
Boxing Titles

As the fifth round came to an end, the fight's intensity began to fade, and a screen appeared in front of Senju Seku.

The screen was colorful and filled with flashing letters, demanding his attention.

A loud "Ding!" sound echoed through the air, congratulating him on his victory and declaring him the champion of the World Boxing Association.

[ Congratulations to the player. ]

The screen announced, "Senju Seku is now the WBA champion of the world," and its message resonated in Seku's mind.

It also revealed the rewards he had earned for his remarkable achievement: a permanent combat experience as a skilled Out-boxer at the level of a WBA champion.

[ The player will now be as good as the WBA champion. ]

[ Congratulations again to the player Senju Seku. ]

Overwhelmed by the unexpected victory and the prospect of gaining unparalleled combat skills, Seku was speechless.


He exclaimed in disbelief, his eyes widening with astonishment.

He had never excelled in combat or possessed exceptional fighting abilities before, so this accomplishment was truly astonishing.

Deep down, he had longed for this moment, yearning to revel in the glory of his newfound prowess.

He knew this game would give him just that, and it was what he had been searching for all along.

A combat sport without using chakra, like Taijutsu.

After all, all Shinobi ninjas can run out of chakra, so this is what he desired all this time.

"Yes!" Seku exclaimed, his voice filled with uncontainable enthusiasm.

"Finally, I have it!"

In that moment, he felt an overwhelming desire to leap into the air, carried by the weightless feeling of clouds.

Finally, he had acquired innate combat experience, a treasure he had longed for with all his heart.

But as Seku reveled in his triumph, a strange sensation washed over him, leaving him disoriented and bewildered.

His head began to buzz as a flood of memories surged into his consciousness.


[ Combat experience will now be implanted in the player Senju Seku's mind. ]

Every skill, every intricate footwork, every bit of hard work he had put into his training—it all rushed into his mind with incredible force.

Filling his entire being like water being poured.

Unexpectedly, the system interrupted his thoughts with another resounding—


It presented him with a choice:

[ Will the player Senju Seku exit the system or continue his journey within this digital realm? ]

Without a moment's hesitation, Seku decided to stay, eager to explore the depths of his newfound abilities and unlock the secrets that awaited him.

He would receive more rewards!

Meanwhile, outside the tower where Seku's monumental battle had taken place, Kakashi and Pakkun were captivated by the live stream that showcased his incredible transformation.

The moving image of Seku, standing triumphant and bare-chested, with boxing gloves on, flickered on the screen.

A belt encircled his waist, proudly displaying the words "WBA Champion," while another message, "Congratulations, player Senju Seku," lingered above his image, a testament to his astonishing victory.

Back to Seku, the system was now showing him something.


[ Please choose difficulty: ]

Intrigued by the sudden change in the system's message, Seku furrowed his brow and looked at the screen.

"So, there are other options?" he wondered aloud, his curiosity aroused.

Almost instantly, the system responded, offering him a variety of choices to explore.


The options stretched out before him like a vast array—

[Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Very Difficult, Advanced, Master, Grandmaster, and Epic Master.]

Tired of the repetitive experience of being an Out-boxer, Seku desired a fresh challenge, a surge of excitement that would awaken his senses.


Without hesitation, Seku's eyes locked onto the option that promised the greatest challenge—the Epic Master, the ultimate test of skill.

He yearned for a battle that would push him to his limits, where every move would demand careful calculation and the thrill of uncertainty would fill the air.

But as Seku made his choice, the system issued a warning, its words filled with caution.


[Player Senju Seku has been selected as the Epic Master.

[Prepare to face a master of all styles: Out-boxer/technical style, Orthodox, Southpaw, Slugger, Box-puncher, counter-puncher, Pressure fighter, and Peek-a-boo style master.]

The system's voice carried a serious tone, emphasizing the magnitude of the upcoming challenge.


["Please be warned and be prepared.]

It provided a final reminder before the impending showdown.

Meanwhile, outside the tower, Kakashi and Pakkun observed the screen as it transformed once again, their eyes fixed on the unfolding spectacle.

Soon, they caught a glimpse of Seku's back through the Livestream.

"It's starting," Pakkun mumbled as he observed Seku's back muscles.

This time, Seku faced a formidable opponent named "Muhammad Tyson Marciano," a name surrounded by mystery.

Kakashi and Pakkun were unfamiliar with this enigmatic figure, but his appearance was unassuming, resembling a ninja from Kumogakure.

Though leaner and smaller, his body radiated exceptional flexibility that hinted at hidden strength.

His muscles were lean, yet somehow, they could sense their explosive power.

As the battle commenced, Kakashi and Pakkun keenly observed Seku's movements.

He advanced, and this slight movement caught Kakashi and Pakkun's attention—Seku's body moved distinctively.

His fluidity reminded them of Paquito's earlier performance, each motion executed flawlessly.


A lightning-fast jab sliced through the air, leaving Kakashi and Pakkun astonished by the newfound finesse.

When Seku threw that punch, their speculations were both confirmed.

How did Seku transform so quickly?

What just happened?

Their amazement was shattered when they witnessed Muhammad Tyson Marciano's swift retaliation—a flurry of jabs aimed at Seku's chest.


The blows landed not once, but twice, and anticipation filled the air as the third jab approached.

Determined to defend himself, Seku raised his arms in a brave attempt to block the impending attack.

Yet, with remarkable agility, Muhammad Tyson Marciano unleashed a devastating left hook that struck Seku's unsuspecting face, the impact echoing with a resounding—Bam!

The impact was flawless, and both Kakashi and Pakkun immediately grasped that the positioning of Seku and his opponent's punch was perfect.

It was likely to make a significant impact, perhaps even knock Seku down.

Meanwhile, pain coursed through Seku's body as he staggered backward, the force of the blow reverberating within him.

Momentarily overwhelmed, his vision blurred by the sudden assault. But as he fought to regain his composure, a wave of determination washed over him, fueling his resolve to overcome the pain and emerge victorious in this ultimate test of skill and determination.

However, at that moment, he burst into laughter.

"He won't be able to bring me down!"

He said confidently.

Tension thickened in the atmosphere as Seku's laughter abruptly ceased, replaced by a focused intensity in his gaze.

That arrogant remark only fueled his opponent's determination.


Muhammad Tyson Marciano followed up his punches with a devastating combination.

Seku was humbled as he took hit after hit—no matter what he did, no matter where he moved, his defense was constantly breached.

"You're gonna have to kill me to beat me!"

Seku cursed, growing increasingly frustrated with his inability to mount a successful defense.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Meanwhile, doubt began to creep into Kakashi and Pakkun's minds, their fur standing on end.

"Kakashi, didn't you say that the opponent would be the same as Seku's body so it should be fair?"

"Why is Seku Senju-san still standing after taking so many solid punches?"

Kakashi could only stare blankly at the screen.

How was he supposed to answer that?

Everything was new to him—the sport, the tower, and the styles of Taijutsu. So how could he explain it?

He wasn't the creator of the system, so if anyone could answer those questions, it would be Senju Seku himself.

Eventually, Seku emerged victorious in round six without being knocked down, earning the belt and the experience of a professional fighter as a reward.

He stepped outside.

"I got the WBA belt...

"Haha—I got the WBA belt!"

Seku didn't truly care about the WBA belt or any other belt he might come across.

To him, the experience of a boxer was the greatest gift. However, now, it served as a symbol—a symbol of the experience and expertise he had gained through the system.

However, this shouldn't be enough to act like this, yet somehow, he was acting strange.

Soon, Seku ceased his celebration as he noticed someone standing in front of him.

Powerstone my peeps, I'm getting addicted to it. But I'm not forcing you my friends.

Next up- Might GUUUUUUUYYYYY!!!

Missing_Grasscreators' thoughts
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