
Naruto : Gojo Satoru Reborn As Kakashi's Brother

Synopsis: As the eldest son of the Hatake family, Kakashi's brother, Hatake Satoru, has a more terrifying ninja talent than Kakashi. Not only that, he also has an innate golden finger, all the inheritances of Gojo Satoru in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. As a person above the ceiling in the world of Jujutsu, he is naturally above the ceiling in the world of Naruto. Although he doesn't have Kekkei Genkai like Sharingan and Byakugan, he has the most unique Six Eyes· a.k.a Rikugan. "My adorable little brother, your brother is the strongest." Satoru touched Kakashi's head and said this, the slightly raised corner of his mouth and the strong confidence in his words made Kakashi feel extremely at ease in any desperate situation. ======= You can read 30 advanced chapters at my patreon*com/YeyeQiu

Yeye_Qiu · Anime & Comics
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284 Chs

Chapter 13: Sakumo vs Satoru

Just now, Satoru directly kicked the other party's head, and that punch also hit the other party's spine, both of which are very vulnerable parts of the human body.

During Satoru's first attack, the other party's consciousness was already very blurred, and the second attack made him even more injured. If Sakumo hadn't suddenly appeared, Satoru would definitely let him know how to behave.

But Satoru also has to admit that if he really is the other party's enemy, then he did absolutely nothing wrong. As long as he can eliminate the enemy, what's wrong with being a little harder on himself? But the key is, that unknown Uchiha is not Satoru's enemy, he lives in the same village as him.

At this time, the other party was already lying on the ground, his consciousness blurred. Everyone was shocked by Satoru's last two attacks. They didn't expect that the Uchiha clan member would not even have a chance to resist. He was completely hung up and beaten by Satoru. This also shows that Satoru was not serious in his fight with the other party.

"Satoru, you are not allowed to be so harsh with the people in the village in the future."

Sakumo walked to Satoru's side from the crowd and said.

"Yes, father."

Satoru answered with his head down.

Although Sakumo's expression was quite serious at this time, it seemed like he was angry, but Satoru knew that this was just a show for outsiders.


At this time, Asakawa Kosuke quickly came to Hatake Sakumo's side and said respectfully.

"Don't blame Satoru, if it wasn't for the other party's despicable means, Satoru wouldn't have been so ruthless."

Asakawa Kosuke explained to Sakumo.

"No, we can't blame the other party. After all, there is no mercy on the battlefield. I should thank him for giving Satoru a good lesson."

And in the Hokage's office, the Third Hokage, who saw this assessment through the Telescope Technique, showed a serious expression on his face. He originally thought that Kakashi was already a genius, but he didn't expect that Satoru was even stronger than Kakashi. He had a premonition that if Satoru was given enough time to grow, he would definitely surpass Hatake Sakumo in the future.

"Sakumo really has two good sons."

The Uchiha clan member who was knocked out by Satoru had already been taken away by his clan members. But before they left, they glared at Satoru and even left a harsh word, which was said in front of Sakumo.

"Just wait, our Uchiha clan will never let you go."

"It seems that there is a reason why this clan was exterminated."

Satoru shook his head helplessly, thinking to himself, the Uchiha clan, regardless of men, women, old or young, always have a superior attitude in front of outsiders. Such a group, it's strange that the Konohagakure village can tolerate it.

The current Uchiha clan can be said to have more or less grudges with various families.

"Congratulations to both of you for graduating successfully."

Asakawa Kosuke placed the Genin forehead protectors on Satoru and Kakashi's foreheads one by one.

"I hope that you will also make great contributions to the village like Sakumo in the future."

Asakawa Kosuke's words were full of his expectations for these two students.

"You should thank the teacher for his half-year guidance."

At this time, Hatake Sakumo appeared behind the two of them and patted their backs seriously.

"No need, no need, I didn't teach you anything, it's all due to their own efforts."

To be honest, Asakawa Kosuke's heart was also very helpless. Normally, if there were such two outstanding people in his class, he should be very happy, but the reality is not the case.

He had no sense of accomplishment at all. These two could easily graduate without being taught. This is talent.

"Kakashi, wait for me, I will become a Genin as soon as possible."

Before the few people left, Obito suddenly stopped Kakashi and shouted.

"Oh, then you work hard."

Kakashi replied coldly.

"Satoru, I will catch up with you as soon as possible."

Guy also stood behind Satoru and said.

"Um, I believe you can do it."

Satoru answered with a smile. Seeing Satoru's smile, Guy felt that his future was really bright.

The other students also seemed to be stimulated by these two brothers, and in the future, they all put in more than usual, and more hard work.

After returning home, the three men of the Hatake family sat together.

"Tomorrow I will ask Hokage-sama to arrange two reliable Jonin to take you with them. I originally wanted you two to be in a team, but I thought about it carefully, it's better to separate you."

"I think so too."

Kakashi nodded. If possible, he really didn't want to be in a team with Satoru. He could already imagine what kind of hard life the teammates would have with Satoru.

Even if there are tasks, Satoru is sure to win if he can lie down, and in Satoru's mind, sweets are much more important than tasks.

"It's really too much, my lovely little brother doesn't want to be with me, it really hurts my brother's heart."

Satoru said in a desolate tone, as if he was about to cry the next second.

And Kakashi just looked at Satoru's antics coldly, indifferent.

"Satoru, come out with me, I want to see how strong your real strength is."

Suddenly, Hatake Sakumo spoke.

Hearing this, Kakashi's expression became serious. He must not miss the battle between his father and brother.

"I'm definitely not a match for my father now."

Although he now has the inheritance of the Gojo Satoru, he has only learned part of the abilities. In front of this kage-level figure, Satoru definitely has no chance of winning.

"I know."

Hatake Sakumo also unceremoniously nodded.

"Well then, I hope Father will show mercy later."

Seeing Sakumo's expression, Satoru knew that he couldn't avoid this battle.

The three of them came to the Hatake family's practice field.

"Here you can rest assured to use all your abilities, your trump card, this place has been set up by me with a barrier, outsiders cannot observe the situation inside."


Satoru took off his glasses, revealing his eyes that were glowing, and also tied the troublesome forehead protector on his arm.

"Every time I look at these eyes, I can't help but get lost in them."

Kakashi thought to himself on the side.

"Make your move, Satoru, by the time I make my move, you might not have a chance."

Of course, this is not Hatake Sakumo's arrogant words, although he also knows that Satoru has a trump card, but he does not think that Satoru can withstand him.

"Then I'll be rude, father."

With that, Satoru's figure disappeared directly, and when he appeared again, he was already in mid-air in front of Hatake, and kicked directly.

"So fast."

Kakashi, who was watching the battle on the side, widened his eyes directly. Satoru's speed completely caught him off guard, just like Satoru's last-minute shot at that Uchiha clan member.

During the battle with Hatake Sakumo, Satoru used his full strength from the beginning.

(End of Chapter)

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