
Naruto : Frosted Core

A heartbreaking moment early in his shinobi career makes Naruto question the life he has lived thus far. With a new resolve and a promise to fulfill...He will finally accept the demons that plague him that will set him on the path to greatness. ================================ Disclaimer: I make no claims of ownership of Naruto….it belongs to Masashi Kishimoto

MoonLight18 · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 8: Meeting of the Minds IV

[Humans are always looking for an outlet for their hatred boy.

You just happened to be the one they directed it to in these times of so called 'peace'. More importantly though, you are assuming that I magically appeared in that pathetic village.

You would be wrong. You see, I was in that village since the very beginning.] Replied the Kyuubi cryptically.

Naruto was now majorly confused. He was never one to claim to be a genius but he also didn't think of himself as being stupid. In times of need, he could think up strategies on the fly better than anyone else.

But he was having a hard time wrapping him mind around what the Kyuubi was implying. He didn't even know what this 'magic' was that it spoke of. If what it said was true, somebody would have noticed a big ass fox around the village at some point.

It wasn't like it was easy to hide when you're a 50 foot fucking monstrosity. Except of course in his case when it was sealed into hi..m….his eyes suddenly widened in comprehension..

[Hoh…looks like you aren't as dumb as you look. That right boy. You are not the first person I have been sealed into. In fact, you are the third. Jinchuuriki. It means 'power of the human sacrifice'.

That's what humans refer to people like you who have Bijuu sealed into them.] Said the Kyuubi.

Naruto was in a state of shock. He was the third person to have the Kyuubi inside them.

Why didn't anyone tell him that? Why didn't the Hokage make that public knowledge when he revealed that to show the people that he wasn't actually the Kyuubi? To let them know that there have been others who lived in the village that were just like him? He seethed silently and his trust in the old man took another harsh blow.

It seemed he was always suffering from the mistakes and misconceptions of those around him. Another piece of information caught his attention though.

"Bijuu? You mean there are more like you?" Asked Naruto with a tilt of his head and his eyes squinting in concentration.

It was an action that older females would consider cute. Naruto didn't notice it but there was a light blush on the face of the Kyuubi with regards to his actions. It snapped out of it quickly though.

[That's right. Bijuu or 'tailed beasts' are what my siblings and I are referred to.

We are each denoted by the unique number of tails we possess.

From the Ichibi Shukaku to me, the most powerful Kyuubi!] Boasted the Kyuubi whilst striking an intimidating pose causing Naruto to clap lightly causing its chest to puff out a little in pride making Naruto sweat-drop. He did find something of interest though.

"That Kyuubi…what?" He asked quizzically making the beast blink at him uncomprehendingly.

[What?] It questioned confusedly.

"You said the 'Ichibi Shukaku'. I'm assuming Shukaku is the Icjibi's name. But then you said the Kyuubi, but you never said your name." Pointed out Naruto. The Kyuubi for its part was a bit stumped.

It didn't mean for Naruto to ask such a question. It was just pointing out the existence of the Bijuu. It honestly didn't think the boy would be so perceptive.

[And I never will if I have a say in it. You are not worthy of hearing my name so put it out of your mind. More importantly, you are in no position to want to know my name when you don't even know yours.] Said the Kyuubi.

At first Naruto was peeved at the slight against him before becoming mightily confused. His name?

"What in the world are you on about? My name is Uzumaki Naruto!" Affirmed Naruto, causing the beast to chuckle lightly. It really pissed him off to hear it.

[While it's true that your name is Uzumaki Naruto, it isn't your full name, technically speaking. You are missing your father's last name.] Replied the Kyuubi with an almost evil grin on its face.

Naruto snapped to attention upon hearing that.

"You know who my parents are?! Tell me! Please!" Pleaded Naruto. It was the one piece of information that he valued above all others. He has been asking the Hokage for years with no success.

He desperately needed to know, whether they were still alive or dead. Whether they hated him and threw him away. If they loved him like he hoped and prayed they did.

The Kyuubi had a brief flash of sympathy flash through its eyes before it disappeared. It need to know whether or not this boy was the one she was waiting for.

[Of course I know who your parents are. The old monkey leader of your village knows as well.

I will tell you, but you need to prove yourself first. You need to show me your resolve.] Said the Kyuubi.

Naruto's head snapped up to look in the eyes of the Bijuu before him. Even the Kyuubi was a little taken aback by the intensity in those cerulean eyes of his.

"How?" Was the simple word that escaped his mouth, but it was filled with determination.

The Kyuubi just shook its head amusedly. This boy never ceased to amaze.

[Simple. You need to confront your darkness. All those negative emotions you buried deep within your psyche in an attempt to gain acceptance from those pitiful villagers by showing that you are harmless.

You need to show me that you won't lose yourself to the darkness lurking within you. But most importantly, I won't tell you anything until you are finally complete. Life is all about balance. Yin and Yang.

Spiritual and Physical. Light and Darkness. They are two sides of the same coin. You are imbalanced. By burying away your darkness, you essentially denied a part of yourself and hid it away.

Until you confront this aspect of yourself, I will not tell you what you desire.] Said the Kyuubi in the most serious manner he has seen from it thus far.

He was honestly a little shocked by that revelation. He had no idea that he went so far as to reject a part of himself, just to appease the villagers. He was unsure how to feel about that.

Would he be able to face all the pain and hatred that he buried away? Will he be able to maintain his sanity when he finally comes face to face with the thoughts and feelings that threatened to break him when he was younger?

Suddenly, he heard footsteps. Heading towards him. He could hear the slight splashing of the water on the floor as whoever it was neared him. His heart was beating a mile a minute as he turned to confront the intruder.

"Well, well, well…..If it isn't my other half.

Finally deciding to come pay little old me a visit." Spoke a voice that was so similar to his, but with a more guttural quality to it. It sounded a lot more menacing than he ever did.

He turned around fully and was met with a sight that set him on edge. The person who spoke to him was an exact replica of himself. With one striking difference. The eyes.

While his were a clear cerulean, something that Haku-chan complimented him on, the replica had eyes that were blood red, with sclera that was pitch black that were twisted in hatred and contempt. All in all it was a bone chilling look to see on his face.

"Wha...?" He blabbered.

"Those damn villagers…all they've done up until now was shun us. Abuse us!" The replica seethed vehemently.

"Who are you?" Questioned Naruto carefully. The replica just sneered at him.

"Can't you tell just by looking? I'm you." Answered the replica.

"Huh?! I don't recall making any shadow clones!" Protested Naruto.

"I am your true self. The true self that lives inside your heart." Replied the replica. Naruto was in a state of shock and denial as the implications started to hit him.

"I didn't think the Kyuubi could bring me to the surface like this. I am the true you. The real you." Stated the replica.

"The real me?" Whispered Naruto with a feeling of dread pooling in his stomach.

"Yeah, I'm your precious hatred, your dark self!" Thundered the now identified, Yami-Naruto.

"You…" Spoke Naruto in a daze as he gazed upon the culmination of his years of self-suppression.

"That's right, I'm the true you. I won't let you drive me out poser." Stated Yami-Naruto emphatically.

"So that's how it is." Answered Naruto.

There was a moment of tense silence before Yami-Naruto exploded into action, catching Naruto by surprise with a fierce left hook. Even whilst experiencing the pain, he noticed the technique and form of his dark self were far more refined than his.

He recovered quickly before sending a haymaker of his own at Yami that he blocked before Naruto head-butted him to break the stalemate. As they separated, Naruto's thoughts were running a mile a minute.

'I don't want to fight him. I've had enough of that these past few days. But it seems like he doesn't want to talk this out. I have to find some way to defeat him.' Thought Naruto.

"You will never defeat me." Stated Yami-Naruto, causing Naruto's eyes to widen in shock. It was almost as if he was reading his mind.

Yami-Naruto one again charged him with a flurry of kicks and punches.

Most of them were blocked by Naruto but he still took a lot of damage. He was putting up minimal resistance as he continued to take a heavy beating. He didn't want to fight.

He was already messed up enough. What use would it be to be at war with yourself? His mind drifted back to the days he spent with Haku-chan…