinobi Village, the land of the land, plans to hire our Akatsuki organization,

Let's take part in the battle against Cloud Shinobi!!!

We have already found out that the Wooden Golem of Erwei Yuzu will also appear on the battlefield!

This is our chance to get two tails!!!

So I'm going to split the Akatsuki organization into two teams!

Sasori, Deidara, Ah Fei, 'Golden Crow' go to the frontal battlefield,

Waiting for the opportunity to get two tails!

Remember, retreat as soon as you get two tails,

And forget about the Rock Shinobi Village quest!

Kakuzu, Hidan, Itachi, Kisame, the four of you go catch Three Tails and Four Tails!

As for Six Tails, leave it to me!

That's it!

If you have any comments, please put forward them!

And Alfie!

Don't forget to notify the 'Golden Crow',

After five days,

You and Sasori and Deidara go to the land of the land to meet Tsuchikage!!!

He'll tell you what to do!!!"


Going to see old man Tsuchikage!

I defected from Rock Shinobi Village!!

Then he might attack me!

Might even take me back as Tsuchikage!

Looks like it's time to get ready!

Hope he doesn't notice me!


I'll be wearing a mask then! 35

When Deidara heard that she was going to see Tsuchikage,

Immediately a little incoherent!

As if there was some trouble!

"Deidara, this time it's because of you,

Tsuchikage will show up!

Otherwise, he will at most send an envoy!!"

Payne aptly debunks Deidara's fantasies!!!


Big deal with old man Tsuchikage!

I will never give up my art!!!

"If it's alright, let's go!

Itachi, Kakuzu, Hidan, Kisame!

You guys can go too!

It will take some time for you to find Jinchūriki!

It just so happens that the world is a little chaotic right now!

It's very suitable for us to fish in troubled waters!!"

After Payne finished speaking, everyone went offline one after another!

Senior 'Golden Crow', it's not good!

We're going to battle!"

Ah Fei said in a trembling tone!

It seems to be very scared!!!

But Yang Hui knows the details of this product!

It was like watching a monkey show watching him perform!

"What's the matter, Fei!!!

You give me the ring and speak slowly!""

Yang Hui said calmly!

In fact, he knew it clearly through the soldiers of the Ghost Corps installed in the Gedo Statue cave!!!

"Senior, this is how it is!



Isn't that the last battlefield?

You are afraid of a hammer!

Last time you were hunted by Deidara!

Still not living well?

So, relax!"

Yang Hui is also happy to accompany Obito to perform!

Who made him so boring!

"Senior, even if you say so!

But I feel that the battlefield is still different!!!

And senior Xiaodi is still very good to me!

He didn't even think about killing me!

Otherwise, how could I live to this day!!!"

"Stop talking nonsense!

Let's go now!

Go all the way to see the scenery!

Just right!""

"Senior, wait for me! 35

[Aokiji: Are you going to join the war next?

I want to see what the so-called war in the ninja world is like! ]

[ Yang Hui: Let's wait and see!!!

In this war,

You can see ninjutsu of various attributes!

There are many more bloodline limits!

The Tsuchikage Master we are about to meet has three types of Chakra properties merged into the blood to eliminate dust and escape!

It can decompose people and objects directly to the atomic level! ]

[Aokiji: Atomic level?


[ Uchiha Madara: What is this!

Dust is a fart in front of my Rinnegan!

Do you know the moon?

That thing was created by Rinnegan!]

[Aokiji: Did you make the moon!!??

Isn't that Senju Hashirama, who is stronger than you, even stronger!?

How did the ninja world's combat power suddenly reach this level! ]

[Uchiha Madara:…]

[ Senju Tobirama: Hahaha, I am dying of laughter!



what happened?]

Aokiji is confused!

I don't understand what happened to Senju Tobirama's reaction!

[ Uchiha Madara: It's not me who made the moon!

Made with Rinnegan by a powerhouse named "Sage of Six Paths"!]


[ Aokiji: In our world!

The same power has different power in the hands of different people!

You know what I mean!]

[Uchiha Madara:…]

Madara is so angry in the Pure Land!

This is so special!

This is the first time someone has questioned him because of his strength!

[No Second Tsuchikage: Hahaha (⊙?⊙)!

This is the first time that Shura in the ninja world has encountered such a thing! ]

[Ghost Lantern Moon: This is really a big melon!


[ Uchiha Madara:

@Aokiji, I lost slightly to Hashirama before without Rinnegan!

With Rinnegan I definitely beat Hashirama!!!

But by then Hashirama was dead and I was too old, so there was no chance to beat Hashirama!

And if my original plan is successful, I can reach the realm of Sage of Six Paths! ]


[ Uchiha Madara: It's a pity to meet the monster Yang Hui!

Otherwise, my plan will come true sooner or later!]

[ Yang Hui: Then why hasn't your plan been realized yet?

It's been 3 or 4 years since I graduated from Ninja School!

It's almost 20 years since you died!

It's coming soon!

(Pick nose.jpg)]

[ Uchiha Madara: You mean, he betrayed?

But my plan did have a problem!

What kind of organization did Uzumaki Nagato, the resurrection coin, do!

I let the people who went to collect tailed beasts dawdled for more than ten years without success! ]

[ Yang Hui: Congratulations, you guessed it right!

He betrayed you!

The masked man thinks he should be the one who started Infinite Tsukuyomi!

So he's been procrastinating!

Buy time for your own growth! ]

Obito has always wanted to implement Infinite Tsukuyomi himself!

That's why Obito knows Itachi's identity and doesn't get rid of him!

Just to slow down the progress of the tailed beast capture!

His promise with Itachi was not to attack Konoha and Sasuke!

The reason for making this appointment is that he needs an excuse to delay!

An excuse to show Black Zetsu!

Obito needs time to grow!

Thinking back to that year, Uchiha Kenji, who just debuted, felt that he could do it!

Run to Konoha to do something!

I didn't expect to be taught directly by Namikaze Minato to be a man with inexperience!

One shot of Rasengan's arm fell off!

Take a look at the white-faced Obito in the original four battles!

Naruto's Rasengan hits Obito's arm, leaving only a few marks!

It's almost as if you weren't injured!

Physique and 220 Kamui1v4 will not fail!

The outlandish technique is even more slippery than that used by Nagato, who has been using Rinnegan all the year round!

A single Rinnegan is much stronger than Nagato!

The life of fighting the ninja army can't take care of yourself!

Even if Uchiha Kenji just made his debut, he couldn't do it by killing him!

[ Uchiha Madara: I would have succeeded without you!

I want to prevent him from betraying me!

He even put a curse mark in his heart!

This curse mark cannot be taken out by itself, nor can it be destroyed by itself!

And I have added insurance!

Black Zetsu!

I injected my will into the body of White Zetsu using an outsider technique to form Black Zetsu!

It is my avatar!

It is also the last insurance! ]

Uchiha Madara said proudly, he will never miss his insurance!

[ Yang Hui: What a pity!


Do you think that Black Zetsu is really your will?


[ Senju Tobirama: It seems that something shocking is about to explode! ]

[Second Tsuchikage no: eat melon!]

[ Third Raikage Ai: Eat melons! ]

[Ghost Lantern Moon: +1!]

[ Uchiha Madara: What do you mean!?

Black Zetsu is clearly made by me! ]

[ Aokiji: There seems to be some big secret(?o?;!!!]

[ Senju Hashirama: I didn't expect Madara to be deceived one day!


[ Yang Hui: @ Uchiha Madara, I can't bear to tell you the answer!

In fact, Black Zetsu's age can be your ancestor!

When he injected consciousness into you,

Take the opportunity to swallow your consciousness and replace it!

It infiltrated your ranks right under your nose,

And let you trust it so much, I'm dying of laughter!

(Laughing off his big teeth.jpg)]

[ Uchiha Madara: Then why did he do this!

I don't remember my enemy number one!

I have what he wants in me?


[ Senju Tobirama: Indeed!

It's okay. Why is it close to Uchiha Madara?

Still a dying Uchiha Madara!

I smell conspiracy!]

[ Yang Hui: To answer this question!

We have to start with Sage of Six Paths!]

[ Senju Hashirama: Why is this old man everywhere! ]

[ Yang Hui: Do you know the origin of Sage of Six Paths and his younger brother?

Why did people before Sage of Six Paths never use ninjutsu!

No Chakra either!

Where is the source of the first ray of Chakra in the ninja world,

Have you thought about this?]