(Year 50 after Konoha)
Note: Higeki and Minato are in Year 4 of the Academy, which means that they're 9 yo
Higeki and Minato fell asleep during class once again.
They couldn't help it, the classes were too boring.
They already know most of the things taught by Katsute, while there were little to no competitors in practical classes.
In taijutsu classes, they were the best.
In bukijutsu classes, they were the best.
In chakra control classes, they were also the best.
In ninjutsu classes, they were the best.
And guess what? In genjutsu classes, they were the best too.
There was no one to rival them in anything, whether it was in terms of academics or practical things.
Although it could be said that Miwa was a rival to them, but like all others, she eventually fell behind in terms of physical capabilities.
There was no one to challenge them in anything, resulting in their boredom.
You could even say that they're better than all of the students in Year 5.
How do they know that? Well, things happen when you're divine geniuses.
(Year 3 of Academy)
The students were cheering for Shorai Higeki and Namikaze Minato to fight class 4-A.
The reason? Well, the arrogant pricks thought that they could bully an underclassman.
Minato and Higeki were walking around the courtyard together while discussing some ninjutsu theory when the students in class 4-A suddenly came up and insulted them.
"OH? Look at that! Two girls walking together! Oh wait, they are guys! AHAHAHAH! They look like such weaklings, I mistook them for girls!"
'Sexist pricks'
'I wanna beat them up.'
Thoughts like that circulated in the minds of other students surrounding the area, but no one dared to challenge the upperclassmen in class 4-A due to the fact that they were clan children and some of them even clan heirs; like the one who insulted Higeki and Minato.
Higeki and Minato tried to ignore them like the bugs that they were, and they would've - if not for Miwa attacking them.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY? DID YOU SAY THAT US GIRLS ARE WEAK?", Miwa shouted and charged at them like an enraged bull.
It seems like she couldn't control her emotions.
Miwa would've won a fight against them if they fought exclusively with taijutsu, but alas, the clan children used clan techniques.
'Isn't using ninjutsu in a spar forbidden?', pondered the onlookers, but no one said anything for fear of retribution from the clans.
Miwa was beaten by the clan children who were using clan techniques, and Minato had enough of them.
"Higeki, I want to spar with our seniors, don't you?"
"I'd love a spar!"
So, that led to them fighting against the seniors.
Minato and Higeki already had reputations of being geniuses then, and their senpais were jealous of that, which led to the provocation.
The onlookers heard Minato and Higeki's words and wanted to see a fight, so they cheered them on.
(That day, mothers were mourning.)
That day, the children returned to their clans beaten black and blue, some of them even having a dislocated or broken bone.
(Flashback end)
After the fight, the clans tried to get retribution on Higeki and Minato, but they came across the obstacle known as Ironiki.
Ironiki quite literally had the ability to annihilate any one of the clans individually, so they couldn't provoke him.
Due to them having a physical shield, they went for a political attack.
Once again, they met the obstacle known as Hiruzen Sarutobi, Higeki, and Minato's political shield.
They couldn't do anything physically or politically, so they gave up trying to get retribution and instead warned their children to not go near the two geniuses.
The fateful day has arrived.
Higeki had a feeling that the day would be big, but he doesn't know why.
He walked to the Academy side-to-side with Minato, and he told him, "I have a feeling that something big will happen today."
Minato looked at him curiously and asked, "What makes you think that?"
Higeki shrugged his shoulders and said, "Who knows?"
They arrived at the Academy and walked to their class, 4-A.
They arrived early in the class and sat down while talking about things that they were interested in.
"Higeki-kun, what fields will you specialize in?"
"Who knows? Maybe ninjutsu? I have a natural advantage when it comes to ninjutsu. You?"
"Hmm... I think I'd like to try out fuinjutsu. It seems interesting and versatile. I'm especially interested in the Nidaime's secret technique, the Flying Thunder God."
"What makes you interested in his FTG?"
"I found some records of it in a library and it seems really cool!"
"... So you're going for aesthetics?"
"Haha! It's very useful as well. If a war happens, I can transport reinforcements and supplies instantly!"
"I see..."
As they were talking, they were interrupted by Katsute's arrival.
"Class, today you will have a new student! She recently came to Konoha, so make sure you give her a warm welcome!"
"Introduce yourself to the class."
"My name is Uzumaki Kushina! I will become the village's first female Hokage dattebane!"
The class started laughing at her dream, with some of them talking about how an outsider will never become the Hokage.
After listening to her dream, Minato stood up and said with a smile on his face, "I also want to become a Hokage, respected by all the villagers."
Kushina looked surprised and so did Higeki.
'Minato was never one to state his dream out loud.', Higeki thought as he looked at Minato.
Minato then turned his head to look towards Higeki and smiled.
Then, the class resumed with Katsute's announcement.
"Kushina, go to your seat and open the textbook to page 80. We'll be learning about hand seals and how they work today."
At lunch, some children bothered Kushina.
"With a fat and round face like that with red hair, you're a tomato!"
"Haha! Tomato!"
The children were pulling on her hair while calling her a tomato, and eventually, Kushina snapped.
She grabbed the student by his hand and swung him around, knocking the other students back, then she punched his head repeatedly while saying, "I hate tomatoes too, dattebane!"
Minato and Higeki looked at Kushina and laughed, so she turned her head towards them.
Minato immediately turned around while Higeki smiled at her, then turned around as well.
Katsute came in time and told Kushina to get off the poor boy, and he started the lesson.
Everyone got back to their seat and opened the textbook to listen, with Minato staring at Kushina throughout the lesson.
Higeki, noticing Minato's actions, thought with a smile, 'It seems like he's attracted to her? Is this what father called 'Love at first sight'?'
Higeki then smiled and re-focused on the lesson.
After being provoked multiple times, Kushina's notoriety earned her the nickname, "The Red Hot-Blooded Habanero".
Kushina beat up anyone who called her a tomato, and she also beat up those who pull on her hair as well.
With her actions, eventually, she beat up a student who had a genin brother.
Minato and Higeki noticed that there were 2 people following Kushina, with one of them being a genin.
They trailed Kushina's stalkers, and eventually, they reached a cherry blossom forest.
"I have to teach the bad people who bully my brother a lesson."
"That's because he's always messing with me dattebane!"
Kushina turned around and jumped towards a tree to get out of there, but the genin had other plans for her.
He threw a real kunai, rather than the dull ones that are used to practice, but Kushina dodged it in time.
She then landed on the tree and dashed towards the genin and used a lariat on him, pulling them both to the ground.
The genin got back on his feet and kicked Kushina down, then pulled on her hair.
Minato wanted to intervene then, but Higeki stopped him and said, "She's about to do something."
Minato look quizzically towards Higeki, and then he saw that Kushina cut off her hair.
Minato and Higeki smiled, and then Kushina turned her head towards them.
"What?! You won't help me because I'm an outsider too!?!"
Minato was about to reply, but Kushina cut him off, "You think so too?!!", and she ran away.
Minato sighed and Higeki patted his back while comforting him.
(Year 51)
It was time for the graduation ceremony.
No one bothered Kushina again after words got out that she beat a genin up.
Kushina also turned hostile towards Minato, but it seems to Higeki that she didn't have any real grudge towards him, and was just putting on a show.
Anyways, the students will be assigned a team now.
Kushina wasn't here for some reason, but it seems like she also has a teacher assigned to her specifically.
"Alright, you guys will be assigned to teams of 3 with a jonin leader! I'll call out your names and assign you a team, then a jonin will come and pick you up."
"Arashig Murtoa, Raskien Laikenge, Shinbosa Rikale, Team 8!"
"Miwa, Kiseki, Denjiro, Team 3"
"Namikaze Minato, Chad Kozuki, Goru Gori, Team 7!"
"Shorai Higeki, Team 6"
"That's all, your senseis will come to pick you up."
"Team 8, come with me!", Ironiki said as he walked in.
'Father is their teacher?' Higeki was surprised that Ironiki actually took a team after 40 years as a ninja.
Ironiki saw Higeki and winked at him, then he took his team and went out.
"Team 7 come with me!", said Jiraiya
"Team 5..."
"Team 4..."
"Team 9..."
Eventually, every team was picked up by their sensei except for one; Team 6.
Higeki was waiting for his sensei to pick him up, and his patience is wearing thin.
Eventually, he picked up a chakra signature coming towards his classroom and heard footsteps as well.
The door opened and his teacher came in.
I wonder who his teacher will be?
Feel free to point out mistakes.