
Naruto : Glory of Uzu

Synopsis - Well keeping it simple A Man dies due to the fault of the Supreme God. The God regrets his mistake and gives him a chace to be reincarnated but is shocked due to the amount of the good karma the man has and decided to meet him and fulfill his wishes accordingly to the good karma he has. From there starts The Journey Kaito Uzumaki ======================================= Warning ->> This purely fanfiction. I do not own any of the works or character except the my own. The rest belong to thier original owners, I don't own anything. ======================================= Some Important Points : •English is not my first language, so there may be mistakes but I will try to improve •I may change the original plot line and power levels of some character for better story narrative •There will be No Rape, No NTR, No Yuri, No Yaoi. •There will not be large Harem so that mc will not have time for everyone •MC will be overpowered but slowly =======================================

Fantastic_Rayan_04 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Kurama Clan,Hatake Clan and Progress

"Now tell me about the second clan."

"The second clan is Kurama clan. They have a kekkei genkai related to Genjutsu.

They have the ability to send people in a very strong Genjutsu with the help of just their voice.

They are planning to go to Konoha but they are still hesitant a little bit since they have a sort of enmity with the Uchiha clan. So I can ask them to come here besides I can steal a clan from that wood pecker just like he stole my daughter from me hahahaaha."

'Grandpa really doesn't like uncle Hashi huh.

Well what father does like her daughter being taken away by another man. Anyways Kurama clan is also another good clan.By the time of canon, most of them had died.'

"Now for the last clan The Hatake Clan they are not a very large Clan but a very strong one for Mid Sized Clan they live near Land of Iron and follow a code of honor like samurai but also are exceptional shinobi who are known for thier Lightning Release and Exceptional Kenjutsu,

Originally they were planning go to Konoha but they are hesitant because of some eminity toward some minor clans in Konaha. Now that you have given me this idea I'll steal another clan form wood pecker Hashirama, they also have boy of your age named Sakumo he is said to be great talent in Kenjutsu maybe you two can become friends and rivals now with these three new clans joining us we don't have about our village strength and who knows we might become one of the great villages hahha"

"These three clans would really make the Uzumaki village strong and might just deter the invasion. But still I will find the traitors in the clans if there is any!"

"Now go and train Kaito" Grandpa said with a smile

"Yes Grandpa"

[Flashback End]

[Kaito's P.O.V]

It's been 5 year since I came to this world. This year my father finally taught me some jutsu


"Kaito come to me after you finish your Kenjutsu training" father said

[After Practice]

"Kaito do you know how many chakra nature you have ?" asked father

"No dad" I replied

"Here take this is called chakra paper made from a special tree, when you injection your chakra it can tell your chakra depending upon results it shows" Dad said giving me a piece of paper

I know what my chakra nature's are but dad doesn't know that I know. It will be fun watching his face when he knows I have all chakra nature's.

I take the paper from his hand.

"What now dad?" I asked

"Put the paper between you palm and try to inject chakra in it."

I did just that and soon the paper split in 4 part one by one. One turned ash, one became crumpled,one became wet and one crumbled little by little.

I then turn to my father showing the results.

I see funniest reaction I have ever seen from father he has now word for I just did.

I called out "DAD"

He snapped out it and said "haha My son is one in melenial genius. You have all 5 chakra nature. Let me explain ash represents fire attribute, wetness represents water, crumbled represents earth, crumpled represents lightning and finally the splits in paper represents wind" He told me with a proud expression

I guessed as such.

He then turned toward me and said with a serious expression and said "Having all the elemental affinities is good to but it'll be hard for you master all of them for this I'll teach you basics Justsu for each element according your learning speed along with your sword training"


After some hard work and with my talent I learned a lot jutsu this year

[Wind Style ]

[C Rank ]

Wind Release: Feather Blade (Fūton: Hane no Yaiba): The user creates razor-sharp, feather-like blades of wind that can cut through targets.

This is very useful with a sword

Wind Release: Air Shield (Fūton: Kuūki Tate): The user forms a protective barrier of wind that can block incoming attacks.

Wind Release: Air Cushion (Fūton: Kuūki Kyūsoku): This jutsu creates a cushion of air beneath the user, allowing them to safely land from great heights.

[Lightning Style]

[C Rank]

Lightning Release: Shocking Grasp (Raiton: Denki Tekina): The user channels a mild electrical charge into their hand, creating a shocking touch that can immobilize opponents.

Lightning Release: Voltage Boost (Raiton: Borutoappu): This jutsu temporarily increases the user's speed and reflexes by enhancing their nervous system with electrical chakra.

[Water Style]

[C Rank]

Water Release: Liquid Chains (Suiryū: Ekitai Kusari): The user creates chains made of water to bind or restrain their target.

Water Release: Water Wall (Suiryūheki): This technique forms a defensive wall of water to protect against attacks.

Water Release: Water Needles (Suiryū Senbon): This jutsu forms sharp, needle-like water projectiles that can be directed at the enemy.

[Earth Style]

[C Rank]

Earth Release: Tremor (Doton: Shōjin no Jutsu): The user creates a minor earthquake that can destabilize opponents.

Earth Release: Mudslide (Doton: Dorarata): This jutsu allows the user to create a slippery mudslide to hinder the movement of their opponent.

Earth Release: Earth Spikes (Doton: Tsuchi-Hashira): The user causes sharp spikes made of earth to emerge from the ground, creating obstacles for the enemy.

[Fire Style]

[C Rank]

Fire Release: Ember Burst (Katon: Kagaribari Sakuretsu): This jutsu allows the user to create and disperse a burst of small embers, creating a smokescreen effect.

Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique (Gōkakyū no Jutsu): This does need any explanation (a/n: you know it dear readers)

All dad did was to teach me C Rank Justsu and said to slow down and rest a little before B rank Justsu they may be C rank but they sure as hell do pack fire power.

They be as powerful as B or even A rank Justsu if used correctly and when I mean correctly it means with Anime imagination type of correctly.