
Chapter 110.3 : Tsunade's Wood Release!

At that moment, Neji's reward materialized—a hum reverberated through the room.

Displayed on the screen was a card, one unlike any seen before.

[Upgrade Card: Upon activation, all current skills are elevated by one level. Note: Skill levels cannot surpass the Six Paths level.]

[Hyuga Hiashi: This card is exceedingly rare! It can instantly boost all skills to a single rank, a phenomenal surge in power!]

[Uchiha Madara: While not particularly valuable for those at the Six Paths level, it's a treasure for those below. A super Kage-level could utilize it to catapult themselves to the next tier!]

[Hoshigaki Kisame: I'm itching to get my hands on that card!]

[Hyuga Hiashi: Neji, once you acquire this upgrade card, use it immediately!]

[Hyuga Neji: Uncle, I understand!]

Neji comprehended the significance of the upgrade card. Many high-ranking officials in Konoha would vie for it, not for themselves, but to empower the village's mightiest warrior, potentially elevating them to Six Paths level. For them, this was invaluable. The birth of a Six Paths level protector could shield Konoha from myriad threats.

Yet, this was Neji's reward, his alone.

In truth, it was his to decide.

If Neji held onto the upgrade card, postponing its use for a more opportune moment, he risked never finding that moment at all.


Hyuga Neji swiftly produced the upgrade card, wasting no time in utilizing it before anyone else could intervene.

He harbored no intention of testing the limits of human capability. Indeed, in the possession of such a card, even a Kage-level ninja could ascend to the ranks of the Six Paths. Who would dare to question the potential of humanity?


The culmination of Hyuga Neji's abilities surged forward.

Gentle Fist, Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven, Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four, Eight Trigrams One-Hundred and Twenty-Eight Palms, Eight Trigrams Breaking Mountain, Eight Trigrams Air Palm, Four Heavens Hall, Eight Gate Collapsing, Eight Trigrams Scattering, Eight Trigrams Three Hundred and Sixty-One...

The gateway of his skills ascended at an astonishing pace, propelling him to an entirely new echelon, a tier beyond his previous limitations.

Simultaneously, a torrent of memories flooded into his soul, seamlessly integrating with his being, granting him mastery over these enhanced techniques. It was as if he had genuinely elevated these skills to their newfound zenith, unimpeded by any barriers—an utter mastery achieved.

All at once, his Byakugan began to evolve, its ocular prowess soaring to advanced levels in mere moments.

These advancements transpired within a fleeting span, catapulting his strength to unprecedented heights.

"My strength..."

Hyuga Neji unleashed a flurry of Gentle Fist techniques, each strike carrying a potency far surpassing his prior capabilities. A casual blow now rivalled the full force of a Kage-level powerhouse.

In a brief interval, he transcended the realm of Jōnin, ascending to the esteemed status of a Kage-level juggernaut, surpassing even the head of the Hyuga clan, his uncle Hyuga Hiashi.

On the other front,

Yasao meticulously dissected the enigma of the mask through his deductive prowess.

"This mask appears to embody the essence of the Golden List's power, albeit in a diminished form. Its potency pales in comparison to the original list, amounting to less than a fraction of its might. Through analysis, I've discerned it harbors a form of Law power, akin to Daoist principles, encompassing a realm of isolation and chaos, encapsulating the essence of all things."

"Judging from its energy signature, this artifact seems to stem from the Chaos Avenue itself! It lies beyond my current dominion atop the Chaos World!"

Yasao muttered introspectively.

Before long,

The accolades of the Handsome Man List continued to unfurl.

As time elapsed, the roster gradually took shape.

Finally, the announcement of the ultimate prize, belonging to Sarutobi Asuma.

Subsequently, Sarutobi Asuma and Senju Hashirama exchanged their rewards.

Then, Sarutobi Asuma presented the Heart of the Tree of Life to Tsunade.

In turn, Senju Hashirama dispatched Sarutobi Asuma's reward for posting.

Notably, many ninjas relinquished their rewards for auction, animating the auction arena with fervor.

Within Konoha,

"The Heart of the Tree, may it bestow great strength upon me!"

Tsunade murmured, anticipation gleaming in her eyes.

She envisioned the might of Wood Style. Though her Creation Rebirth Jutsu offered a semblance of immortality, it demanded copious chakra expenditure. With the infusion of the Tree of Life's essence, however, she could perpetually sustain herself, transcending mortal limitations.

This was true invincibility.

No longer burdened by the strain of her previous technique, Tsunade embraced the transformative potential of the Heart of the Tree of Life.

With a deft incision, she seamlessly integrated the sacred artifact into her being, feeling its life-giving energies suffuse her essence, mending wounds without the need for Creation Rebirth.

Gradually, she sensed the transformative power of Wood Style coursing through her veins, awakening her latent Senju heritage.

Born of the bloodline of Senju Hashirama, Tsunade now manifested the long-awaited Wood Style ability, catalyzed by the Heart of the Tree of Life's influence.

With newfound proficiency, Tsunade channeled Wood Style Ninjutsu.

[Wood Style: Wood Pillar!]

Instantly, roots surged forth, ensnaring a nearby pillar.

"I've truly birthed Wood Style!" Tsunade exclaimed, exhilaration coursing through her.

With ease, she wielded the might of Wood Style, surpassing even Yamato's mastery. With diligent practice, she envisioned a future where her Wood Style prowess rivaled that of her legendary grandfather, Senju Hashirama.


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