
Naruto FanF: Bratva

The pain was excruciating at first. Alexender had been shot and felt the worst pain that a human can feel in their body. Then, it started burning like there was a hell in his abdomen. But after a moment, there was nothing. Only numbness thanks to his adrenaline. Despite the pain, he kept fighting for the sake of his unit and the mission. Even if he was the last operative left, he would complete the mission. In his attempt to avenge his fallen comrades, he fell into a trap. There were numerous contacts waiting for him, ready to finish him off the moment he entered the perimeter. A mere second, there was a moment when he thought the mission would be successful. he thought his comrades wouldn't have died in vain, and he could finally return home to take care of his little brother. He could even start a family and close his life in peace with someone who accepted him. But it was all just an illusion. A teams of French legionaries were pointing their newly acquired HK14 rifles at him. They were shouting in a language that three years ago he would have just laughed at their accent. Alexender tried to take out his stolen Glock to fire his last bullets, but he couldn't feel his whole body. Looking down, he could see six to ten bullet holes in his abdomen. He fell backward, his vision blurring as the life began to leave his body. Even though he couldn't feel anything in his body, he felt regret, anger, and sadness that he couldn't complete the mission and return the promise that he made to his little brother. Tears streamed down his face, and closed his eyes, waiting for death to come. "Damn, that hurts." "Welcome Alexander Kuznetsov, i have a proposal to you" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Realistic naruto oc fan fiction, realistic level up (even if have senju-uchiha blood) and hopefully good fights. I don't own naruto as well as the pics i will use So basically a soldier got reborn in naruto

Rejnid · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 5: Training 2

3 Month later

After that night, the mood of the house was as usual, well izaku was doing the same thing as always, training, eat, read and sleep. He didn't get the Uzumaki file for those 3 month for some reason, but his father assured him to get him the file one day.

Now was the day the training will change, after those 5 month, he observed how his body changed, while 5 month prior it was a bit difficult to walk, having joints of a baby it is, now he could run, well he could jog, but improvement that is.

Now at 7 AM, he got in the backyard of the house with his big brother, sit down in the ground, he asked "Well? what's the plan."

Izuku was deep in thought at the moment, 10 min passed then looked at Izaku "You're power hungry aren't y'a."

"How wanting to train and get a chance to protect yourself is sign of power hungriness?"

He looked at the sky with his hand rubbing his jaw, rubbing the inexistent beard, he responded "How? well you keep reading to get knowledge, training to get power, eating to get a good body, i mean, you look exactly like the power-hungry villain in the novels, you never skip a day, never in the world a child would behave like that, a child is supposed to run away as often as possible to get away from the hell incarnation that is training, and you you just want more."

Izaku deadpanned, after a moment he said "You're exactly like me you annoying ass, you started training at 3, you're not in a position to speak about childhood."

He looked at da baby and smirked, "You see, i at least had friends, friendly with everyone, and happy, but you, a grumpy child who have no friends, hostile to anyone who isn't your family, and a training freak as well as a nerd, i also started to think that the legendary emo Uchiha curse has returned, so i can confidently say that i am better than you." finished with the biggest shit eating smile he ever done.

A tick mark appeared in his blank face, he said "Can you start the explanation of the training already please?"

"Right, right, now this training will go on for 1 year, and that's when your sleeping schedule will come in handy, you see, the 2 first months will be stamina exercises as well as dexterity, you will start your journey at 10AM until Noon of jogging, i mean 30min of jogging every 30min, while i know your body is the one of an 2 ans a half years old child, thanks for our Senju blood, our body is one of the strangest if trained correctly, so after your morning jog, you will be trained in parkour, don't freak out yet, this is just some small obstacle, so it's okay, and this will be from 2PM until 4PM, after this, you will be trained in using kunai. Shuriken and Kenjutsu will come later after you tamed the way of throwing kunai, it will be from 3PM to 6PM, now do you have questions?"

A few moment later, of information processing, Izaku questioned " why not start by Taijutsu, i mean i can do kunai throwing later, so why?"

"Taijutsu can be started after you know how to throw kunai AND shuriken correctly, because taijutsu is needed to have a good body, especially with our Utsukame stlyle who is a fusion of senju and the uchiha style, while the uchiha need speed and a bit of precision, the senju style is based on strength, with the two combined is can be speed and strength based, precision is when you mastered the style, that's why you need to wait until you learn katas and immediately practice it with me, now do you understand"

"Yeah, thank you, see you tomorrow then." Izaku started to get up and got to walk away.

"Won't you pass some moment with your big brother?" Said izuku while mimic the heartbreaked gesture with a hand in his chest.

He turned to his brother with an annoyed face "You keep annoying me all the time from the day you come, why would i pass time with you if i get hit or mocked every second with you."

"It's thanks to one thing, brother love." said while gesturing a heart with his hand.

Izaku rolled his eyes with a hand in his eyes muttering "Oh god why do i need to pass my life with an idiot/идиот like him." 'and why for the love of god almighty does they have the need to be this cringe'

He turned to his brother, while he was going to say something he saw his brother still with wide eyes for a second, he shrugged it off and said "Okay if you say so, where do we go."

His brother seemed to be thinking and said, "Well i think we can go around the clan compound or play some games, or even explore the surrounding of the compound, what do you think."

"Well the boring stuff," he saw his brother pained face, smirked and continued "But the exploration around the compound is not an unwelcomed one."

His face lit up a bit and grabbed his brother around his neck with one hand and said with a grin "Well let's go then, what are we waiting for."

Izaku's eyes widened a bit and said "you were 5meter away from me, how did you get there so fast?"

He looked at izaku for a bit and smirked "One word, Ninja."

Moments later

We can see Izaku and Izuku going around the forest, walking, For a moment, izaku remarked after trespassing a line that there was some distortion in the air behind them, he asked.

"What was that?"

Izuku looked at his brother with an raised eyebrow and questioned "What was what?"

Izaku pointed behind them and said "The distortion in the air after we trespassed that line, now that i think about it where is that small yellow line?"

He looked behind, thinking for a second and made an 'o' face, and said "The genjutsu? i am actually surprised that you didn't recognize one, after all, you read anything that can be readed."

He made an annoyed face and said "sorry if i didn't think about genjutsu when i never saw one, but seriously tho, how did we not get spotted with all those years of reclusion, i do not believe that it's genjutsu only."

"Hmm, while yes it's not genjutsu only, it's thanks to some seals that conceal our position, and not only that, but there is and invisible barrier that only senju or uchiha blooded can enter without getting lost with the genjutsu, anyone who enter the genjutsu is made to walk around the forest aimlessly without knowing where he is, and that is if he didn't spot the genjutsu," they continued to walk into an certain direction, the little brother was going to ask where are they going but izuku continued "But if he countered the genjutsu, then he needs to get past of traps and seals that paralyze the victim, or even steal his chakra, i am not an expert in trapping so i am just gonna say that there is a lot of traps, as well as some defenses, sensors and a lot of other stuff."

"But we are not proficient in seals, so i believe that seals is provided from the Uzumaki? and speaking of them, where are they?"

"Well yes, they are provided by them, and the Uzumaki is situated a bit far from the compound, i actually don't know where are they, but i think that it's in the north of the compound if the rumor with the other spy is true."

"Right..." some moment of walking later the were climbing some hill, while wanting to know where are they going, he wanted to ask that question for a while, he said "So how is being a spy is like?"

He looked at his brother for a moment, then looked at the ground and said "Well not the exiting stuff that's for sure, while other is pretending to be some basic civilian, i was pretending to be an orphan, and joined the academy and be a genin," when he finished his phrase, we got in the limit of a cliff, looking at the forest where our clan is supposed to be, "it is truly amazing view isn't it?" then looked at izaku who seems to contemplate the horizon.

While izaku saw some of the most beautiful landscapes in his previous world, this one can be in a special place in his heart, the never ending forest with the soon to rise sun, it was truly an incredible view, and it somehow remind him of a game that he played every free time he got, or when he got back from school, "Yes..."

He chuckled a bit and said "i really want to see your reaction one day when you will see konoha from the kage's heads, anyway, let me tell you my journey in konoha, when i got in the village, i was nervous, the risk of being known as a spy can be truly an horrible experience, but i got over it and decided to be in the academy, while i was pretty good i needed to mask my real potential to not attire attention from others, from always masking your chakra level and pretend to be average in taijutsu, it was hellish."

"So anyways, i graduated and got an team of an stick in the ass sensei, goofy not alike uchiha that somehow look like me, and an pretty good kunoichi, so we started with some basic genin level stuff, d-rank mission, spars, ect..."

And so the brother continued his story of D-ranks mission and how annoying those mission can be, or his first C-rank mission and how long it can be, but the summary of those mission was pretty simple, and the report is made by his summon that, and this summon contract is special only to spies of the clan, and so he finished his story, but there was one question izaku wanted to ask and that is "If you had that kind of team, how did you run out from konoha? won't they start searching you ?"

Somehow, he got and sorrowful look from his big brother, and that what triggered a red flag in izaku's mind, not wanting to deal with an too troublesome sob-story, he just got up and said "anyway, let's head home, i think otou-san and okaa-san will freak out if they didn't find us, so let's head home."

The two brother walked along side each other in direction of the compound, entering the genjutsu and walking a specific path to the compound, it was truly an awkward walk, the quietness of the walk made it awkward to say the least.

So they arrived in the compound and got to do what they are supposed to do, izuku supporting his father and his mother, izaku reading as usual his novel.

And from there days passed to turn into weeks, until it become 2 months.

Training stamina is always annoying, even if you are an training freak you have to resent some way of frustration when you can't even finish 10 min of running without getting breathlessness, but you know, no pain no gain, so our favorite mc is jogging like a madman for 10 days, to get the 30min of jogging every 30min properly, those 10 days was hell, well not like the spetsnaz recruit training but for an 2years old body that was enough to get the feeling of dying slowly.

And the parkour, well it was not as hard as he thought, trespassing obstacles, and sometimes getting thrown water balls, well at first it was easy, then he added the number, and speed, and so every parkour session i have to dry my self to continue, it was annoying but well necessary.

Finally the kunai throwing, while i was confused at how was it done by ninja's, because in my former world throwing knifes is not like this at all, when he demonstrated the throwing kunai way, i never let my eyes leave his hand, and still i get confused, i theorized everything, from physics to the material of the kunai, i found nothing, but oh well anime world, but thankfully he is not like some teacher that does not give a shit of his students, and well he's my brother. Anyway, at first i always got it the wrong way, and thanks to my brother i see improvement, even if the majority of my hit is by luck only, i see improvement nonetheless.

And after every session i and my brother got in that place, well i am the one who ask him to get with me, even if it chatter my pride a little bit, i am supposed to be a child, and with that body if someone or something attack me, i am nothing more than a dead meat.

in those 2 months i also know more about my brother, our relation is improved if we can say that, and i can confidently say that he is somehow pleasant to be with, but not too much that is.

Now was the day where we will be changing our training schedule, well i am prepared to have hell weeks if i can say that.

I and my brother are sitting in our backyard like usual, i sitting and he standing lecturing me about my new training schedule "Now, you little freak, from now on your journey will be more thought than usual, and every passing day it will be worse, let me explain. It's 7AM, later on we start our training, from 8AM until 6PM, and we will start by basic stuff, jogging 1H every 30min, and every week it will be reduced by 5 min until it will be 15min, the schedule for this is from 8AM until Noon, It will be hard, and to assure you that nothing will be damaged, every session there will be a medic-nin to support you and diagnostic you if there is a problem. Anyway, after you finished every stuff you supposed to do in Noon, eat, read, whatever, later on from 2PM until 8PM will be same thing but harder, for the parkour it will be harder plus some work out for your arms, like 10 pulls ups and 10 push ups and alike, throwing kunai in a long distance,"

"But you know i suck at throwing kunai, every hit is luck, and it will be a while to get it right, so why do it harder if i can't hit shit with the basic stuff."

"Well, don't worry about that, you will be efficient in some way, anyway, don't interrupt me this time please. Like i said you will be drilled to get good arms, because the weight of a kunai seems to be a problem for you, so now on, every week we add 5 in your work out until 30, and 2 meter for kunai reach every week, max 20 meter, starting from 5 meter."

"Now, are you ready ?"


"I didn't hear you, you lil freak."

I looked at my brother with annoyance, i didn't want to spend more time than necessary at playing his game, remembering my time at the boot camp, i screamed "Yes sir!"

I remarked the panicked face of izuku for a moment and disappeared, i found myself in the room of my brother, i looked at him and remarked his annoyed face, i smirked "Kami, i didn't need you to scream like that you know? lil shit."

And so started the phase 2 of 1year training, for 10 months, cool, anyway, at first it was difficult as always, the work out with my arms was hell, and without talking about the saint jog, but oh well i can't do shit if i do not take out my fingers out of my ass, so i supported it.

10 Month later

Finally finished with with my body strength training, and kunai throwing, now i am 3years old, i must say, my brother drill is really special to say the least, thanks for that i got extra cm, but the most fascinating thing is, how i could do 30 pull ups and push ups so easily after 5 month of drill, i mean, normally a child body isn't supposed to even run, while me i could be on pair of my speed at the age of 10 when in my past life, i was amazed, anyway, i have now the necessary training to start the level 3 of his training if we could say that, and the kunai throwing skills is perfect, only a few fails with moving targets, but the rest is perfect to start the real shinobi training.

Now i am with my brother like usual, me in the ground him standing lecturing me the next cours of the training, so anyway, i started listening.

"...Basically, your Taijutsu training is getting started."


Oh god, finally, this was an nightmare to write, because i am really trying to get the best training course and the most realistic, without being and too weak for an world where itachi killed an kumo nin in the war, i am not saying he is itachi level, but at least just behind him, anyway.

Thank you for reading, dont forget the fav please, it's for the ranking.