
Naruto : Gojo Satoru Reborn As Kakashi's Brother

Synopsis: As the eldest son of the Hatake family, Kakashi's brother, Hatake Satoru, has a more terrifying ninja talent than Kakashi. Not only that, he also has an innate golden finger, all the inheritances of Gojo Satoru in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. As a person above the ceiling in the world of Jujutsu, he is naturally above the ceiling in the world of Naruto. Although he doesn't have Kekkei Genkai like Sharingan and Byakugan, he has the most unique Six Eyes· a.k.a Rikugan. "My adorable little brother, your brother is the strongest." Satoru touched Kakashi's head and said this, the slightly raised corner of his mouth and the strong confidence in his words made Kakashi feel extremely at ease in any desperate situation. ======= You can read 30 advanced chapters at my patreon*com/YeyeQiu

Yeye_Qiu · Anime & Comics
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284 Chs

Chapter 275: Kakashi’s Blind Date.

Although Hatake Satoru now knows the location of the Otsutsuki clan, he still dares not act rashly, or dare not trouble the Otsutsuki clan, dare not destroy the Otsutsuki clan, because he does not have enough strength now, his current strength has not yet reached his future self's level, can directly use 'Blue' to release a black hole.

If he goes to the Otsutsuki clan now, he may face the same end as his future self. He is sure that he will be sealed. If he is sealed once, he is not sure whether someone will solve him then.

"Is everyone in that Otsutsuki clan very strong?"

Standing next to Hatake Satoru, Kakashi asked with a serious face, because the Otsutsuki clan is now a potential threat to their Konohagakure or the entire ninja world.

"Yes, although the number of people in the Otsutsuki clan is not large, everyone in it has reached the Kage-level strength, and some people even have strength above the Kage-level."

Above Kage-level, that is, the Six Paths level.

Hearing what Hatake Satoru said, Kakashi's pupils instantly widened a lot. The strength above the Kage-level is something he dare not even think about now. If he can reach the Kage-level strength, he will be content.

Or to say that his talent can only support him to reach the Kage-level, and if there is no special opportunity, the Kage-level is the highest limit for all ninjas in the ninja world.

"Before you are absolutely sure, you must not act rashly. If something happens to you, whether it's your father or me, we will risk our lives to save you." 

Kakashi spoke with a serious face, but he was telling the truth. If something unexpected happened to Hatake Satoru, they would definitely do everything they could to save him. Even if they failed in the end, they would have done their best.

"Don't worry."

Hatake Satoru smiled at Kakashi.

"I won't act impulsively without absolute certainty."

"That's good, I hope you can keep your word."

Although Kakashi had heard Hatake Satoru's promise, he was still not at ease with Hatake Satoru. He understood Hatake Satoru, who was not only confident in his own abilities but also somewhat arrogant.

"Alright, you're back, take a good rest for a while. I think Hokage-sama won't assign you any tasks for a while."

After all, according to the time in this world, the Chunin exam had just ended not long ago. Although Orochimaru had caused a commotion in Konohagakure village, it did not cause any loss to Konohagakure.

Although Konohagakure village had recently stepped up its pursuit of Orochimaru, since the Chunin exam, Orochimaru seemed to have disappeared in the ninja world, with no news at all.

"Haha, even if he assigns me tasks now, I won't do them."

After finishing speaking, Hatake Satoru directly teleported back home and started eating the delicacy that Hatake Satoru had given him. Although it was meant for Kakashi and Sakumo just now, who made these two people not have that good fortune?

On the way back, 'Karasuki' had already told him that unless the same situation as last time occurred, it was impossible to return to the Jujutsu world. Even if someone messed with the space tunnel again, it couldn't just open the gap in the Jujutsu world.

Whether it's time or opportunity, if either is missing, it's impossible to succeed.

In the following few days, Hatake Satoru could say that he enjoyed it very much. Every day, he was either strolling around a corner of Konohagakure village or checking in at another corner of Konohagakure village.

And he also brought his phone back from the Jujutsu world, allowing his figure to be photographed and remembered in every corner of Konohagakure village. As for charging the phone, that was also a very simple thing.

Just use Raikiri, but you also have to control the energy of Raikiri well, otherwise, it is very likely that the battery will be blown up in an instant.

When Kakashi found out that Hatake Satoru was using the Ninjutsu he had created with great difficulty to charge an unknown gadget, Kakashi fell into deep self-doubt. Could it be that his Chidori was so useless?

But in the end, Kakashi recognized himself, took out the dignity of being a younger brother, and gave Hatake Satoru a good lesson. Even though Hatake Satoru showed a serious attitude in class, he was still unrepentant after class.

At this, Kakashi had nothing to say. If he could beat Hatake Satoru, he would definitely let him experience the power of Raikiri. Apart from these things, Hatake Satoru and Hatake Sakumo were also planning a big event for Kakashi, which was to arrange a blind date for Kakashi. Hatake Satoru couldn't let the Hatake family end with his generation, so he had to entrust this important task to Kakashi.

At the beginning, Kakashi saw two people whispering behind his back and showed a puzzled expression, but he didn't take it seriously.

It wasn't until Hatake Satoru secretly gave him a movie ticket and insisted that he must not miss it, that Kakashi understood what was going on.

When he went to the cinema and found a beautiful girl sitting next to him, Kakashi was completely stunned for a moment. Initially, Kakashi thought it was a coincidence.

But when she kept making advances towards him, Kakashi immediately had a bad feeling.

He thought about leaving early, but he knew his father and brother were definitely watching him from a secret corner. If he left now, he might face a mixed doubles match.

However, when her two peaks leaned on his arm, Kakashi was quite enjoying it. After all, he had only read about this in novels before, this was his first real experience.

Luckily, Kakashi was wearing a mask. If he took off the mask, one would definitely find that Kakashi's current expression was quite lewd.

"It seems Kakashi is enjoying it."

In another corner of the cinema, just as Kakashi had guessed, Hatake Sakumo and Hatake Satoru were watching Kakashi. In the dim cinema, Hatake Sakumo might not see clearly, but Hatake Satoru with Rikugan could see Kakashi's expression clearly.

"How about it? Satoru, do you think they have a chance?"

Hatake Sakumo asked nervously on the side, after all, this was related to his child's lifelong matter.

"Don't worry, father, the girl is very satisfied with Kakashi, I think Kakashi will not refuse."

"That's good."

Hatake Sakumo breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face, feeling a sense of relief.

(End of the chapter)


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