
Naruto : Gojo Satoru Reborn As Kakashi's Brother

Synopsis: As the eldest son of the Hatake family, Kakashi's brother, Hatake Satoru, has a more terrifying ninja talent than Kakashi. Not only that, he also has an innate golden finger, all the inheritances of Gojo Satoru in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. As a person above the ceiling in the world of Jujutsu, he is naturally above the ceiling in the world of Naruto. Although he doesn't have Kekkei Genkai like Sharingan and Byakugan, he has the most unique Six Eyes· a.k.a Rikugan. "My adorable little brother, your brother is the strongest." Satoru touched Kakashi's head and said this, the slightly raised corner of his mouth and the strong confidence in his words made Kakashi feel extremely at ease in any desperate situation. ======= You can read 30 advanced chapters at my patreon*com/YeyeQiu

Yeye_Qiu · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 128: Angry Crowd.

When Hatake Satoru left, Tenma, Shinko, and Itachi at home all received the assembly message.

"Brother, where are we going to play today?"

In Uchiha Fugaku's house, Sasuke's eyes were full of hope as he spoke to Itachi.

"Sorry, Sasuke, next time."

Itachi's two fingers gently tapped Sasuke's forehead.

"It hurts, brother."

Sasuke covered his forehead with both hands, looking a little unhappy.

"Is it next time again, then what is brother going to do now?"

"Brother is going to carry out a mission, you stay at home with mom, okay?"

Hearing Itachi say that he was going to carry out a mission, the figure of Hatake Satoru immediately appeared in Sasuke's mind. That person left a very deep bad impression in his mind.

Thinking of that white-haired man with an eye patch, Sasuke's teeth itched with anger.

"Is it with that big bad guy again?"

Sasuke gritted his teeth and said, he couldn't understand, he went home to complain to his father that day, but he didn't expect that he was actually scolded by his father.

"Don't talk about him like that, Sasuke, he is my teacher."

"I understand."

Seeing Itachi's expression suddenly become serious, Sasuke pouted, but obviously, his words were insincere.

"Next time, I will definitely accompany Sasuke next time."

"Brother, you promised, don't go back on your word."


Itachi nodded.

"I wish time could pass faster, so I could become a ninja and go on missions with my brother."

As Itachi was packing up, Sasuke spoke next to him.

"By then, brother, you must take me on the mission."

"Okay, when Sasuke becomes a ninja, I will definitely accompany you on the mission.

I'll go first, Sasuke, when mom and dad come back, tell them."

"I know, be careful all the way, and come back safely, brother."


Then, Itachi directly used the Body Flicker Jutsu and disappeared in front of Sasuke.

"I wish I could become so strong someday, then I will definitely take revenge on that jerk."

Satoru's figure appeared again in Sasuke's mind, presumably Satoru has become Sasuke's lifelong shadow.

"I didn't expect you to be the last one to arrive this time, Itachi."

When Itachi arrived at the village gate, Tenma spoke directly.

Hearing Tenma's words, Itachi was surprised, then turned his head and saw Hatake Satoru.

"I didn't expect Satoru-sensei to arrive so quickly."

"Haha, after all, I'm not always the last one to arrive."

Hatake Satoru smiled slightly and spoke.

"Satoru-sensei, I hope the next time you see Sasuke, don't take him seriously, he's still a child."

After thinking about it, Itachi still said this sentence. He knows that Hatake Satoru is not a petty person, but he knows that Sasuke still bears a grudge against him in his heart.

So the next time the two meet again, it is very likely that Sasuke will provoke Hatake Satoru first.

"Don't worry, don't worry, how could I take a child seriously."

Hatake Satoru dangled his hand twice.

If Kakashi were here, he would definitely complain, 'You are just such a person.'

"Thank you, teacher."

"Okay, now let me briefly introduce the task content. The level of this task is an A-level task.

We need to deal with a cult called 'Fire Sect'."


The tone of Tenma and Shinko was all surprised.

And Itachi showed a thoughtful look when he heard the word cult.

"Satoru-sensei, aren't religions generally composed of ordinary people? Is this an A-level mission?"

Tenma's tone was full of confusion, and Shinko also looked at Satoru with a puzzled expression.

"You guys obviously don't study well usually. If it's a normal religion, it might be ordinary people, and even a few individual medical ninjas might appear."

After all, religion needs ordinary people to make money. If there is a medical ninja, it will greatly increase their income speed.

"But if it's a cult, it will be two completely different natures. According to the information we have now, this 'Fire Sect' has already caused many villagers in the village to disappear, and these villagers are likely to have encountered accidents."


Tenma and Shinko both widened their eyes, the words that Hatake Satoru just said could completely be said to have refreshed their worldview.

You should know, a village's villagers should have at least seventy or eighty people, and several villages' villagers have already been victimized, which means that at least hundreds of lives have been lost at the hands of this cult.

"How could there be such a terrible person."

A look of anger immediately appeared on Tenma's face, even Itachi, who usually has a good mentality, couldn't suppress the urge to kill in his heart at this moment.

Even a ninja might not have hundreds of lives on his hands.

"Satoru-sensei, let's set off now, we absolutely can't let those bastards continue to act recklessly, they dare to commit murder within our Land of Fire, we must not let them go."

Tenma looked up at Hatake Satoru and said, his eyes full of determination.

"Yeah, teacher, don't waste any more time."

Shinko also spoke up.

Although Itachi didn't speak, the expression on his face already explained that his thoughts at this moment were the same as Tenma and Shinko's.

"Okay, let's set off now, with our speed, we should be able to reach the place where the 'Fire Sect' last appeared in about two days."

After determining which direction the other party was in, Tenma directly took the lead and rushed out.

Itachi followed closely behind, Shinko was behind Itachi, and Satoru was last.

"You are all are excellent ninjas."

Behind everyone, looking at the backs of several people moving forward, Satoru thought to himself with satisfaction.

Although he had only taught a few people for more than a year, he had also watched them step by step from a naive graduate who had just graduated from ninja school to become a ninja who could stand alone.

Although Tenma and Shinko's strength is not enough now, they also have the standard of Chunin, and in a few years, when they have the strength of Jonin, they will also have the qualifications to become a team teacher.

Not every Jonin can become a team teacher, there are many Jonin in Konohagakure village, but there are only a dozen who become team teachers, because becoming a teacher requires not only strength, but more importantly, responsibility.

"When you grow to a certain extent in the future, you will definitely thank me."

Although sometimes Satoru seems a bit unreliable, he is also changing them in his own way, letting them make good things a habit by joking.

(End of the chapter)



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