
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 48

Days later - Heaven - Eden.

In the literal paradise of Heaven, Naruto can be seen sitting under one of the East Trees in the soft green grass with his face uncovered from his usual toga that covers him. The Leader of Heaven has his attentive gaze on two small silver-haired babies. who lean on their legs cutely while they look at their surroundings with their big, bright eyes, these two not being Others than... " Amy and Silly Lucifuge ", The daughters of both Naruto and Grayfia, two beautiful mixed-race babies, the first in her species in possessing a pure Angelic father and a pure demonic blood mother and speaking of the mother, the devil is currently in the Pendragon Mansion which is in the center of Eden, a little far from her current location, since the devil She did not want to join them, but she did not "deny" Naruto to have his daughters with him and share. She stayed in her room, from which she did not want to leave, but Naruto provided her with everything she needed and desired. you feel good.



Naruto calmly looked at his daughters who greet him a few meters from him with big happy smiles, as they are enjoying the lake and the warm water provided by one of the many lakes in Eden , while his other companions are sunbathing. calmly lying on those strange chairs, they all wear those so-called human swimsuits Including Eve who wears a beautiful white bikini, She is playing happily with her daughters and her Another daughter Eve , The Eve who had stayed next to Adam and They recovered ago some days from humans who had kept it hidden in a " Secret Place " for centuries as something historical and only for the view of select people, since Adam and Eve were somehow Immortals without Soul, being that the Vatican had among its documents classified the address and other information on how they got hold of the first humans or actually their empty bodies in which they were locked up by the Punishment of God/Elohim , Naruto's father, since his apparent disappearance or death must have affected them. to " The first humans " in some way to be able to keep their Soul in their Immortal bodies, their bodies did possess their souls but at the same time they did not, since it was locked in the depths of Them with no possibility of them ever being able to wake up. by his own hand or the Intervention of God, although of course that would have been the case if it had not been for Naruto who recovered them and fixed their problem, Adam decided to rest in peace when he recovered, he had already seen a lot of the world in his centuries of life and he was truly disappointed in this and the direction it took so Naruto disintegrated his body at the request of Himself and sent him to Eternal rest in contrast to "Eve" who decided to stay with Them and get to know Naruto better for being her father, in addition to the fact that she He had never had a father figure before and he wanted to have one.

Naruto had accepted her request for the happiness of his daughter and Original Eva herself, who also considers her her own daughter for both of them.

Naruto raised his hand and calmly greeted his returned daughters, noticing the happy Kunou. The little Kitsune has integrated very well into the group and seems to like both Belial and Hanna who keep her close in contrast to Satan who wants a man brother to play with Him, Specifically he wants Pheonix but he already told him again that it cannot be, since he would not be the same as before but someone totally new if He and Lilith will create him following the previous steps.

Satan understood his point but still ended up asking him for a new man brother to play with, but that didn't mean that he didn't have company of his age and gender to play with.

The "human" children that he collected from the world and whole without memory of their families or race to Heaven are those that Satan has approached in The new Kingdom that he created for beings that are not pure Angels like the true ones and They have recovered from other races, Satan approached Them and has gone out to play with Them normally but he has not brought them to Eden which is not Important but at least he has someone to play with as he wishes and of his Age until Naruto fulfills his wish but with whom. .. yes, Satan wants a brother similar to Pheonix... Seilah has Black Hair... hmn... but...


Naruto came out of his little contemplation and raised an eyebrow looking at the beautiful Dragon Irene coming in his direction who is wearing a beautiful black strappy swimsuit that barely hides part of her sexy figure, she has her beautiful long crimson hair loose falling down. her back, large and firm breasts like Aphrodite's that the straps of her swimsuit can barely support, flat and firm stomach, long and beautiful legs but Naruto also noticed the scar on her abdomen near her lower area that Artoria gave her. What caused them, according to both of them from different points of view, was when he became curious to know who hurt Irene.

Irene considers Artoria her rival, but Artoria has no Interest or had in being one, "Stranger".

Irene stopped a few steps away from Naruto and smiled, raising an eyebrow suggestively as she caught the gaze of literally God on her, admiring her figure, the very pinnacle of pure power and supremacy as well as someone who is more beautiful than her and doesn't. He denies, not even Aphrodite, who is beautiful without a doubt, competes against Naruto.

Naruto: Irene... - he greeted the Dragon with a soft smile while his daughters still look at the redhead with curiosity even though they didn't understand anything.

Irene blushed a little when she saw his smile and cute face, seriously... He is too beautiful even if he doesn't release any of his dominance to subdue the females... his beauty alone is enough to make me want to lock him in a room and get your way with Him, any female simply couldn't resist and hell even Ella has sometimes thought about it...she just hopes her mating season doesn't hit her with Him around or she won't know what will happen, will she overwhelm him? or will she be the submissive? , she does not deny it, she feels Interest in Him and the supremacy shown to him, she simply has what any dragon would like to see in his male and there is the extra point that he is Cute.

Naruto: Irene ?... - I called softly but curiously when she didn't respond.

Irene seemed to snap out of her daze and smiled.

Irene: I'm sorry, I got lost there... but tell me... won't you take a dip? The water is at its most pleasant point... - She told him with a smile and internally interested in seeing it, she has never done it. seen without her toga or showing her body, Jeanne, Lilith, Eva and the others have done it according to what they told her, which she doesn't find fair. She also wants to see what kind of body she has under that baggy toga, God.

Naruto: hmn... the girls...

Irene: Oh, don't worry,... I'll interrupt you ..., I'll take care of them... - She answered him quickly before he wanted to give her an excuse and refuse, She wants to see her body.

Naruto nodded slowly and turned to look at his little girls who were not paying attention to him now, but rather to the apparent fun the Girls were having there.

Naruto: well... - he said, releasing a slight sigh, getting up from the soft grass with his babies floating, and they let out cute little giggles for the same reason.

Irene smiled in response but also contemplated that.

Irene [ has Interesting powers ]... - thought the Dragon when the girls approached Her but they still float for their own amusement and giggles.

A flash of light surrounded Naruto as his robe disappeared, revealing his naked body that made Irene gasp and caught the attention of the others who turned to see each other.

Naruto began to walk past the Dragon in the direction of the lake but an Intense golden color collided with a beautiful brown one when Naruto looked askance at Irene as she saw him and shook a little before Naruto continued forward and raised a hand. eyebrow when he saw the others see him.

Lilith smiled, licking her lips from her chair where she was sunbathing and although Naruto shows off his sexy body, he wears a pair of long Dark Blue pants but that is not of Interest, if not his body that seems to be the very peak. of perfection and a beacon for the Eyes.

Jeanne blushed looking at the perfect body of her lord and Beloved since She had been in his hands before and with her own naked body pressed against such beauty when He and Her...

The Ex-maiden put her hands to her face, covering it in shame as she remembered how she moaned The name of her lord when He took her and...


Mordred whispered from the lake a little blushing and looked at her father's perfect body coming in her direction, creamy white skin without any imperfections, defined muscles, so powerful, nothing exaggerated, if not... just perfect, he has the pictures on. his Abdomen perfectly sincere and nothing beautiful and...

Mordred's averted gaze is too much for her, especially when she had never before been interested in the other sex.

"Honey Joins... Yeiiihh...

Eva shouted cheerfully in contrast to the others who were ogling Naruto, She knows that her Beloved is beautiful and that's all, Eve was just as happy that her father joined them to play.

Naruto smiled and began to enter the Warm Water, while Lilith shook her head and lay back down in her chair calmly, just like Mnemosyne, who just glanced at her Beloved and looked back at the book she was reading. She can have Naruto. whenever you want and after...

Mnemosyne rubbed her grown belly, perhaps her soon-to-be-born baby would want a brother of the same age or close to him.

"He is perfect...

Aphrodite gave her opinion from her chair where she is and the others nodded in response. Including Seilah, her father's father, He is perfection itself and does not deny that he feels Interest, it would be Impossible not to do it with Him.

Kuroka looked hungrily at Naruto, that's what Ella is going to have soon Nya.


Kunou jumped into the arms of her father who had joined in the fun.

Naruto grabbed her as the Kitsune fell into his arms and Eva splashed water on them with a smile.



Naruto responded by splashing water on The Same as he watched Satan float calmly somewhat away and sent him a small Wave that sank him.


Satan grunted as he came out of the water, he was floating after so much trial and error and they made him lose concentration and then he smiled and joined the group splashing water.

Kunou jumped to help her beloved Oto-sama against Satan like Shirone but in that moment Belial tackled Naruto from the back with a big smile and Hanna from the front and they sank into the water... Eve jumped to the aid of the girls against Satan that I don't wait for her and it was also for The bottom..

Being that while they were enjoying and having fun, important events were happening in the human and supernatural world alike.

A few days have passed since God made himself known in the world and said how disappointed he is in it for sinful humans and that he took away children throughout the world from all families, since they They are Innocent or That's what some thought to cope with their loss.

The fact was that the Appearance of God something " unknown " literally was a big shock and Fear for the humans who never expected it, which caused mass panic and Some Chaos but before it could grow and take the humans to attack each other or something like that to have the culprits,... The Angels came down from the gray Sky that has not changed since the departure of God... true Angels came down but they did not come in peace or try to take them to the side of Light or Illumination, no, They lived and They attacked the human masses that were grouped in protests, an easy target... they threw them the closest things to Spears of Light that generated large explosions, taking more than 500 people while the Others ran in panic... their Instinct simply did not Accept Dying in Them... they were afraid of Dying... that's why they ran as far as they could... until "Escape".

But that was not the only point of attack... Attacks began to happen around the world and in some of these attacks the so-called Angels told them... "Fight sinner", "Prove your worth as God's creation and do not cast blame your lack of power... You have created weapons capable enough to End Yourselves... you will be able to defeat us", was what Some surviving humans related between groups, as their Attention slowly changed from looking for blame to having him afraid of those monsters... Some tried to fight.

Popes, High officials of the Churches They tried to get up with Bibles in Hand to at least find redemption before their father fighting for their lives that He gave them, but that ended with them having spears of Light stuck in their throats in a way simply described as brutal. , which Angels are not supposed to show... they are beings of Light.

But humans were not the only ones to have some part of the Angels, but some Factions in the supernatural world shared the same problem, Angels appeared in Heaven launching their attacks on their supply points, destroying them and "Escaping" in the process, Since the Angels moved between three or four Angels, they did not seek fight or active battles but rather cause damage that in the long run affects the factions for their economy and people.

But even with everything, the different factions of the supernatural world closed their borders, they did not seek alliances with other factions or anything like that to cope with the situation, if not, ways of how to deal with their own problems themselves, thus demonstrating that no matter how ugly Whatever the situation and how growing a Threat, Pride is not lost.

Current Events - Japan - Kuoh City - Parquet.

In this specific city that has not been saved from the Attacks and others by the Angels, you can see a group of 4 Angels in one of the Parks of the City having a crowd of gathered humans who hug each other with Fear for the Angels who Captured them, They already know what happens to the people the Angels capture.

The Angels present do not show any Emotion, well three of these who are men do not, while the fourth Angel who is a Girl and who commands the Other three Angels, does do so, she actually smiles, This being a beautiful Chestnut who She wears a close-fitting black leather suit that highlights her beautiful figure with her long and beautiful brown hair arranged in two twin pigtails. A silver necklace with a cross in its center can be seen around her neck, while her beautiful eyes purple ones shine with fun and joy.


A human woman began to beg while letting out tears but before the brunette could say anything a scream was heard.


The sudden and unexpected scream seemed to draw the attention of the Angel Now known as Irina, who was seen again behind her at one of the park entrances to a Brown who looks at her with anger.

Irina smiled softly as she fully turned to see her "Friend."

The Captured humans looked curiously at the Boy who appeared, while two of them gasped in surprise.

Irina: but if it's you Issei, we haven't seen each other in a while... do you come voluntarily for your purification?... he smiled ... you being a dirty demon, I think you'll earn a pass to Heaven... now that no demon has volunteered to be "saved".. you are the first to do so... ahh ... What a most intelligent friend I have, who wants to be saved by the Lord even with his tragic story becoming a dirty and disgusting demon... - The brunette exclaimed, joining her hands as a sign of praying for her "Friend", which made Issei even more angry and made him growl at her cruel and disrespectful words towards him.

Irina: Oh, of course, you can also come... for your parents, right?... - I comment, looking askance at the " hyoudou " couple who look at him with perplexity and fear for being the Irina that they knew since small as Issei's Childhood Friend and Now She is... is... An Angel.

Issei chilled for a second when Ella mentioned his parents and he saw her see them.

Draig[ NO COMPANION !]... - The Dragon shouted at him when Issei's Wrath overcame him knowing what the Angels do to humans and he charged at an impressive speed in the direction of Irina and in just seconds he appeared in front of her. rsta with his fist raised surrounded by his red gauntlet ready to wake Irina to reality.


A small explosion echoed through El Choque.

Draig gasped in shock as did Issei.


Issei murmured without believing it and Irina stops her blow with her outstretched palm and has not moved from her place at all, "Impossible."

Irina: surprised?... - I asked him with a smile when he firmly grabbed Issei's arm and landed a devastating kick on his ribs.



The sound of bones breaking and the scream to Start stopped as another blow followed across Issei's jaw and he was sent flying, taking several Trees with him.



Irina began to walk calmly in the direction of Issei, she does not need to remind the Angels that no human can escape and Furthermore They are too afraid for the lord's salvation to do so.

Irina visualized Issei standing back up holding his side.

Irina: Sin is strong in you my Friend... how did I not see it, your disgusting Lust and so on?... - The brunette denied, disappointed with herself for not having seen that before, being heard by Issei who looked in her direction with anger and growing fury but winced in pain as he tried to get to his feet.

Issei [What the fuck Draig... hits harder than Tannin-Osan, is she Irina? The real Irina?]... - I ask his partner if she is really his friend... no It seems like it... It's strange, he can't point it out, but She doesn't look like the Irina that He knew even for a few days with that Kokabiel thing, devout and half crazy but... she didn't seem that strong.

Draig[ She... is dangerous Partner, don't let your guard down in her presence and I think you need to Use your Balance...

The duo did not finish speaking when Issei jumped to the side dodging a kick from the brunette that was going to his chest but he turned on his own axis and sent another reverse kick which Issei tried to stop with his gauntlet as he skidded backwards. for the force behind It.

Issei opened his eyes in surprise, He felt the jerk of his arm under his gauntlet and...

¡Welsh Dragon:Balance Breaker!.


Issei did not know, or rather he did not see, what happened to enter his Balance Breaker and be skidding across the ground.

Draig[ I told you not to let your guard down even by surprise Aibo, if I hadn't forced you into The "Balance Breaker", Now you would be having a great time if that Attack had connected ]... - He said seriously to its bearer when the Angel entered its range.

Irina: Balance Breaker , Eh... - the Angel commented without any fear or doubt when Issei rejoined, spreading his Wings and looked seriously at Irina under his helmet.

Irina summoned two spears of Light in each hand.

Irina: come... save your parents from Mi... - He incited him to anger but Draig was helping his partner, since if he succumbs to anger it will be worse before the Unknown that is this Angel, not even Draig is sure of Her facing her partner... her Power Level is almost High Class Angel, if she follows The Term of the Demons but at the same time she doesn't understand it, it's as if She camouflaged it and released it for seconds.

Issei:Irina what...

Issei did not finish when it was his turn to jump out of the range of the Spear of Light that was thrown at him at great speed and suddenly he found Irina already a few meters away from him.

Issei [A feint? Shit, I don't have my Sword, Draig !]... - he growled, leaving Irina's attack range by pure luck, but the Angel apparently was not Ignorant of hand-to-hand combat, since she moved quickly against Issei and without her unfolding her own Wings.


The clash of fists echoed and Issei found himself stepping back much to his surprise.


Irina quickly changed focus by grabbing Issei's arm and rolling along his entire body sending Issei crashing into the ground.

Irina created several Light Spheres in her Hand and Sent them out.


Multiple explosions resonated but Issei was not seen among them, to which Irina created Another Sphere of Power and sent it in the direction of the park where Issei's parents and the Other Sinners are.





Issei screamed when he tried to withstand the Light Attack with his Armor but it went through several cracks in his Armor, burning his demon body, which is now very sensitive to Light.

Irina smiled as she stood behind Issei, bringing her arms together and lowering them, hitting the back of his neck.


Issei was sent crashing into the ground with force shaking the entire place and creating a screen of smoke.

Irina: come on, come on... show me what you're capable of, you dirty sinner... - Angel commented contemptuously, going down near where Issei fell.

"¡Boost, Dragon Shot...

Irina opened her eyes slightly at the torrent of power coming in her direction but she only raised her hand and extended her palm.


The Attack tried to fight before dispersing into nothing in the palm of Irina's Hand.

Issei looked at Irina seriously as the smoke began to clear from her attack.

Irina: It's no use having power if you don't know how to use it and you just throw out Attacks like crazy hoping to Overwhelm your Enemy Issei... - She said calmly to her "Friend", while denying.

Irina: I already tested you a little and as I saw it from the beginning, you are truly disappointing... - The brunette said again to her Friend who looks at her from behind his Armor with Anger, clenching his fists tightly and clicking his teeth.

Irina: Tell me, what can you do besides throw punches and power like crazy? You don't even have a Fighting Style... - She continued telling him calmly but looking conceited, much to Issei's fury who charged at her.

Irina dodged the first blow, then the second and the third by dancing around Issei who possesses the supposed Armor capable of defeating even "Gods", blasphemers , the Only God is the one who is in Heaven, but even so Issei cannot touch her.

Issei's anger continued to grow, increasing his power slowly but still Draig saw it, the Girl is right, what does power matter if you don't know how to use it, the fight against Vali was pure luck and circumstances because if he had continued, they would lose, Vali is better trained and with better Style than his bearer who is now being literally humiliated by This Angel and He cannot find a way to help his partner without Angel's words Offending him more... since In addition to the Dragon Shot , they have nothing else.

Irina continued to dodge Issei's mediocre attempts, leaving afterimages of herself before swinging her fist and...




Irina's fist connected with Issei's Abdomen, destroying his Armor in that place, while Issei spit out an insane amount of blood.

Irina: unfortunate... - she said when she went for his neck but had to jump back when a sword tried to cut off her hand.

"I won't let you hurt Issei-san."

Irina raised an eyebrow looking at a blonde with two Swords in hand.

Irina: Kiba... Another dirty demon... - I commented calmly.

Kiba narrowed his gaze when he saw Issei fall to his knees, spitting blood still in his Balance Breaker , out of the corner of his eye. How strong is she to leave him in such a state? , that's why they told Issei not to walk alone with all this that is happening but apparently her concern about not seeing her parents and her destroyed House pushed him.

Irina began to walk calmly towards Kiba.

Kiba: go back!... - He ordered the Angel who made a mocking snort.

Irina: Should I?... - I ask him back with amusement.

Kiba tightened his grip on his swords.

"I think you should."

A new female voice joined in and Irina stopped her steps, looking out of the corner of her eye at a black-haired woman who she recognized along with a small battalion.

Irina: "Serafall"... - I mention calmly.

Serafall: So there is no " sama " anymore... - The demon pointed out seriously, looking at the Angel.

Irina sighed, looking with her somewhat apathetic eyes at Diablesa and ignoring her words.

Irina: I know my limits... I know I still can't beat you, so I'll leave... for now, but remember that they will be purified... - she commented, not asking about her companions, since she doesn't feel them and knows that could happen with a Maou present.

Serafall: Do you think I'll just leave you h...

The Maou did not finish when a flash of Light came down from the Sky and surrounded Irina in a Strange gap of pure translucent light which began to slowly take her under his Attentive gaze.

Irina: were you saying?... - she mocked and looked askance at Issei who sees him with Anger still on his knees while he tries to recover from his blow from before, he has already lost his Armor.

Irina: unfortunate... I expected more from you who were going to be the supposed pillar of the "Alliance"... today I leave you but only because of the presence of Serafall, I'm still not at her level unfortunately but... The maous Will they always be able to protect them? I mean... The Underworld is not a place that is impossible for us to reach and there are many sinners... I deny ...it doesn't matter... say hello to your parents Issei... tell them that next time Once we see each other I will take you to the Light... - He told her when The Flash disappeared next to Irina, leaving The Place in silence.

Serafall looked seriously at where that Angel had disappeared. She is dangerous, there is no doubt but... how could she improve so much and in such a short time as to subdue Issei in her Balance Breaker and the only reason why she It was, it was because Herself is present or Issei, Kiba and even maybe her small battalion that She brought, if they had come with these Last Ones without Her, they could have Died, since The Angel showed no fear or hesitation to Face Issei and Kiba together.

Serafall clicked her teeth, this is all becoming problematic and they have already shown themselves to humans... "How could all of this get worse to such a level", at what point?

Serafall: go help The Sekiryuutei... - He ordered his troops when he noticed the chestnut man spitting blood.

Serafall[ I hope I can have contact with the Yokais of Kyoto Now that I'm here, those who were in the Underworld just abandoned it without warning... and also Kuoh could be a good base to start the countermeasure against the Angels... I'm sure Yasaka-dono will understand, after all we had started conversations before and this could strengthen our relations, Allies is what we need most Now ]... - thought the Maou, trying to cheer herself up from so many problems and pressures that she has with her position and all of this. the Angels acting like crazy supremacists.

Issei hit the ground with his fist while being healed, He... was defeated and saved... his Friend... Irina actually tried to kill him... What the fuck is going on with those Angels?

Draig asked himself the same question and hoped his partner would improve or die at the hands of the Angels who are not about to prolong fights or anything, but to exterminate forcefully as that Angel demonstrated and apparently, they do not see Demons with good eyes. .

Draig [ Although his shape and Look... looks like Them... those crazy " Templars " but worse ]... - thought The Dragon, He had had a bearer who was Excommunicated from that Order and was burned alive when he was captured, a pity he could not wake up to survive.

Kiba[ Irina-san ]... - The Knight thought because of how different the brunette looked, more... dangerous.

Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.

Miles away from any civilization in the Middle of the Sea, a large, monstrous and imposing snake could be seen emerging from the water and slowly coming to the surface.

Looking at such a fact, there is a beautiful blonde who grabs the closest thing to a Trident, She above the Stomach of a large shark that is missing its Head.

" Leviathan...








