
Naruto: Gojo Satoru Is The Strongest

Translate During the battle against Sukuna, Gojo Satoru was cut in half. “If I have to do it again, I will never lose.” After Gojo Satoru died, he was reborn in the world of Naruto. Initially, he became a disciple of Jiraiya. In this life, he will write the strongest myth. Uchiha Madara: “Gojo Satoru, I, Madara, want to call you the strongest!” Might Guy: “Gojo Satoru is the end of my blazing youth!” Nagato: “Brother Gojo, he is a god.” Otsutsuki Kaguya: “Is that human truly an inferior creature?” Gojo Satoru: “It doesn’t matter, because you are too weak.” Access more chapters: bit.ly/Candra24 Donate: paypal.me/andicand

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Discovery of Rikugan

"Is there someone on the moon?"

After hearing this, both present individuals fell silent.

Then, Jiraiya's laughter broke the brief silence. He turned and gently touched Satoru's forehead, saying, "You're not feverish, kid."

However, Minato was lost in his thoughts on the edge of the field.

He furrowed his brows and seemed to be pondering: "If there are people on the moon, how could they survive?"

Apparently, he was seriously considering Satoru's question.

"We can't even fly out of the earth, so how could we find humans on the moon?"

Minato nodded slightly, and he proposed a bold idea: "Unless there's a space transfer point connecting the earth and the moon, or my Hiraishin mark is left there, then maybe I could go to the moon to find out."

At this point, he touched his head, with a look of uncertainty on his face, "But at such a distance, I'm not sure if Hiraishin no Jutsu would work to activate it."

"Outer space teleportation point?" Satoru suddenly looked stunned upon hearing what Minato said.

What if there was a teleportation point on Earth?

Satoru gazed at the moon, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes behind his eyelids.

"I'm just kidding." He suddenly burst into laughter, breaking the previous contemplative atmosphere.

"How could there be people on the moon?"

At this moment, Jiraiya interjected: "But according to some rumors, the moon was created by the Rikudo Sennin. I don't know if this is true or not."

"Rikudo Sennin?" Satoru was puzzled.

Because he lived in Amegakure, the lack of information and isolation meant he had never heard of such a statement.

"Who is that?" He asked curiously.

Seeing Satoru's confused expression, Jiraiya was proud that there was finally something he didn't know.

Immediately, he cleared his throat and began to speak: "The Rikudo Sennin is the originator of the entire ninja world. And Satoru, you must be very familiar with the eyes of the Rikudo Sennin."

"Eyes of the Rikudo Sennin?" Satoru repeated, his heart touched.

"That's right!" Jiraiya snapped his fingers and continued, "The Rinnegan is known as the Ultimate Eye Technique. It belongs to the eyes of the Rikudo Sennin!"

Hearing this, Satoru suddenly realized, "Rinnegan!"

Nagato's Rinnegan turned out to be the ancestor eyes of the ninja world!

At this moment, Satoru suddenly raised his head and stared straight at the moon.

He removed his eyelids without hesitation, revealing a pair of deep blue eyes that seemed capable of seeing all secrets.

These eyes seemed to be directed towards the edge of the sky.

Satoru stared sharply at the abnormal chakra fluctuations that appeared on the moon, and a little enlightenment slowly emerged in his heart.

"Rikudo Sennin..."


He kept whispering, Jiraiya's words echoing in his mind as he began to gather information.


Satoru gazed at the bright full moon, and his heart suddenly became enlightened.

It was only at this moment that he connected these fragmented pieces of information and discovered the surprising fact: the abnormal chakra fluctuations on the moon were actually caused by the Rinnegan!

"What's wrong, Satoru?" Jiraiya noticed something strange about him and asked with concern.

Minato also noticed this, he sat silently beside, his eyes fixed on Satoru's face.

Satoru gently rubbed his eyebrows, sitting back in his chair, his expression becoming serious as he looked directly at Jiraiya, and said in a deep voice: "Jiraiya-sensei, it seems I have found the answer."

"What do you want to understand?" Jiraiya's tone was full of doubt.

Satoru stared sharply at Jiraiya, the man who had taught him and led his growth since childhood.

He decided to confess something to his teacher.

"Jiraiya-sensei, do you remember I asked you before?"

"A question?" Jiraiya furrowed his brows tighter as he tried to recall.

Satoru nodded and continued: "I once asked you, what's the difference between my eyes?"

Hearing this, Jiraiya and Minato exchanged glances, both looking at Satoru's eyes.

They both sat in front of him and listened attentively.

"Yes." Jiraiya nodded, his eyes drawn to the color of Satoru's eyes, which was dark blue.

"I'll tell you now." Satoru's voice was firm, "My eyes are called Rikugan."

"Its ability allows me to see chakra pathways from 360 degrees without blind spots, so I can control chakra with unparalleled precision. No matter how far the distance is, it can't escape my sight."

Satoru showed confidence in his eyes.

"Rikugan?" Jiraiya and Minato exchanged glances.

They only knew of three main eye techniques, and had never heard of eyes like these, let alone their existence.

"What kind of bloodline is this? Why haven't we heard of it before?" Jiraiya asked.

"Minato, do you think Rikugan is similar to Byakugan and Sharingan?"

When Minato heard this, he raised his chin and thought.

"It is indeed very similar to a combination of Byakugan and Sharingan." He raised his head, "Even above them."

Satoru smiled faintly and shook his head, "You've never heard of it because these are my eyes."

"You can understand it as a special Bloodline." He added, trying to explain this phenomenon to both of them.

Jiraiya looked at him and frowned slightly, "Are you just telling us this?"

He seemed not entirely satisfied with this topic.

"Of course not." Satoru shook his head, and his eyes turned to the bright moon in the sky again, "The reason I told you about my eyes is because I found a secret on the moon."

"Moon's secret?" Jiraiya and Minato asked simultaneously, their curiosity truly sparked.

Satoru nodded. His eyes became distant, looking at the moon, "Yes, there might be something extraordinary sealed on the moon."

"My Rikugan always reminds me of how powerful this object is."

"The moon is not just a moon."

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