
Naruto: God Of The Moon

I can't access my other account that had Naruto: Crescent Moon and Fairy Tail: Goddess Of Darkness so yeah... This novel is currently on break so don't expect any updates since I'm starting school in like a week. :(

Whatupmyfellowkids · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 12: Nature Chakra

Chapter 12: Nature Chakra

(General POV)

A shadow clone of Aikaga sits with his back to a tree in the middle of the Forest of Death. The shadow clone takes in a deep breath as he focuses all of his attention on the life around him. Insects live and die under moldy rocks and wilting tree trunks, plants consume nutrients from the dead corpses littering the forest floor. Animals kill and eat each other in order to survive and the constant death and birth of life continues as an eternal circle that will never stop. The shadow clone observes this forest for multiple weeks without moving as he feels the constant change between life and death. He feels chakra return to nature from the death of an animal and chakra be created through the birth of another. The shadow clone begins to feel strange, despite his eyes being closed he 'sees' the life around him. Birds fly over the forest and he 'sees' them move through the air, a bear chases after a deer and he 'sees' them move despite not using his chakra sensory ability.

The figures of these animals begin to feel more and more clear as they continue to move, slowly they seem to slow down as he feels the area around him turn into this heavy and thick liquid. The shadow clone tries to move his arm but it feels heavy as if he was trying to swim in slime. Slowly he begins to feel an unknown chakra enter his body overwhelming his own by a long shot and he feels his body change. Slowly his skin turn hard and grey, his bones brittle and weak, and his thoughts slow and muddled.

Despite his confusion the shadow clone recognizes what's happening and he poofs out of existence before he can fully turn to stone.


The shadow clone I left in the Forest of Death disperses and his memories return to me as a malicious cackle escapes my mouth.


Setting the pale white arm I was holding back onto the table I summon two shadow clones.

"I need the two of you to make a modified version of the chakra storage seal that can store nature chakra. This is extremely important for the war so make sure to take as much resources as you need from the storage to complete the new seal."

The shadow clones bow there heads before disappearing and I activate the chakra storage seal on my back. Two wing shaped marks on my back glow and a massive amount of chakra enters my body and I continue to make even more shadow clones. After making almost 30 shadow clones and exhausting the majority of my chakra I give them all separate commands.

"I need a dozen of you to continue sensing nature chakra in different areas. Try to become as in tune with nature as possible through any means necessary."

Pointing to another group of clones I say, "Help the first two shadow clones make the nature chakra storage seal and once you complete it I want you to make a variation of it that sucks in the nature chakra in a particular area. I plan to set up an area with large amounts of nature chakra similar to that of the three sage areas. In order to do that I will steal nature chakra from places around the world and put it all in one place where I will raise animal summons to sell."

"The rest of you will continue researching and creating jutsu based on the fire release jutsu of Konohagakure. I will continue research on my kekkei genkai, in order to infiltrate Konohagakure's government I plan to ask for control over the anbu from Hiruzen once he's emotionally vulnerable from the death of his son in the 3rd Great Shinobi War. Disperse."

The shadow clones storm out of the room to go do their tasks and I go back to playing with the white arm.

'Even though that was the first time I've ever had nature chakra mix with my own it provided extra sensory abilities. My own chakra compared to nature chakra is very lacking so I definitely can't become a sage yet but that isn't the reason I want to be able to sense or store nature chakra. If I can force nature chakra to enter someone through placing a seal on them it's a one hit kill move. If I ever encounter a Kage level shinobi and I'm forced to fight this will be my last resort move to kill someone. It's also a way for me to make money through selling animal summons quickly by raising them in a high density nature chakra area which will make them grow up quickly.'

(General POV)

In the Hokage's office Shikaku and Hiruzen are discussing the patrol groups that will patrol the lands around the other 4 great nations during the 3rd Great Shinobi War.

"We cannot afford to spare any Jonin to patrol since the 3rd Raikage A and the 3rd Tsuchikage Onoki are most likely to attack first and both of them will need to be countered by someone who can take them. Onoki's kekkei tota is extremely powerful and able to wipe out massive armies in a single attack so we need to send someone who can evade his jutsu. The 3rd Raikage is a physical monster with incredible attack power and durability who can fight for weeks on end. Orochimaru will be sent to the border camp at the land of earth. Jiraiya will be sent to the border camp at the land of lightning."

"Do you really think that Orochimaru and Jiraiya can handle their opponents lord Hiruzen?"

Hiruzen grimaces as he stares intensely at the map on the table.

"No, no I don't think Orochimaru nor Jiraiya can take either of the two Kage. But I really don't have any choice in the matter, I would go myself but Chiyo may be able to convince the Kazekage to attack us so I must stay in the village."