
Naruto : Gojo Satoru Reborn As Kakashi's Brother

Synopsis: As the eldest son of the Hatake family, Kakashi's brother, Hatake Satoru, has a more terrifying ninja talent than Kakashi. Not only that, he also has an innate golden finger, all the inheritances of Gojo Satoru in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. As a person above the ceiling in the world of Jujutsu, he is naturally above the ceiling in the world of Naruto. Although he doesn't have Kekkei Genkai like Sharingan and Byakugan, he has the most unique Six Eyes· a.k.a Rikugan. "My adorable little brother, your brother is the strongest." Satoru touched Kakashi's head and said this, the slightly raised corner of his mouth and the strong confidence in his words made Kakashi feel extremely at ease in any desperate situation. ======= You can read 30 advanced chapters at my patreon*com/YeyeQiu

Yeye_Qiu · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Chapter 273: Hatake's Departure.

Although all the curses that disturbed the exchange meeting were expelled, but after their disturbance, this exchange meeting can be said to be completely cancelled.

"This is completely a premeditated, prepared attack."

In a conference room, all the higher-ups of the two Jujutsu High School professionals gathered together to discuss the attack.

"We all know that, we just didn't expect their target to be those few cursed objects."

After knowing about the lost cursed objects, Gojo Satoru's face showed a puzzled expression. Although those few are also special grade curses, they can't compare with Sukuna's fingers at all. There is no need to launch this attack for those few special grade curses.

"But no matter what, we have to find the lost special grade curses."

Yaga Masamichi spoke, this is related to our Jujutsu High School professional's dignity.

"Alright, order all the people in Jujutsu World to fully investigate the activities of those few curses. Once the other party's whereabouts are found, immediately report to the top, and then kill without mercy."


After everyone had spoken, they all left the conference room one after another. In the end, only Principals Gakuganji and Yaga Masamichi were left in the conference room.

"What do you think of Hatake Satoru?"

At this moment, Principal Gakuganji suddenly spoke.

He had just witnessed Hatake Satoru's Hollow Technique with his own eyes, which made them fully understand that Hatake Satoru indeed possessed the same strength as Gojo Satoru. If they didn't handle him properly, he would definitely become a major threat to the Jujutsu World. Having one Gojo Satoru was already troublesome enough for them, let alone another equally troublesome character appearing.

"I don't know, but at least for now, he doesn't pose any threat to us.

And if he really does something harmful to the Jujutsu World, I think Gojo Satoru will definitely stop him."

Yaga Masamichi said, but he also raised Hatake Satoru's danger level to the highest in his heart.

"Do you trust Gojo Satoru that much?"

"Of course, because he is my student. No teacher would doubt their own students."

"But don't forget the harm your other student once did to the Jujutsu World."

Upon hearing this sentence, Yaga Masamichi, who was originally in a somewhat cheerful mood because of Gojo Satoru, immediately darkened his face. He knew that Gakuganji was referring to his other student, Geto Suguru, who was also his most disappointing student.

"But we can't deny the contributions he made to the Jujutsu World."

Just as the two principals were at a stalemate here, Gojo Satoru found Hatake Satoru on a rooftop.

"What's wrong? You look rather down."

Leaning next to Hatake Satoru, Gojo Satoru asked.

"If it's because of that curse spirit, don't take it to heart. After all, there are bound to be some who are good at escaping among the curse spirits."

"No, I'm about to leave."

Gojo Satoru, who originally had a slight smile on his face, immediately lost his smile when he heard this sentence.

"Leaving? What do you mean?"

Gojo Satoru asked with a somewhat serious tone.

"It means exactly what it says. I'm going back to my world. After all, I've been away for so long, they must be somewhat worried about me by now."

Although Gojo Satoru knew that this day would come, when it really came, he still felt a bit uncomfortable. After all, after such a long time together, he had long considered Hatake Satoru a true friend, a confidant. Finding someone who understood him so well was not an easy thing.

"Huh~ When are you planning to leave?"

Gojo Satoru asked after taking a deep breath.

"I'll leave in a while, after taking one last look at this world."

Leaning on the railing of the balcony, looking at this world, his eyes were filled with a hint of nostalgia.

"So soon? Aren't you going to say goodbye to Itadori and the others? I think they would be very sad if they knew you were leaving."

Gojo Satoru said somewhat surprisingly, seemingly not expecting Hatake Satoru to leave so soon.

And Gojo Satoru was right. Since Itadori joined Jujutsu High School, Hatake Satoru had spent much more time with Itadori than Gojo Satoru.

"No need, after all, I'm not from this world. I shouldn't interfere too much with your world."

"Alright then."

Gojo Satoru sighed, knowing that Hatake Satoru's departure was inevitable.

"Just wait for me a moment."

Then, Gojo Satoru's figure disappeared directly in front of Hatake Satoru.

About ten minutes later, when Gojo Satoru appeared again, both his hands were full of things.

"We both have the same taste, so I bought some specialties for you. I think you should like them."

Smelling this familiar scent, Hatake Satoru's face showed a very happy smile. He had originally planned to buy some before he left, but he didn't expect Gojo Satoru to buy them for him directly.

"Thank you very much."

After taking the things from Gojo Satoru's hands, he thanked him.

"You don't need to thank me. If you have the chance, you can come to our world again."

"I will, and I hope you have the chance to take a stroll in our world."

Hatake Satoru also invited Gojo Satoru, but both of them knew that this might be their last meeting.

But they didn't care about these things. Being able to become friends with each other in this short life of a hundred years, they were already very content.

"Well, I'll go first, see you if there's a chance."

Hatake Satoru took out the 'plow', and a dazzling light burst directly from the 'plow', shooting straight into the sky.

"Is this the curse tool that can cross space?"

Gojo Satoru stared at the 'Karasuki'. Through Rikugan, he observed that there was a special energy in the 'Karasuki', an energy he had never seen before.

He only felt a bit of this energy when he used the Hollow Technique, but it was not as intense as the energy emitted from the 'Karasuki'.

This white light directly engulfed Hatake Satoru's figure.

"I didn't expect this journey in the parallel world to end so quickly."

While traveling through space, Hatake Satoru said with a somewhat lost tone.

"I don't understand, you obviously don't want to leave, why do you have to leave so quickly, my power has been stored, we can leave at any time."

Karasuki heard Hatake Satoru's sigh and asked in confusion.

"After all, no matter how good this world is, it's not my world."

(End of Chapter)


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