
Naruto goes to Howarts

Welcome to my epic project. I hope this story brings some original ideas to the tired plot of 'Naruto goes to Hogwarts'. If not, I hope you at least enjoy it on some other level. About the story: there are no romantic pairings, and it focuses on Naruto and Sasuke as they protect Hogwarts and explore the strange and wonderful world of magic. The story consists of loosely connected scenes with some hints scattered here and there that all come together in the final chapters. It's already finished, so I hope you enjoy it.

Shihao777 · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Cap 10…

The only large unknown factor was the Forbidden Forest. Sasuke figured it couldn't be worse than the Forest of Death back in Konoha, but he already planned some expeditions into the forest in his mind. Such a large unknown factor was not a welcome risk, and they needed as much intel as possible if they were to defend this castle in a proper manner.

Once back in their rooms Naruto stretched and Sasuke suppressed a flinch at the way his teammate's back cracked.

"There sure are some weird people around here, including those ghosts," said Naruto and cracked his neck for good measure. Sasuke shrugged.

"I've seen weirder."

"Sure you have," replied Naruto and fell down on the bed, signaling that this conversation was over. Without even bothering to undress, Naruto crept under the covers and seemed to fall asleep right there and then. Sasuke sometimes envied him for that.

Before he could sleep, he needed to take a shower, and even then he sometimes lay awake for hours, just thinking. But not tonight. He'd sleep soundly tonight, because there was too much to think about so he couldn't focus on one thing. A blessing in disguise, the tour turned out to be.

It became immediately apparent when the students arrived. They were loud, and their voices mixed into a general murmur. They were also sopping wet, tracking water everywhere. Naruto and Sasuke took their places on either side of the room and regarded the students from behind their masks.

Sasuke saw civilian kids. He was so used to throngs of shinobi that he felt decidedly out of place. The kids here weren't constantly on high alert, and he'd eat his mask if even one of them had endured hardship.

He mentally scolded himself for his lapse in attention and kept on surveying the kids. A lot of them talked amongst themselves and threw him and Naruto curious looks. Sasuke kept still as a statue.

After the students took their seats at the elongated tables the Sorting Ceremony began, or so Ms. McGonagall said. Apparently it had something to do with an oversized hat and way too nervous eleven-year old, and the various Houses in which they got placed.

He kept an eye out for the special charge, and finally found him sitting at the table of kids wearing red-hemmed robes. He applauded when a new kid got sorted into his House but kept up a conversation with a red-headed boy sitting next to him. A girl also joined in the conversation, but they became silent when Dumbledore got up and began his speech.

The Triwizard Tournament came of no surprise to the shinobi, but the students were shocked. After Dumbledore said what he had to say, he left the students to speculate and talk amongst themselves.

After the speech the food appeared and Sasuke felt thankful he had already eaten, because the scents overwhelmed him. He had to learn where that amazing food came from. He managed to cook an edible meal, but he was more occupied with cleaning his weapons than preparing an amazing meal.

It took a while before the kids were done with the (delicious) desserts, and all the while Sasuke kept his post. He had been trained for this sort of thing, but even from this distance he saw Naruto fidgeted. The idiot never had much patience, except for his pursuit after Sakura. Sasuke briefly wondered if his teammate had even noticed that the Hyuuga girl pined after him, but scolded himself for letting his attention wander, again.

The desserts vanished as quickly as they had arrived and Dumbledore got up. He made a few announcements about the forest outside (they weren't supposed to enter it? Oops...) along with some other rules, and finally acknowledged the shinobi.

"Last year we had the Dementors accompany us as guards, but this year I've had the liberty to choose guards of my own. With the Triwizard Tournament coming to school this year, they are here to guarantee the safety of every living soul on the school grounds. I introduce you to mr. Crow," Sasuke gave a quick bow to the amusement of some of the nearby kids, "and mr. Fox."

Naruto copied Sasuke but wasn't laughed at on his side of the Great Hall. Sasuke did hear some kids exclaim: "what kind of name is mr. Crow? And mr. Fox? Gimme a break."

"They are from one of the hidden countries and will remain with us this entire school year. They'll patrol the school at day and at night, so please, don't make them kill you."

The students laughed at his last remark, but Sasuke wasn't so sure the old man had meant it in jest. He at least knew what they were capable of, but the students had yet to see.

"With all that said and done, I wish you a good night, and a good year."

The students applauded politely and then, table by table, stumbled off into the school. Sasuke saw that Naruto discreetly created two more clones and transformed them into school children.

With some quick hand gestures the shinobi divided the houses between them and Sasuke followed the kids with the green-hemmed robes to their common room from a distance. Some kids noticed him, but only one halted and waited for Sasuke to catch up.

Not in the mood for any cheek from this kid (he had laughed at Sasuke's formal bow), Sasuke waved at him to keep on walking.

"The hidden countries, hm?" the blonde kid asked rhetorically, and looked Sasuke up and down. Impatiently Sasuke gestured for the kid to keep on moving.

"My father didn't know you were coming. Dumbledore must've been planning this behind the school council's back, which my father is chairman of. But no matter. If you need any help, I can show you the ropes, introduce you to some people. Let me know."

The kid threw him a smile which reminded Sasuke of Kabuto. But Sasuke kept carefully neutral. He inclined his head at the boy and finally he walked off.

The common room of the green-hemmed kids was in the dungeons. Sasuke kept standing guard there for fifteen minutes before leaving and meeting up with Naruto. They worked out a patrol schedule some time ago, and now was the first night they had to implement it.

The first night of many, many to come.

[1] Shadow Clones, for you dub-people.






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