
Naruto: Fujitora Template

A man had Luckly reincarnated into Naruto as an Uchiha when he died!....Sadly he was blind. Thankfully that doesn't matter to him as he has the Template system with Fujitora! *This is a translation and not my own fanfic, but I'm heavily editing it and changing the story a lot. This used to be a harem, but I'm cutting all of that trash out*

TomTucker777 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Ch. 7 Light vs Shadow

The words the Anbu Ninja said cause a frown to appear of hiruzens face. Asuma was public defeated by the blind Uchiha, moreover he made it seems easy?

Although Asuma was his child, he never have him preferential treatment when it came to becoming a ninja. He had hired the best tutors and gave him the best techniques that fit his fighting style, but he never cheated him through becoming a ninja.

Asuma had become a chunin all on his own without his father's intervention, he did this becaude the sooner you become Chūnin, the sooner you face the battlefield.

However, it seems Asuma was defeated by Chiba rather instantaneously, and to the point where he only had a single bruise and a tiny cut. This little damage can only mean one thing, his opponent's strength was so far above Asuma that he could confidently hold back!

"I see, you can leave now" Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand as the Anbu ninja disappeared instantly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen never thought about Uchiha Chiba, other than when he uses him for propaganda to bring down the reputation of the Uchiha.

With the Senju clans decline, the Uchiha is the largest family of Konoha. It's natural to want to make the strongest clan know their place, unless they become too arrogant and so you have to teach them humility.

It just happened to be when Chiba's was born that Hiruzen found the perfect tool to knock the Uchiha down a few pegs.

But now it seems even this blind Uchiha can still cause him troubles. Thinking about this, Sarutobi Hiruzen lit his pipe and took a hard pull.

After hesitating for a while, he pulled out a piece of paper from the table and wrote the name of Uchiha Chiba with a question mark on it.

"What do you think about this…?" Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke suddenly, seeming to be talking to himself.

However, his words were answered as a man stepped out of the shadows, he walked with a cane and had a bandage around his right eye. The man was the root of Konoha's darkness, Shimura Danzo!

If the Anbu got the news of Asuma's fight, then Danzos roots will naturally know of it also. Compared to the Anbu, the Root has much more surveillance on the Uchiha.

Danzo came to the side of Sarutobi Hiruzen and spoke calmly.

"This person named Uchiha Chiba has grown up too abnormally!"

Although there was a precedent for people around Chiba's to be as strong as a Chūnin, like Kakashi, there was a big difference between the two.

Kakashi was personally trained all of his life by Sakumo Hatake, a Kage level Jonin, attended Ninja academy, and experienced real life or death combat.

Meanwhile, Chiba's Chunin parents died when he was three and was taken in by fellow chunin Shinobi. Chiba's foster parent spent the majority of the time fighting the war and rarely went home to teach. Not to mention the very glaring fact that the boy was blind!

Being blind alone, it is nearly impossible to beat a chunin, let alone in a rather one sided fight without any prior teachings or training, unless the blind person's talent is so strong that it eclipses Kakashi's multiple times over.

"While there are cases of blind Shinobi being strong, it was only because that Shinobi was so high level that their chakra sensing ability alongside their fine tuned other sense made up for the lost eye sight. There was never a case of a blind at birth Shinobi being so strong!" Danzo said as he clutched his cane.

After listening to Danzo's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath of the pipe and slowly breathed out.

"Is it because of the Sharingan?" Hiruzen said, throwing out a guess on how a blind person could be so strong.

Danzo nodded.

"He was a blind man from birth, there are two possibilities!" Danzo said

"First, it truly is a natural physical defect and the boy is a once in a lifetime talent but now it seems that such a possibility is very small."

"The second, and more likely possibility, is that the boy was so talented that the Sharingan was awakened when he was still in his mother's stomach, but at that time his young body couldn't bear the strong pupils power, which led to blindness!" Danzo said, his voice a barely contained scream.

"It is unknown whether this blindness is permanent or temporary. After all, Sharingan still has many unsolved mysteries. But this is the only possible explanation for his sudden strength!"

Hiruzen nodded, it just had to be the sharingan.

When it's activated, the user gains more than just powerful dynamic vision. Their brain function increases drastically, allowing them to decipher and memorize jutsu after seeing them just once.

Their increase brain function allows them to perceive reality at a slower speeds, allowing them to move more effectively and grants them extremely precise control of their chakra. This would take a Shinobi years to achieve with hard work and physical training, and yet the Uchiha gain it in an instant!

"Give him to me and I'll figure out how the boy attained such a high level of strength!'" Danzo shouted out.

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand.

"He is still just a child Danzo, an immature child who tried to do the right thing!" Hiruzen said.

"He's an Orphaned Uchiha with outrageous talent, he can still be shaped to out needs!"

"He needs the right guidance! Not mind control!" Hiruzen yelled out, clearly angry at Danzo. Hiruzen was stressed out over the war efforts, and now he has his second in command constantly questioning his orders. This stress was the reason he planned on retired after this war ended.

Hearing this, Danzo did not continue to speak. He wanted Chiba, but he was second place prize compare to Uchiha Itachi.

Chiba does show extraordinary talent, but… the flaws are also apparent. Blind in both eyes, no matter how talented he is, Danzo's interest has been reduced greatly.

However Uchiha Itachi's talent and Sharingan is everything that Danzo was looking for in a tool, more importantly he is also the son of the Uchiha patriarch.

If he could control Itachi, it is very possible to control the future of the Uchiha clan! If that was possible, then Konoha's future was garanteed to remain the strongest.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen called an Anbu out of the shadows.

"Master Hokage, what are your orders?" The kneeling ninja said.

"Go and tell Asuma not to cause trouble with Uchiha Chiba… He was actually lost to a child who has not yet enrolled in school. It's shameful." Hiruzen said as he took another pull of his pipe.

"Yes!" Upon receiving the order, the Anbu quickly disappeared from the field of vision. Danzo also left quietly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sorted the papers on the desk, took a deep breath, and slowly stood up. He put away his pipe and tidied up his appearance.

When he opened the door and walked out of the Hokage office. The seriousness on his face suddenly disappeared, and replaced it with a kind and friendly expression.

It's a far cry from being in the office before. Because what he has to face next is a group of children who don't understand anything and are as pure as blank paper. Paper that will need to be folded properly for his needs and the need of the village.