
Naruto golden wolf

I don’t own naruto I I don’t own this credit to the actual work

Kazyacanon · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Wolf CH 18

It took them some time to travel to the Hokage's office due to Naruto's condition. They tried to use Shunshin at first but it didn't work since Naruto was just too big and too heavy to do so and making such a feat possible requires a lot of chakra to pull off.

So in the end, the Hokage and Neko, who were left in the clearing with Naruto decided to teach Naruto the Body Flicker Technique (Shunshin) so they can get back to the office without having to reveal Naruto's recent changes to the public – after all, the Hokage Tower was in the middle of the crowded village so hiding a 9-foot tall golden werewolf was definitely beyond their abilities even if it was past midnight since there were shinobis patrolling.

It took an hour before Naruto was able to get the technique down but the blonde required practice before he could perfect it enough to travel long distances. They spent another hour of Naruto appearing and reappearing around the clearing before they were able to arrive at their destination, much to the Hokage's consternation.

One thing they found funny, however, was how the Body Flicker technique was different due to Naruto's bloodline. Instead of the usual smoke and leaves, the sudden transfer left some of Naruto's golden fur behind instead of the usual leaves. After popping a few times in the clearing, Naruto inspected himself much to the amusement of his companions until he was satisfied that his 'molting' didn't leave him bare naked. Naruto just ignored the cackling from the duo and snorted.

When they got to the office, the Hokage told Neko to keep guard outside while they waited for Tsunade to arrive. Neko gave Naruto one last hug before she left but not before giving the wolfman a few scratches behind the ear that made Naruto whine in happiness.

Naruto heard and smelled Tsunade coming near the office. He gave the Hokage a wolfish grin and hid himself behind the door, which didn't do much due to his size but enough to hide him from Tsunade.

Tsunade entered the office oblivious to the prank. "Sensei, what's the reason you called me up here at this time of night? What happened to Naruto?" demanded Tsunade, not really happy for her sleep to be interrupted. She had too much saki earlier and wanted to sleep the effects off.

Doing what Iruka did to them earlier, the Hokage simply pointed towards the direction behind Tsunade.

Tsunade whirled around and came face to face to a grinning 9-foot tall golden werewolf. She blinked at the sight. The Wolfman blinked and gave her a lick from chin to hairline.

Tsunade did the only thing reasonable to her at this point in time. She screamed bloody murder.

"EEEYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Tsunade screamed and reared back a fist and proceeded to punch the hostile looking creature in front of her with all the strength she possessed.

To the shock of everyone in the room, the wolf just raised his hand and caught Tsunade's super punch with the palm of his hand. A small shockwave emanated from the force of the punch but the wolf looked as if it didn't affect him all that much which left both the Hokage and Tsunade flabbergasted.

"Tsunade-ba-san. That hurt!" Naruto whined in protest, letting go of the fist and waved his numb hand, willing the numbness to go away.

Tsunade just looked at him in shock, then awe, then anger. "NARUTO! DON'T YOU DARE SCARE ME LIKE THAT! I COULD HAVE KILLED YOU WITH THAT PUNCH!" realizing what she just said. "HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU BLOCK MY PUNCH! THAT SHOULD HAVE DESTROYED YOUR HAND!"

Naruto continued to whine and waved his injured hand, willing the numbness to go away but he could feel that it was already in the process of healing. He was just happy that the punch didn't break any of his bones.

"Don't know. I just reacted. When I saw your fist nearing me, my hand just went up on its own and caught it." he explained, then whined again. "And it hurts too." he said in a pained voice, his ears drooping.

Now Tsunade was guilty for hurting her favorite patient then proceed to heal the injured hand. She discovered that it was already healing at an astounding rate and the bones weren't even shattered by the force of her attack.

"Amazing. It's almost healed and not a single one of your bones and muscles were damaged. In fact, it seems like your nerves just got damaged a bit due to the punch." exclaimed an astonished Tsunade, running a diagnostic technique over the hand to examine as much as she could to add to her report on Naruto's bloodline.

The Hokage, seeing the prank was successful decided to get started with the discussion.

"Now that you're here. Let's get started. Naruto, why don't you start by telling us what happened this evening."

Naruto nodded and moved to the front of the Hokage. He was about to sit on the offered chair and saw that it was too small for him so he just removed the chair by lifting it up by its arms with one hand and placed it on the side then flopped down in front of the old man causing the room to shake a bit.

Both Tsunade and the Hokage was awed at the awesome strength the blonde casually displayed as if it was nothing.

"Let me see… it all started when I failed the Academy exam again…"

Naruto proceeded to tell them what happened. The offer Mizuki gave him to pass the exam, how he stole the scroll without the ANBUs knowing about it (this info made the Hokage's eyebrow twitch and Naruto to give him a sheepish grin), learning the Kage Bushin and the Legendary Summon technique (this info got a raised eyebrow from the older people in the room), the revelation of the Kyuubi inside him (Sarutobi winced when Naruto gave him a glare), the change and how he put Mizuki down.

At the end of the tale, Sarutobi let out a long sigh and decided to tell Naruto about the Kyuubi.

"Naruto, before you glare at me for keeping the Kyuubi a secret from you, you have to understand that you were too young to know about it and besides, knowing you, you would have shouted it off the rafters that would practically bring out every villagers down your throat. I made sure that the ANBU protected you from the mobs when you got out of the orphanage and you knowing and talking about the Kyuubi would only makes things worst. Besides, I plan to tell you about the Kyuubi anyway when you became a Genin since that would allow me to protect you easily since that would put you under my command." explained a tired Sarutobi.

Naruto was silent and listened to the old man's explanation. In truth, he did understand the old man's reasoning. He was dead-on about his attitude if he knew the truth and his past self would have flaunted it to every villager just to spite them. He sighed and gave the Hokage a wolfish smile telling him without words that everything was alright.

"I understand Hokage-jiji. You were right. I wasn't equipped to handle that information if you consider how loudmouthed I was before my bloodline activated for the first time." Naruto paused. "So does this mean that you know my parents as well?"

Both Sarutobi and Tsunade went stiff at the question which didn't go unnoticed by the blonde.

Sarutobi gave out a tired sigh.

"Yes Naruto. I do know your parents." He raised his hand when Naruto was about to say something. "BUT I can't tell you yet because your parent's told me that you are not to be told UNTIL you are Chunin or you have the necessary skills to protect yourself. Your parents were powerful shinobis and they have attracted a lot of enemies during their time in the Leaf. If they accidentally learn about your identity as their son then you will be swamped with assassination attempts that not even your bloodline can protect you. So please Naruto. For now, let this old man keep this secret for a while longer. I just want to keep you safe."

Naruto released a loud growl that made the glass on the window shudder. He sighed and gave out a plaintive whine.

"Fine jiji. But you promise to tell me when I'm stronger right?" seeing the Hokage gave out a pleased smile and a nod, which he returned. "Ok jiji. I'll hold you to it. So what now?"

"Now, I want Tsunade here to give you a thorough check up to see what has changed when you transformed to your wolf form. I want to make sure that nothing will cause serious problems later. Also, I want to know if this is a permanent transformation or not so I can make the necessary arrangements just in case."

Naruto gave a nod which prompted Tsunade to activate her diagnostic technique which resulted both her hands gaining a greenish aura. She placed her hands in various parts of Naruto's body including the area where his 'little wolf' was located which caused him to blush – he didn't turn red but the rising of his fur was definitely a sign of blushing for someone like him. Tsunade continued to scan and prod the wolf for almost 30 minutes before turning the technique off.

"So what's the verdict Tsunade-ba-san?" asked an embarrassed Naruto, still thinking of how close Tsunade's hand was to his 'little wolf'.

Tsunade bopped him on the head for the title before giving them the complete result of the check-up.

"From what I gathered after I diagnosed his body. There is nothing wrong with Naruto when he is in this form. Yes, this is only a temporary form. From what I checked, the DNA strand that contained the wolf transformation gene is still separate but it seems to be dominant this time around considering the amount of chakra it's been releasing. Before, the human-gene was releasing chakra so I guess that the wolf-gene was dormant. Anyway, it seems that Naruto got a boost in all of his abilities. His doujutsu seems to be activated without requiring him to consciously do so. His strength is 10 times more when he was human which gives testimony to how he was able to block my punch without any obvious damage. His muscle and bone density tripled so I guess his speed also went up a notch. From what you told me how he threw those ANBUs around like a rag doll, that doesn't require any explanation. His chakra network also expanded after the change so he is holding 3 times the amount of chakra he has to fit his body size. Well, that's it." Tsunade finished her explanation which left the werewolf and the Hokage flabbergasted with the result.

"WOW! COOL!" bellowed an excited Naruto then released an ear-splitting howl that smashed the glass on the windows in the office from the force of it. Naruto stopped the howling when he saw the shattered window and grinned sheepishly while scratching one of his ears with a clawed finger. "So, how do I turn back to my human form?"

Both Tsunade and the Hokage looked at each other then at Naruto. The Slug Sannin shrugged.

"Don't know. From what you told me rage seems to be the trigger to your werewolf form, but we don't know what the trigger would be to turn you back. All I know is that you have the ability to do so."

"Damn it. How am I supposed to work with me like this? I mean, I won't even fit inside Saji's shop being 9-foot tall and all." whined a clearly distraught werewolf.

The Hokage was about to say something when the door to his office was violently thrown open by a distraught Inuzuka Clan Head.

"HOKAGE-SAMA. SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH MY DOGS. THE HOWL EARLIER MADE THEM…." She trailed off from her shouting when she saw a large golden-furred wolfman staring at her along with a shocked Tsunade and a sighing Hokage. "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT!" she pointed at the wolf-man while her partner Kuromaru was whining behind her.

The Hokage sighed. This is going to be a long night.