
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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295 Chs

Chapter 219

"Lord Raikage, it was Teacher who informed us of the action mission."

Samui, as a woman, tended to be more emotionally intuitive; she clearly felt A's anger and spoke immediately.

"Teacher said that Lord Raikage is about to personally carry out a dangerous mission, and we will be supporting, accompanying Lord Raikage in its execution."

"I understand."

A's gaze was firmly locked onto Killer Bee, clearly, he was waiting for Killer Bee to give him an appropriate answer.

But Killer Bee displayed a totally nonchalant demeanor, seemingly not putting A's glare to heart, which aggravated A even more.

"Don't play dumb, you idiot. How on earth did you know I was to move out, and what on earth are you trying to do?"

"Naturally, it's to protect dummy big brother while carrying out the dangerous mission, ensuring that the Fourth Raikage of Kumogakure is unharmed."

Seeing he couldn't evade the issue, and noticing the disgusted look in his big brother's eyes, Killer Bee just straightforwardly began to respond with his awkward rap.

"This ain't some lousy joke, nah, it's a gorgeous rhythm, yeah.

Protecting dummy big brother is what all Cloud ninjas should do, naturally, I ought to, too, idiot, dummy."

"Don't you realize how important you are to the village, you imbecile!"

The Fourth Raikage cursed, utterly irate, his gaze filled with fury as it was firmly locked onto Killer Bee.

Killer Bee also stopped singing at this point, equally fixing his unyielding gaze upon his brother.

As the two were locked in such a headstrong standoff, Killer Bee's disciples could hardly bear it any longer.

Neither of them was simple, bluntly put, they were both heavyweights, and the disciples genuinely had no right to speak.

But continuing like this was evidently not a solution either. Finally, Samui spoke with utmost reluctance.

"Lord Raikage, Teacher, we feel that we shouldn't get hung up and waste time on this matter.

Lord Raikage's mission is crucial, and indeed, it does require manpower. Relying solely on the Anbu, I believe, would not suffice to support Lord Raikage in achieving the mission objectives.

But our presence is different; we can provide more help, better assist Lord Raikage in achieving the goal."

"Moreover, the destination Lord Raikage intends to visit harbors immense peril, and our presence in the battle can also render Lord Raikage more substantial assistance.

I speculate that Lord Raikage is unwilling to take others along on the mission due to the circumstances of the Third Raikage.

However, has Lord Raikage considered that, indeed, it was the Third Raikage not having sufficiently powerful aid that led to such an outcome?

While the three of us may not have the strength to be compared with Lord Raikage and the Teacher, we will not hold you two back either.

The most vital is the Teacher, who can provide ample support for Lord Raikage at crucial moments, thus avoiding the tragic recurrence of the Third Raikage's fate."

With that, Samui paused, and A, thus, sunk into silence and contemplation.

At this very moment, he had to admit that he was somewhat swayed, even though he wanted to argue that Killer Bee is the village's strategic resource.

However, those words could not escape A's lips, especially since he had always regarded Killer Bee as his own brother and was not willing to describe his brother in such terms.

His gaze tightly affixed on Samui, then shifted to Killer Bee, and after a good while, he coldly snorted, turning his head and continuing forward.


Killer Bee was somewhat baffled by this scene, according to his expectation, his big brother should have had more to say, or perhaps, should have taken direct action.

Departing without a word and not telling them what exactly he was going to do, this left Killer Bee quite perplexed.

However, just at that moment, A suddenly turned his head and spoke irritably: "Didn't you say you were going to protect me? Why are you still standing there unmoving?"


Killer Bee, upon hearing this, immediately understood something and couldn't help but laugh as he quickly caught up.

"Don't worry, idiot big brother, we will definitely protect you well!"

"I didn't expect you to recover quite quickly."

Inside a hotel within a region belonging to Iwagakure Village in the Land of Grass, Orochimaru, with a playful smirk, gazed at the shark-faced comrade before him, clearly recognizing him as Kisame Hoshigaki.

In truth, for Orochimaru, he wasn't one to interact adeptly with these individuals.

But Kisame Hoshigaki did leave a deep impression on him, such as the daring act of clashing up close with Uchiha Kaito.

Know this, even Orochimaru, who is well-acquainted with the Sharingan, wouldn't dare to undertake such a thing; Orochimaru truly admires the guts of this fellow somewhat.

It needs to be stated, such admiration is genuinely heartfelt; after all, considering Uchiha Kaito's decisive and lethal approach, the mere fact that this fellow has managed to stay alive is truly admirable.

Of course, this guy has paid a terrible price, but no matter what, he is still alive, isn't he? Especially now that he has seemingly recovered.

Such physical vitality really draws Orochimaru's attention because such outstanding physical quality is quite suitable for him to use for the Edo Tensei.

However, Orochimaru doesn't dare to act recklessly, because he knows that attempting to capture this fellow alive wouldn't be an easy task.

Moreover, if he genuinely wants to capture someone who can be well utilized for Edo Tensei, he personally feels that perhaps Uchiha Itachi would be a better choice.

Hashirama Senju's battle mode has determined that he still needs more potent power to perform better.

Relatively speaking, a person like Uchiha Madara, who uses the Sharingan, could perform even better.

After all, the Sharingan is adaptable to battles at various levels, and the power of the Mangekyo can achieve victories over the strong while being the weaker entity.

Given this, Uchiha Itachi, as a former member of the Uchiha, his body is genuinely quite suitable for Edo Tensei.

If his body could be used as the reanimation material for Uchiha Madara, then the effect might become even better!

However, now other thoughts have emerged within him, which is to investigate and understand the issue of the 'End' thoroughly, according to the path intentionally provided by Uchiha Kaito.

In doing so, exploring the intrinsic problems between the Senju and the Uchiha, and trying to find out some even more critical and essential information!

This path is difficult, inconceivably so.

After all, with just Uchiha Kaito alone bearing down above him, he simply cannot easily obtain the power of the Sharingan.

It can be said that this research is essentially in a semi-paralyzed state.

However, thankfully, outside of Konoha, there are Uchiha members, although they are hard to deal with, at least there is no pressure from Uchiha Kaito.

Especially Danzo, this guy, has actually stored the body of Uchiha Kagami!

Very, very few people know about this; Orochimaru is informed, but not comprehensively.

He plans to take action from these two aspects to explore the thing he has long yearned for, which also gives him some confidence and consolation.

However, how he felt, others did not know - at least Kisame, this fellow, was quite in the dark.

Seeing Orochimaru in his current state, he began to become unnaturally on guard.

"My quick recovery doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, Orochimaru.

Also, I detest that look of yours, just spit out whatever you have to say," he declared.

"Dislike the look, do you?"

Orochimaru lightly licked his lips, undeterred by Kisame's words.

Because he himself knew that he truly did look at Kisame with a taste of observing an experimental subject.

"Well, I apologize, but I am indeed curious about how you managed to recover so quickly, perhaps."

"There's no 'perhaps', Orochimaru."

Sasori glanced at Orochimaru, then spoke with a cold opening.

"Casually probing into others' secrets can get you killed, y'know. I can't believe that you, one of the Legendary Three Ninjas, wouldn't be aware of such a thing."

"Merely curious, after all, not everyone can live while their whole body is a puppet like you."

Orochimaru's gaze shifted towards Sasori, his tone at this moment particularly indifferent.

With his words falling, the atmosphere within this room became exceptionally tense for a moment.

Akatsuki's current members were not numerous; the immortal duo Kakuzu and Hidan were either taken for experiments or counter-manipulated.

And Juzo Biwa was already dead, and the recruitment of Deidara had also failed, meaning that now, Akatsuki was down to just the three of them.

Plus their leader and some covert fellows, it can be said that Akatsuki's current human resources were seriously lacking.

But whether there were enough human resources truly had nothing to do with them; they still possessed a do-as-one-pleases disposition.

Even under such pressing circumstances, they might still come to blows at a disagreement.

However, the only silver lining was that, even though the three of them were mutually irritated with one another, they had not activated their chakra.


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