
Naruto: Fundamental Force [Dropped for real]

A dead man is thrown into the World's singularity and then meets Two gods well...One was a loli, kinda unsure whether she is a God or not. . The Loli then decides to Reincarnate the "Dead Man" in Naruto. . Oh yeah, he also gets the 4 Fundamental forces to manipulate along with Six-Eyes, but who cares about that we are talking about lolis!

Ultimate_Ciel · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


At the Dorms


"Hm, so this is where we will live, eh?" I said to Minato as we both looked at the door of our room….. room no.20 the last room.

This dorm can house about 80 children with 20 rooms with 4 children in each room, the children can be in any grade and live here only if they are an Orphan, a person with one parent, and are attending the Academy of course.


"let's enter," He said.






Gojo Satoru POV


This place is…..Where the hell am I?

Didn't I go to sleep after going to my Dorm room?

Is this my mindscape?

I looked around the many mountains, rivers, and valleys in the surrounding environment....

Glaciers, valleys, lakes, oceans?, mountains, desserts, all kinds of places are here…even flying mountains with Chinese like buildings" I muttered. My mind is weird…. but it isn't that bad if I can use my mindscape properly then I might even be able to see others mindscape and their memories….


I continued to move all around my mindscape until I found 'anywhere door' from Doraemon.


Nadya Korea (Tf is this)



I touched one of them and one of my pasts was shown to me, I immediately threw that ball away.

"No way in hell I'm about to see that crap again!!

I should start cleaning them up, for now...My memories should go to the left and the current ones to the right

My memories about Naruto in a different place

My memories about Dramas, anime, manga, light novels in a different place

And other useful things away as well and also....." I said muttering to myself not realizing the 'balls' flying everywhere and being set in different positions and being enclosed by vaults.


"Alright then let's get started," I said as I looked back only to see all the balls in Black vaults and all of them connected to a monitor.


That was useful.


Next Day.


I opened my eyes and looked around,

Looks like I successfully came out of my Mindscape.


Oh yeah! I need to go buy Fuinjutsu now that I'm an Academy student I have the privilege to do it.


"Hm Fuinjutsu? Sorry but I only have Explosion Fuinjutsu and Storage Fuinjutsu with me you have to become a Genin to access further hm, these have been collecting dust with me, here take these" Said the Young man behind a counter.

"Thank you very much!!" I said as I ran away from there.

34...…34 STORES, that many stores I went to only to get disappointed finally I got something useful, but still these are not bad all the other stores had Storage and Explosion seals but did not have any Scrolls that taught me anything... I wonder what I can do with these seals.


I then went to Training ground 17 and made a chair and a table using earth ninjutsu.


Just as I sat down I remembered that I had forgotten to do elemental training, oh well time to start making Shadow clones, Now with my Mindscape isn't filled up like Garbage I can separate my mind many more times.

And not only that but if I switch my Experience to go to my Parallel mind then I will not feel any sort of Pain!


Now, normally my Six-Eyes process everything and give out the Elemental Jutsu required…. but I still need to do basic training. And thus, I sent them all to train outside of Konoha, slowly of course.

I also should send many clones to go sleep to make up for the fatigue I would get after releasing the clones.


"Damn, it's good that I remembered it now since this training also helps in increasing the quality of using not only elemental Justus but also fundamental forces,

If my chakra gets 'attuned' to elemental chakra it will also be easier for my Fundamental Forces to control elements from the atmosphere.


After a while, Satoru picked up both of his Fuinjutsu and pushed them away from near his hand, and then grabbed his head.

"Stupid, how utterly stupid this is" Satoru muttered.


These scrolls haven't been used to even 20% of their potential.

The formula makes the Storage scrolls take a space from negative 1 to positive 1, the reason why they take this number is that to encapsulate space in a scroll you need to have a positive integer, a neutral integer, and a negative integer,

Due to taking every sealing scroll with the same formula they are not being able to put a scroll inside of another scroll to fix this there is just one single thing needed to use that hasn't been used, and that is 'fractions', no one has ever fractioned their space between them, just by doing this you can put 1 scroll into another scroll…..

However, this has never been used ever before, so I am going to do it myself.


...…and it was horrifyingly easy, it wasn't even that hard like how Mc's from another fanfic said, I didn't even need to throw my scroll upwards and scream "HAAAAAAAAAAAARGH 498-TOMB ARRAY DESTROYER!!!!!!!!!"


I wanted to scream that though.


Anywho I should head back to my house right now and not stay here after all Academy starts today.

[AN- Extra Chap at 100 Powerstones]