
Naruto golden wolf

I don’t own naruto I I don’t own this credit to the actual work

Kazyacanon · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Starting a new leaf CH 10

Taking a breather from her thorough rehabilitation of the hospital, Tsunade took a small gulp of the fiery drink while reading through the medical files of one Uzumaki Naruto just to make sure that she got all the facts right.

The initial test done by Kaito regarding the child's potential was good, but not good enough by her standards. Sure, he got the basics done in terms of physical and mental tests but the finer points were left alone either because he didn't know how to proceed with such discovery or he was afraid that taking a deeper plunge into the child's body would result in a negative reaction.

Tsunade scoffed as the thoughts appeared on her mind. Kaito might be afraid to dig deeper but not her. No, she was the Legendary Medic of Konoha and she knew quite a lot of methods to loosening the secrets in one's body that other doctors in the Elemental Nations could only dream off.

She was brought out of her musings by a knock on her door.

"Come in."

The door opened to reveal one Doctor Kaito, Naruto's personal medic-nin as assigned by the Hokage. Not the best of the best but due to the mindset of the previous workforce, he was the only one her teacher could get to take care of the boy.

"Tsunade-sama. You have summoned me?" said Kaito with a bow of respect.

"Yes Kaito-san. Please sit. We have much to discuss. I hope that your new position in the hospital wasn't too…troublesome for you?" inquire Tsunade as she beckoned for the good doctor to take a seat in front of her desk.

Kaito brightened immediately upon hearing his new position. "No Tsunade-sama. The position was a god-send. Being able to take a hand in the changes necessary for the hospital is a dream come true for me. So, No. I love my new position and love the changes you planned for the future of Konoha Medical."

Tsunade nodded. Her respect for the man rose up a peg or two for that comment. However, now is not the time for platitudes and useless compliments; its time to discuss the recent discovery in medical history.

"Good. Now, I summoned you here regarding one of your patients. One Uzumaki Naruto. I daresay, seeing the results firsthand were quite an experience." Tsunade queried.

"Of course Tsunade-sama. That boy is a gold mine of medical information. The way his body was improved and enhanced on a genetic level would greatly affect the world's medical history if such study is undergone. But doing so right now at this pace would endanger the boy. Besides, it is still too early to enact such a study since the boy's bloodline is clearly in the developing stages." explained Kaito with excitement. You're correct. The brat is displaying a medical miracle if truth be told but that is not the reason why I called you here." She placed a paper in front of the good doctor, one of the detailed notes that he compiled after the check-up. "You theorized that Naruto is evolving to that of a wolf as stated in the DNA readouts you managed to extract from your diagnostics. I want to hear your theory since I haven't had time to check the boy myself."

Kaito released a disappointed grunt and paused for a bit, gathering his thoughts. "It is not as if the boy will be changing into a wolf, Tsunade-sama. But my theory is more pronounced when it comes to the boy's changes. From the looks of it, the DNA strand that I got yielded two results instead of the usual one."

Tsunade looked at the doctor as if he just sprouted another head. "Two strands? Don't be ridiculous Kaito. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a single human to have two strands of DNA."

Kaito shook his head. "If you read my notes Tsunade-sama, there are two strands of DNA on Naruto's biology. However, these two are separate and is seems to be connected by some form of thread. From what I surmise, the wolf DNA requires activation but the stimulus for such activation remains unknown."

Now Tsunade was intrigued of the concept; a change that requires activation? Now that is something to look forward to. "Hmmmm…your theory seems plausible and its working is similar to that of many bloodlines we know of that requires a physical change. Could it be a mental trigger since chakra doesn't seem to initiate the change?"

"I doubt it Tsunade-sama. But I would surmise that it is both emotional and mental for such a change to occur. If I am correct, a mental stimulus is necessary to jumpstart his emotional trigger, thus activating the semi-dormant gene. Without further tests, we can never finalize the theory." Kaito mused. "We also need to dig deeper into this gene so we can determine its exact ability or changes on the boy if there is one. I would also suggest we look into his genealogy since it is quite possible that his parents might also have similar strain. Are you familiar with his family Tsunade-sama?"

Tsunade nodded. "Yes, I am very much familiar with his parents. They come to me for their check-ups and healing so I can safely say that both of them didn't show any bloodline to what their child is currently undergoing."

A thoughtful frown marred Kaito's face. "If that is the case then the gene to trigger the activated of the bloodline might be dormant in their case. A distant ancestor might yield more positive results but it would be safe to say that it is impossible right now since Naruto-kun is the last of his family. It would be safe to treat this as a NEW bloodline and document it from there for future use."

Tsunade became quiet after the revelation. The good doctor's theories were sound, or if possible, accurate to a point. However, they would all remain as such if they don't have enough facts to prove such a point and requires a thorough test to acquire them.

The Legendary Medic already reviewed the records she had of Naruto's parents and it would be safe to say that both didn't display the bloodline that Naruto is showing right now. Among the two, only Naruto's mother has an active bloodline. It was too bad that she didn't subject both to a gene test to check since it wasn't required at that time and there was no need to do so.

Deciding to set this matter aside for now, she will wait for Naruto's visit to the hospital since there are still plenty of things for her to do and going into this project will surely take a lot of her time in both studies and experimentation.

"I suggest we drop this project for now Kaito. According to the notes you made on your findings, you are planning to let Naruto undergo more thorough tests when he comes over next month for a check-up. Is that correct?" Kaito nodded in affirmative. "Please inform me before proceeding so I can conduct my own tests as well to collaborate the results It is quite possible that both of us to discover something new that the both of us alone could have missed. Understood?" commanded Tsunade in a voice that brooked no opposition.

"Crystal Tsunade-sama." agreed Kaito with a bow. Working on this new discovery was a dream come true for him and he didn't plan to do anything that might compromise his position in this project.

Tsunade nodded and beckoned for him to leave her while sealing Naruto's medical files back into her private scroll before tackling another document regarding the hospital's running.

But not before taking a long swig from her trustee Sake bottle.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was currently sitting behind his desk, deep in thought, finalizing everything that needs to be done in today's council meeting that will shake the Leaf to its foundation. This has been coming for quite a while now but the information that he received from Jiraiya's spy network will make it easier for him to enact the change necessary to improve the Leaf and protect his surrogate grandson.

He was brought out of his musings when Tsunade and Jiraiya entered the office, both sporting faces of anticipation on what is about to happen in the meeting later.

"Thank you for coming Jiraiya, Tsunade. I have called a council meeting in an hour for both civilian and shinobi councils. It is finally time for us to enact the plan we have discussed."

Jiraiya grinned. "I guess the information I passed on to you from my spy network pushed to change the schedule ahead of time then?"

The aged Hokage smiled. "Yes Jiraiya. Your spy network yielded the results I need. Their actions have already been brought to my attention before but the lack of evidence delayed any form of action." He looked then at Tsunade who was slouching on the couch with a Sake bottle in hand. He sweatdropped at the sight but ignored the alcoholic beverage for now. "How about you Tsunade? Any problems on your front?"

Tsunade grunted and took another swallow of the fiery drink before addressing her sensei. "Problem? The hospital is like a ticking time bomb ready to blow up. You have perfect timing in calling me back and starting the change or else we would be totally screwed."

Sarutobi's face turned grim. This he need to know. "Explain Tsunade and don't leave anything out."

The Slug Sannin took another drink.

"When I took over, the hospital isn't even running at 10 percent efficiency. Most of the doctors and nurses were not qualified to even practice and how the head doctor hired them I have no clue. All reports indicate that treatments were done in a form of basic First Aid. We were just lucky that no serious injuries were brought in or we would be suffering from lack of shinobis. They are woefully inept. I fired all of them and tasked Shizune in screening everything on the applicants. And don't get me started on the funding. The allocations were diverted to imaginary people for 'developments' that we don't even see. No paper trails. Millions of Ryo disappeared overnight for Kami knows where." She spat out the last part and took another long swig from her bottle.

Jiraiya snorted. "So what else is new?