
Naruto: Gacha System

Blank_Number · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


" This class has been carefully chosen, everybody here is talented and a prodige. You will be taught by the strongest Jonin our village has, the future of the village will be left to you young ones. Let the fire… " Hiruzen continued with his speech but only the beginning was important, only prodigies were selected in this class, this wasn't a thing in the anime.

Does this count as a plot change or just one of the consequences for his other plot changes?

After a while Hiruzen finally left and had everybody excited and ready for the future.

" My name is Temu Hyuga, I will be teaching knowledge and also train you in Taijutsu, while also helping you develop your body with carefully created training plans. " Temu introduced himself.

" I'm Fugaku Uchiha, I will be teaching discipline, Ninjutsu, and weapon throwing techniques. Everybody here is a prodige but that doesn't mean anything, one of you could be more talented than the other, you will be pushed to the limit, the time limit to learn certain ninjutsu or any other typ of skill will be massively shorter than the other classes, if you can't keep you you will be trained harder by us privately, if you still can't keep up you will be thrown back to the normal classes so you can feel special there. Dont cry and push through, maybe at the end of the 6 years you'll be Jonin level threat at only 11 years old. Follow me outside, if you're too slowl you won't eat lunch. " Fugaku said instantly flickering out.

Fugaku and Temu had already planned out how they will teach, Fugaku will be the intimidating serious one while Temu will be more gentle and understanding, Fugaku mixed in lies and truths so the kids know that this won't be a game, but one of the truths that should be revealed is that in the end of the 6 years all the kids could be Jonin level threat, that's the goal of this project.

Everybody ran outside and met with Fugaku quickly, everybody too afraid of being the last person to get there.

" Stand straight! " Fugaku yelled making everybody quickly change their posture.

" In this class there will be no note taking, no homework, no tests, none of that, in this class you will either learn it or you won't. You can't memorize it? Tough luck either ask someone who memorized it or move on with your life. There will be no attendance, you're either here or you're not, sick? Should've taken better care of yourself or force your way here. Late? Should've woken up earlier. If you're not here you'll be missing out in information you'll need, you can make friends outside of class, from the morning you get here till 3pm when you get out will be nothing but learning and training, I promise you will have no energy to even want to eat. Now run around the academy, 30 laps, and when you're back Temu will start his training. You have 1 hour to finish, anybody who doesn't make it will add all the laps they didn't finish to the next day, if you don't finish it the next day they will add op again, now run! " Fugaku shouted as everybody quickly ran.

' This actually seems really fun, great training and a clear goal. It's like training an army but also not, they will still have time to enjoy time with their family and play with friends. ' Isshi excitedly took the lead and ran as fast as he could, with a Hyuga and Uchiha right behind him wanting to take first place.

At the end of the hour only them three finish, they were out of breath finish Isshi first, Uchiha 2nd and Hyuga 3rd love.

" Good job, everybody remember how many laps you didn't finish and add them tomorrow, if you forget you will be punished. Everything you do will be judged by me and Temu that will be your score. So far Isshi, Kane and Iho have a 90, everybody else are at 70 or below. Now Temu will teach, you'll come back to me for more training in 2 hours. You better be ready. " Fugaku said with a smirk. Temu quickly took over and taught a whole books worth of knowledge in one go, it's obvious they want to get that out of the way so they can focus on physical and chakra related exercises. And even though Isshi and the other 2 finished they didn't do good enough, they want them to work harder to finish faster, so they only got a 90, the three got a rival energy, gaining the top 3 rank in the class.

When he finished teaching knowledge he started talking to us about Taijutsu and physical training, making us do push-ups, sit-ups, and squats for the remaining hour.

" I Hope you liked your break, it's time to continue training. " Fugaku said menacingly.

" I will teach you Shadow clone and transformation signs and explain how it work, you have 3 hours to learn it. " Fugaku said but before he started Isshi raised his hand.

" We don't have time to waste, if it's a stupid question don't ask it. " Fugaku said annoyed but seeing his hand was still raised Fugaku asked him to speak.

" I already learned these two, can you teach me a different ninjutsu? " Isshi asked gaining Fugakus interest.

" Good, go train with Temu, anybody who finishes early can rest and train with Temu. I promise anything he trains you in will be easier than what I'll train you in. " Fugaku smirked before he started explaining the jutsus. The Hyuga and Uchiha glared at him before making it their goal to catch up.

" Alright, I'll be training you in Taijutsu then, there's no point in teaching you knowledge ahead of others. Are you ready? " Temu asked as Isshi nodded.

" Good, attack me. " Temu said which Isshi quickly started.

At the end of the 3 hours nobody could finish both in Fugakus disappointment but some managed to get one down, he remembered Isshi but he most likely was taught by his father or sibling so he shouldn't think he's better, tomorrow he'll test them in ninjutsu they all won't know.