
Naruto Golden List: The Strongest Teacher!

Join Rifan as he chases the golden list, which departed from the world of pirates and traveled to another. PS: This is the continuation of One Piece Golden List.

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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402 Chs

Chapter 585: Challenger!

Hiruzen looked at Danzo, but said nothing.

But Danzo, who has known Hiruzen for many years, knows that Hiruzen is very dangerous at the moment.

Therefore, Danzo did not continue to say anything interesting.

"Wait, that's not right!" Suddenly, Danzo raised his head, "Why is the First Hokage ranked second? Does that mean that the Fifth Kazekage Pakura is stronger than the First Hokage!?"

"Huh?!" Hiruzen's eyes widened, also looking at the golden list.

Having just been caught by the words "Advanced Resurrection Scroll", Hiruzen did not notice the First Hokage's ranking for a while.

Looking up at this moment, the word "Second Place" was engraved before Senju Hashirama's name!

"How...how could Pakura be stronger than First Hokage!?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned.

[Onogi: Huh?! This reward?! High-level resurrection scrolls should allow him to resurrect himself as well!]

[Gengetsu Hozuki: Hey, hey, do you mean, the First Hokage is coming back! ]

[A: Not only being resurrected, but also possessing the power of his peak period, this is really a desirable reward!]

[Namikaze Minato: It's great, Shodai, with you, Konoha Village will definitely be more stable!]

[Senju Hashirama: Haha, if this reward really has this function, it would be really good. Although there are many people who want to be resurrected, I still want to see the current Konoha with my own eyes especially my granddaughter Tsunade.]

[Senju Tobirama: The reward is good, but this is only the reward for second place. And Brother! The fifth Kazekage Pakura who is still alive is ranked above you!]

[ Senju Hashirama: Huh?! It seems to be true, so there are still such powerful ninjas, I really want to compete with her. Miss Pakura, don't mind me challenging you later. I'm looking forward to it.]

[Senju Tobirama: Brother, a person can only have one reward. When you still don't know what the scheduled reward for the first place is, don't talk about challenges for a while. ]

[Pakura: The power of god of ninjas, I would also like to fight you.]

Pakura was not surprised that she would win the first place.

Pakura, who has seen true power in Rifan, has expanded her horizons to another realm.

Even if Senju Hashirama will be strong, it is impossible to be stronger than her who has Rinne Sharingan.

"But, if it's against Senju Hashirama, it's not enough to just use my Scorch Style."

In the Kazekage office, Pakura thought to herself.

Beside her, Maki looked at Pakura with admiration on her face.

Not only Pakura's disciple Maki, but Sunagakure's executives were also extremely shocked at this moment.

Originally, Pakura was able to make a name on the golden list, which was enough to surprise them.

Up to now, Pakura will not only be able to make a name on the golden list, but will also appear on the first place in the Kage Ninja Ranking!

At this time, they even felt that it would be an excellent choice for Pakura to continue becoming the Fifth Kazekage!

'Be sure to keep Pakura in Sunagakure!

Such thoughts have taken root deeply in the hearts of Sunagakure executives.

Meanwhile, Kirigakure.

Seeing that Pakura, who once left a message on the Golden List, would go to Kirigakure for trouble, turned out to be ranked first, all the Kirigakure ninjas became nervous.

There was even a war meeting that night, and the entire village went into martial law in an instant.

And, Kirigakure began to send out messages to the Kirigakure ninjas on missions outside, asking them to hurry back as soon as possible!

——[Kage Ninja List], 1st place, Fifth Kazekage · Pakura; scheduled reward, Highlevel Resurrection Ring.

——After wearing the "high-level resurrection ring", you can set a resurrection landmark somewhere. When you encounter death, you will be resurrected at the resurrection landmark and retain your full power before death.

One note: When resurrecting, you can choose to resurrect at the resurrection landmark, or you can choose to be resurrected at the place of death.

——[Kage Ninja Ranking]The rankings have been announced, and now those who have reached the Kage-level ninja level can challenge those on the list.

——You can challenge the rankers within the specified time.

[Senju Tobirama: Resurrection Ring is equivalent to giving yourself an extra life. Compared with the resurrection scroll, each has its own advantages.

However, for you, brother, the resurrection scroll is still better, so don't challenge Pakura. ]

[Senju Hashirama: Oh, what's the matter! I can challenge first, and then I can exchange rewards with Pakura after I win? ]

[ Senju Tobirama: No way! ]

[Namikaze Minato: For the deceased, the resurrection scroll does have a better effect, but for the living, if the resurrection ring is on the battlefield, it will play a considerable role. ]

[Gengetsu Hozuki: Indeed, if it is a kage-level ninja, it is even more so!

After a full-scale battle, being able to be resurrected immediately, such treasure is enough to change the situation of a war! However, can a young girl really rank first? This golden list will not have a problem, right? ]

[Pakura: Don't you want to challenge me? You can come and challenge me.

[Gengetsu Hozuki: You think I'm afraid, you wait, I'm going to challenge you now!]

——Sword Saint•Rifan, challenged the second place First Hokage· Senju Hashirama!

At this moment, a large golden character appeared on the golden list, interrupting everyone's messages.